How will the UN react when Trump mouthbreathers launch a civil war?

How will the UN react when Trump mouthbreathers launch a civil war?

The ultimate irony would be pakistani peacekeepers deployed to American streets.

The UN will protect all the major cities, which is where all the high IQ city people live.
They will sit back and watch all of the rural and suburban retards, who all voted for Trump, die from lack of healthcare and kill each other because muh 2nd amendment.
Queen Hillary will then take her place.

bring it, bitch.


I’m literally shaking right now.

They'll be as effective as they usually are. As in smuggling drugs, guns and women like they do everywhere else.

>pakistani peacekeepers deployed to American streets
>I walk by and brain him with my glock
>get a free automatic rifle

sounds fun

I'm pretty sure all the high IQ people voted for trump and vice versa

Yeah sweety... it isn't the Trump supporters demanding civil war. It's antifa and socialist lefties. Drop your meme flag and be a big boy next time ok???

You know blaire has a penis right?
(the brunette)

When Trump de-funds the UN, they will meet secretly in Africa (new china) and cry on each others shoulders singing kumba, playing pattycake, and sucking penises

bring it the fuck on...i eat mother fucking pakis for breakfast...they taste like shit....

You sound absolutely retarded as fuck, you know that?



The war will result in global disaster. Upwards of half the world population will die from the bloodshed and the aftermath will lead to ethnic genocides, civil unrest, massive protests, economic collapses, and much more. The environmental impact will take shape in the form of rising water levels from the increased C02 from the constant fires and fighting, droughts and starvation will be the deaths of millions. The world as we know it will cease to exist. The UN will take supreme authority and the remaining nations will in turn become super powers of sorts, they will use the UN as their agent for administering control over the hellish world which remains. Within the UN, scientists and evolutionary biologists along with a fancy of engineers will start to rebuild what was lost. And the final movement which will try to bring humanity back to it's original state will be the creation of the agency NERV.

"As fuck, do you know that?" Or "as fuck; you know that" woukd have been better use of the language when calling someone a retard.

Another duplicate anti-Trump post allowed to float around? It's just getting clearer.

Keep going with your bullshit you weak willed sheep. You, who cry at the slightest difference in opinion are just vessels for poularity. You think that being anti-government automatically makes you intelligent. But to dare to deviate from such thoughts is apparently unacceptable and you are branded with a variety of pretentious labels by the majority.

>The UN
>not a global extension of American Power
We're not locked in here with you

All captured foreign armies will be drowned in the frozen lakes of the North

I've been waiting my entire life for the day