How can you preserve whiteness while NOT fracturing relationship with other countries?
How can you preserve whiteness while NOT fracturing relationship with other countries?
"yoga pants"
lmfaoo. I love girls yoga pants
What do you mean? Who’s bombing? Look, terrorism is the least threatening thing to the white race, right?
Sooooo...I jack it constantly to idols. Like all the time. What does that make me?
How should the immigration be? Like “oh sorry japan, only 50 japanese for this year. Why? Because i just want the country to keep white.”
Like, no one in the entire history had that kind of reason for immigration laws. Even thirdworld countries never had racial based policies in immigration. And racial based policies means you’re the lesser person compared to those who are all about pure meritocracy. It’s like comparing the shallow girl to the deep thinker girl.
ANd to be western means to be better than others. What’s the point of being white if what you’re doing is not better than what other races are doing?
The Hawaiian looks displeased
You live there. You can't live here. Let's trade things.
Oh my. I just solved this incredibly difficult problem, because I'm not full of bullshit.
This guy is full of bullshit.
I like this men way of thinking.
Hawaii is not white and you shouldn’t be proud of hawaii. By your logic you could also invade Japan, make it your property and be proud of what japan does, like “heh japan is america too so if japan is great, i am also great, and i’ll always be the better individual compared to the most successful and hardworking and good moraled indonesian.”
based brother deen
What if people want to move there? What reason would you give to refuse them? What kind of lies you would spout, to make it not seem racial? Obv you can’t expect everyone to voluntarily do something that you want them to do, right?
Love that guy
Nigga, you gay? The best is no yoga pants.
Too damn bad.
Because I want the nation to be demographically white, reasoning being because my worldview is sane unlike yours.
I don't need lies, I accept reality and don't live in a fuzzy safe fantasy world delusion where unlikable facts don't exist and have no clear consequences.
Shove the whole ancap-ish rhetoric into anus. I'm done with your horseshit and you're not convincing at all, to anyone sensible or with an understanding of matters. Take it elsewhere.
But, at some point it becomes hate speech.
By being self dependent and otherwise peaceful.
Op is a kike
So you think your country should make racial reason to be very visible? So you’re okay with fracturing relationship with other countries?
I’m not. I’m just a ultrawesternized nonwhite, trapped in this thirdworld hellhole, wishing i was born somewhere else.
My dad always moved around when i was a kid. I didn’t grow up in ONE place. It makes me somehow a stranger in everywhere i go, cus i don’t feel like i belong anywhere. I didn’t grow up long enough anywhere to have an attachment to any place.
Plus, i happen to have perfect alignment with american values. My country didn’t do that, i did that myself. I became great not because of my country.
How about kingdoms in the past? How did they deal with immigration?
Living where you do, I'm sure you've seen enough shitskins to understand why we don't want them. We might lose out on some intelligent people such as yourself, but that is a small price to pay.
what kind of dumbass rhetoric does that statement even Mean? "Fracturing relationship?" What, you pick up that buzzword from some professor or you trying to write some shitty dissertation or something? They're separate countries with separate people with their own collective interests, you dolt, they're already fractured. They damned well will be when more outgroup biased traitor-tendency nature nonwhites like You are around same as they have been prior only moreso.
Yes. I am okay with "fracturing relationship" probably, whatever that means, if it means maintaining ethnic survival of my people. Clearly your smarmy bullshit is you own ploy to perpetuate whatever sort or jumble of people you identify with. You're no different than me, only you want to try and give me shit for the same sort of thing. Piss off with your whining.
yeah but it's fucking shit when they are fat
yoga pants should only be available in XS
Well if your reason is mainly just “i don’t want high crime rates” then race is not supposed to be the reason for immigration policies.
It means your country will not have good and positive relationship with other countries. Unless you’re okay with that, only for your obsession for purity then fine. Btw your race is surviving just fine. White people interbreed the least. But they also don’t intrabreed much anymore.
Our race isn't fine. We racemix less than everyone else, but we are also one of the smallest races in the world and we are quickly giving away control of every country in which we are a majority. We don't need you shitskins, we're full.
We deserve the modern america. Great sophisticated modern lifestyle is not traditionally white idea. Racial purity and traditional ideas are not gonna make modern society that is the only reason why whites can be proud of their NYC.
The most mixed environment in america is also the most modern. And modernism is the way to go. Anything that can bring new technology, is the right direction.
See if the whitest and the most christian state in america can do that.
Maybe you’re just afraid to not be able to compete with the bests of the world in your country. That’s fine. It reminds me of my country though, a thirdworld country. Fucking traditionalist freaks, i wish they die sooner so internationalists can replace them and make this country looks less and less traditional. I hate our natural character. I hate that we don’t look western. Oh well
Sage for fucks sake, OP is either a shill or a retard.
>whites can't compete with the best in the world
Amusing coming from a shitskin. We don't need you cunts, we're full. The idea that we need hordes of shitskins to flood into our countries in order to become "modern" is absolutely ridiculous.
NYC, by the way, is great because of Manhattan, a borough that is almost entire white.
>a white, christian America can't into technology
Nice picture of an admixed Moslem.
>Implying all Niggers will repatriate/expelled if ever, never mind in one day.
I prefer the Kaizen method, that being small incremental changes for you ignorant niggers out there.
Asia has surpassed European innovation, ingenuity because women became (((emancipated))) in Europe first (New Zealand cucked first to cuck in 1893) and thus "stronk womyn empowerment" is the root cause to the current "now now NOW" culture. Women are resource driven, control freaks, with small brains and weal bodies - hence they fall prey to (((Communism))) and Islamishit propaganda more so that even moderate T men. In summary, China will surpass America as the global hegemonic nation and Islamist Asiatic Faggot Putin will help Russia to ride the coat tails of this Marxist slanty eyed global transformation, ultimately all because kikes convinced 'girly men' in New Zealand to let women vote, which eventually lead to 'women's suffrage' and "stronk womyn" 'emancipation'. As a result, society is dominated by muh feels, "oh well you tried" where as savage chinks are literally running over people in the street/road, LITERALLY eating dead babies at every chance they get ( and making some cool things) all because pussies, pussies poisoned by kike musings allowed women to vote and over extend, which has brought men and society down to the weak and stupid level which most women reside.
Well he's right about homos and Muslims
Post your address and I'll fucking rape you till one of us dies. E V E R Y O N E with an IQ over 80 and a basic knowledge of history is aware that America (13 colonies/states) was the first white only ethno state, formed explicitly for white Englishmen with a 'free white persons of good character' immigration policy.
My point is you don’t need traditional values. I know you just dislike other races but how is different than disliking ~~Slipknot?
So fucking be it then, they hate us no matter what despite all the good that has been done.
But what makes americans proud of america is less to do with the white thing. Traditional values don’t make modern environment. And modern environment is all that matters, it’s the way to go, it’s the right direction.
Do you really think white people are going to stop fucking white people?
All the good? Ask yourself, if you were in charge, would you do ‘all the good’ that can benefit other countries as well? I believe you would do anything to hurt other countries
You do need traditional values. How much technology comes out of muslim countries, or buddhist countries?
>there's no legitimate reason to hate shitskins
Your people are ruining a country we spent 300 years building. You've invaded our oldest cities like the cockroaches you are. You live off of our welfare while attacking the very people who created this country and put food on your table. It's disgusting. If you shitskins are so great, stay in your own countries and build your own technology.
Racial based immigration policy is an outdated idea that shouldn’t exist anymore.
Just don't commit any atrocities it's that easy
>my country is shit
>your modern country needs more people like us if you want to be great
u wot?
That’s because muslim and hindu countries are VERY traditional, that’s why you don’t see them making modern innovation. See, this is why i’m sick of not being born in the right place.
>Your people are ruining a country we spent 300 years building. You've invaded our oldest cities like the cockroaches you are. You live off of our welfare while attacking the very people who created this country and put food on your table. It's disgusting. If you shitskins are so great, stay in your own countries and build your own technology.
I didn’t, and i’m NOT my group. I don’t believe in welfare policies either. I don’t think i’m great, but i do think that global free market is great.
Is that what most americans deeply feel?
You need ultracapitalism that’s all. The bests of the world competing and winning, getting the reward they deserve, anywhere, while the poor can only help themselves or die.
Japan's relationships with other countries are FRACTURED because they aren't letting nigger, arab, and beaners come into the country to shit out welfare babies?
But whites don't get to be a people anymore because of the scary racist white boogeyman created by the Jew.
>I'm NOT my group
That's what I've been saying for a while. Your group is shit. Some people in it are alright, but the vast majority aren't. Preventing all of you from coming here is well worth missing out on the few shitskins that are alright. If you care about your country so much, then fix it. Your people are cockroaches, we sure as hell don't want them.
If western aid suddenly went down to zero, how many non-whites would die across the globe? Without western military protection how easily would various people trade with one another? Without western medicine how many would die of gruesome disease? Without western technology how quickly would social and scientific progress develop across the world? Fuck you, you white hating communist.
Do they have racial immigration policy though? Is everything about race in Japan? How many japanese think about race everyday? Do they say “no nonjapanese in japan” in their policy?
But you just need the right kind of vetting. You don’t have to need me, you just need to consent living with me. If i can live on my own, i will, if i can’t, i’ll probably die or move out. No welfare policy.
No i don’t care about my country, i never said i do. I don’t care about my race or culture. My culture is western modern culture. That’s all. I don’t read local books or listen to local music, i don’t support the president, i’m not proud of anything other than myself. I’m not a collectivist.
But that was liberal internationalists doing their job. NOT the product of western traditional values, like burning the witch or something.
The vast majority of your people aren't like you, and we have no way of actually screening people for your qualities. More to the point, any amount of shitskins coming into the country hurts our social cohesion.
Fight to fix your own country, you'll never be welcome in ours.
Oh fuuuck off, dickhead. Get the hell over it already
>I wanna live with you guys in the place you've made.
>Reee. Lemme in. You're ruining our relationship.
"No, damn it. You're ruining our jam."
>Reeee! Lemme in!
This is this thread.
Forgiveness is hard, judgement is hellish.
You do, it’s called capitalism. You simply don’t let the government stealing your money to be given to the poor or incompetent. If they can survive in the west without welfare money, then they’re qualified.
>social cohesion
Only if you preserve the poor people
>fight to fix
I’ll fight for what i think matters. To me, it’s myself. Nothing else matters.
>in the place you've made.
You didn’t. If you’re not an individualist, you better take off that flag.
>just let in all the shitskins and let the poor ones starve
No thanks. I'd rather not have millions of starving shitskins in our country.
People genetically and culturally like me did make this country, and you newfags need to mosreso stick to importing over nag champa instead of being wrong.
Then don’t let the poor ones in. Trump is doing that, it’s called extreme vetting. And i, growing up in upper middle class family, was raised to be able to compete. And i will pass the vetting and able to survive without welfare.
>import export
That will not happen with both countries being enemy.
Also, those people were great, but you’re just as new as me.
>don't let the poor ones in
I'd rather not let any in. There's no need for them. We have our own people. You aren't wanted. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can move on from your fantasy.
Well i won’t move to your state. Probably somewhere in california. As long as i can be surrounded with those cool shops and indie music venue, i’m content with my life.
The petrodollar, and the fact that European culture is weak and submissive.
How does Japan manage such strict immigration policies then?
> "It's like impossible to only trade with other nations, they are compelled to want to invade us and so we must let them so at to not upset them."
Knife yourself cuck.
You have no fucking culture. Letting millions of 80 is shitskins in is not the same as letting a couple of doctors in.
Feel free to move to California. You'll love being surrounded by spics while paying $4,000 a month for an 800sqft apartment.
But the property owners that would accept me would disagree with you. The company owners that would employ me would disagree with you. The libertarian immigration officers that would accept me would disagree with you.
I will still move. That’s the only reason i work and save up my money. Do you think i care about family? I care about my hobbies, that’s all.
Wonderful, that's exactly what this country needs: more selfish people who have no desire to build strong communities. We are full. Full.
I don't think ethnostaters are against trading with people of different ethnicities, just having other ethnicities intermingling with theirs.
He really is this damn stupid I think. He doesn't understand this at all.
Like, how in the hell does practically everything have made in China or Mexico stamped on it? I mean, I'm not even a citizen or those countries. I can't vote for who I want leading them and it's just fracturing me, yo. Muh fracturing relationship, is reaching tiers unknown by science right now, and I'm so excited that I just can't hide it.
It doesn't bother other countries that japan is explicitly japanese. There is no justifiable standard by which they would be bothered by there existing an explicitly white homeland. The only people bothered by white countries ironically are the governments of those countries.
I don’t mind having no culture. It’s not an insult. As long as i can survive and be surrounded by people who are intellectually on par with me, i’m satisfied with myself and my life.
Ask them, do they have anything racial in their immigration policy? They don’t. Because it’s just not right to do.
Cool. I don’t need cheap life. Cheap life reminds me of thirdworld countries. If i have to struggle in order to survive, that just makes me feel like i’m individually better than you.
What counts as selfish? Not wanting to spare their dollars for you neets to buy more anime pillows? The world runs on individuals pursuing their self interest. There are winner countries and loser countries. What separates the one from the other is NOT collectivism. Winner people create winner stuffs that winners around the world want to have (or live with), that losers can’t afford. So that’s why winners in loser countries move to the winner countries and loser countries keep being loser countries until they all starve to death. That’s just how it is, senpai. That’s the most natural state of humanity. Surely collectivism exists but to a healthy extent. Yours is not healthy.
But not letting arabs in will result in arab countries not wanting to trade with you.
No you stupid. I’m talking differently here. How do you have racial immigration policy without having mexican or indonesian government be annoyed at you and cutting all the deals between yous?
Just tell them if diversity and multiculti is a thing now, you want to see other countries engaging in it
For a start, until Pakitan takes the same percental amount of UK citizens and provides them with free houses, welfare and health care and give them a free pass for exploiting Pakistani girls, no migration from Pakistan will be allowed anymore. For example.
Just treat them equally and expect from them the same they expect from you.
Tell them politely you don't want to be a cuck anymore and since they are very patriachal societies they will clearly understand this.
>ANd to be western means to be better than others. What’s the point of being white if what you’re doing is not better than what other races are doing?
Shitty argument. Muslims use that often. If you don't tolerate our intolerance you're intolerant yourself. Using the tolerant policy to install your own without complications and then you can be as intolerant as you wish. If someone asks you, why you're not tolerant against them now since they ware so tolerant towards you on your way to power, you just tell them, it's their problem if they were naive enough to believe this BS
>How should the immigration be? Like “oh sorry japan, only 50 japanese for this year. Why? Because i just want the country to keep white.”
Japan is a very bad example since they have a very restricted immigration policy and they are very race based. And have so low crime rates that police often not even knows what to do.
>implying losers don't also move to winner countries
If you country is full of losers, you shouldn't have any trouble competing there. Build up your own people. We are full.
I think you far, far overestimate the willingness of countries to break free trade over your desperate obsession with being in our superior countries.
I think arabs are going to sell us oil, and everything else, even if we tell them no Achmed you can't live here, too.
I think you're completely full of shit, to be get to the core of the matter.
Annoyment? Tough tits. I'd say it annoys them we don't just give them money for free instead of to buy things, too. Well, kys if you dislike it so much I say.
They'll sell us shit, live elsewhere and they'll like it. If they complain I say point at laugh. Kinda like I think we should do to you here.
>and they are very race based
I need proof on this. In which part does it tell that ‘non ethnically nippon’ people aren’t allowed to be citizen?
>For a start, until Pakitan takes the same percental amount of UK citizens and provides them with free houses, welfare and health care and give them a free pass for exploiting Pakistani girls, no migration from Pakistan will be allowed anymore. For example.
Look, i’m against welfare policies too. I’m an ultracapitalist. White or nonwhite, poor people don’t deserve involuntary help. I want to move to the west because i think i can survive without welfare. If i can’t, well, i’ll either die or move back home.
>Muslims use that often. If you don't tolerate our intolerance you're intolerant yourself.
That’s not the same as what i said, actually. What i was saying was that you should want to be anything that makes a more modern and progressive society. Because that’s what makes the west the west. Traditional family based values? Everyone else have that. To be traditional means to be worse than modern. And thirdworld countries are conservative and traditional. And i want to escape it.
>implying they can without welfare
I don’t have trouble competing here. But living easy is not what i’m after. I’m after living satisfiedly. I’m not satisfied living here, associated with these people.
Well fuck you then i’ll still move out as long as the immigration is not alt right. And by the time the immigration is alt right, i’ll be having my citizenship already. I’ll do anything to save my offsprings from growing up in a loser nonsecular country.
And America will never be satisfied living with you and your people. You aren't welcome. You should stop fantasizing.
That’s such a shit nonsense. Most americans aren’t like you, and most americans will like anyone who’s of good character, hardworking, intelligent, and doesn’t do harm to anyone. You are the freaky tiny minority. Most normal and functioning human being don’t think like you.
Based burger
>most Americans aren't like you
You aren't American, you have no idea how much contempt white Americans have for your people. Even the people who publicly claim to be liberals will privately talk about how much they can't stand shitskins. I've never met a single white person who rejoiced at the idea of more shitskins coming here.
>Like “oh sorry japan, only 50 japanese for this year. Why? Because i just want the country to keep white.”
Of course not. How much of a cuck do you have to be to think there needs to be an apology?
And we had exactly that kind of reason for immigration laws.
>What reason would you give to refuse them?
What the fuck you won't take my citizens? We're embargoing you.
>leftist understanding of politics
>“i don’t want high crime rates” then race is not supposed to be the reason for immigration policies
Why not?
Because some individuals of that race are not bad
But that was bad and just not the right thing to do.
I’m american enough to know what americans are like. I grew up with completely american culture and values.
>Even the people who publicly claim to be liberals will privately talk about how much they can't stand shitskins. I've never met a single white person who rejoiced at the idea of more shitskins coming here.
Look, i don’t want horde of incompetent colored people to move to the US. I want to move to the US because i want to escape indonesia, so why would i want the US to be like indonesia? I’m pro trump, pro capitalism, anti sjw, anti socialism. That should be enough for ticket.
>that should be enough for ticket
It's not. You must be a European person of good standing. You have no understanding of American culture if you believe that any significant portion of white America wants your people here.
>But that was bad and just not the right thing to do.
Who the fuck made you the desaginated moral compass that we judge our immigration policy off of?
But do they NOT want any nonwhite there?
But no nonwhite country has ever made that kind of racial policy. You don’t want to be on par with them, right?
They don't want any nonwhites here. Nobody does, except for other nonwhites, or female university students who have never been exposed to life outside of suburbia. Your people are a scourge on our country.
But not me though, i’m not, i believe i can contribute to the country as much as you. If i can’t, well i wouldn’t survive either. I don’t support welfare policy.
>But no nonwhite country has ever made that kind of racial policy.
So what? It's their right to restrict who they allow into their country. It is our right to use the same discretion as a sovereign nation. Whatever brown shithole could enact a law saying white people from the US are not allowed in, and my day wouldn't change. So what if YOU think you deserve a chance. WE have to let you in and run the risk of letting you in.
>You don’t want to be on par with them, right?
This statement conflicts with the first.
>b-but I'm different, just make an exception for me
The problem is that even if we had a way to filter out the non-trash shitskins, you will still have trash offspring that will ruin our country in the longterm. Also, allowing in all the elite shitskins from other countries will rob those countries of the very people they need to lift their people out of despair.
Of course it is. But i don’t believe americans have it in them.
If only i can trade one of my legs to be born again a different race..
You can also have trash white offsprings in white countries. Also, good people raise good children. People don’t become bad out of nowhere.
>Also, allowing in all the elite shitskins from other countries will rob those countries of the very people they need to lift their people out of despair.
Why do you care about them? I don’t. Should i? Why? Just because we’re the same skin color? I don’t want to be that kind of person. Because collectivism is objectively a bad trait. Remember, loser countries winner countries. No winners feel satisfied being associated with loser peoples. And winner minded people are always seen as radicals in loser countries. I could be kidnapped by loudly spouting capitalism and meritocracy here.
Just because they’re the same skin color as me doesn’t mean i owe them my talent/skills. A winner minded person, living in loser society, will not be as productive as he would if he was to move to the society that rewards him fairly. People are always individualistic. The world runs on individuals pursuing their self interest.
>people don't become bad out of nowhere
Biology is destiny. Sorry, but anytime a large enough mass of your people concentrate into any area, the area turns to shit. I'm sure you would make a good citizen here, but your country needs you more than we do. Enjoy the fruits of your peoples' labor. Allah snackbar.