The 2nd amendment is obsolete in 2017

The 2nd amendment is obsolete in 2017.

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Right, because the government would totally use jets and atomic bombs to force the population to pay taxes.

I guess that's why every organized military in the world got rid of their infantry and small arms.

Oh wait...

I'm glad my life isn't so pathetic that I watch the news cycle of other countries

Doesn't the Iraq war and the continued presence of insurgents in the Middle East defeat your argument?


when a bunch of 2nd amendment bullshit shows up on Sup Forums, there's a shooting somewhere over the next few days.

guaranteed they're going to stage a shooting just before the antifa protests to play down the fact that antifa "just needs the guns to feel safe."

this is pure predict-program.

mods, i suggest you alert the fbi of op's ip address so that you can stop a massacre.

no i am not joking.

We are not talking about the Middle East, we are talking about why the 2nd amendment is obsolete in 2017. Stop trying to deflect, Burger.

We would buy tanks if we could faggot

Then give up your arms, Canacuck, You can pry mine from my cold, dead fingers.

get fucked leaf

So is the monarchy. Who is Canada's head of state?

I don't have arms, need, or want guns. I have been protected by the police and the military for 22 years. And they will continue to protect me until the day I die of natural causes.


Kys OP

>yes, even that scary boogeyman in the White House

I wonder if the author would have said this under Trump.


Anyone got based japs screenshots that btfo this argument?

Canada has had their ties severed with the UK since 1982. And we did it without firing a bullet. The intelligence of a Canadian is far superior from that of a burger.

You trust this guy to look out for you?

You bet I do.

Gun grab = civil war

We need personal jets and nukes.

What's it like being totally unable and unwilling to be a man? I would feel like a complete pussy relying on other men to keep me safe and trusting evil people not to abuse their power.

Who is Canada's head of state?

Canada is a shit country run by nigger lovers. Die in a hole faggot.

It's not and you didn't even try to make your point, useless cucked piece of shit.

Military needs to be cut back severely, and cops should be forced to sell their weapons back to the communities they police. Every man, woman, and child should be trained to use fully automatic weapons.

Hey you fucking lizard-brained leaf. You realize the military is most pro 2nd amendment right? I'm in the Army, I'm not shooting my own people because of a tyrannical government.

The Prime Minister. The monarchy in the UK is powerless in Canada. But I didn't expect you to know that since you are a retarted burger and all.

Those people in the middle east are not legally allowed to own that kind of weaponry but they are still armed to the teeth and have been fighting US force for years.

OP is right we need to allow citizens to own private fighter jets

I was going to post a long argument on why this is bullshit, but I think this will suffice.


>Dumb hillbillies are told that they're a insignificant speck in comparison to the power, strategies, manpower, and technology that the United States government has on hand.

>Wants the OP to kill himself.

The US military kills Americans all the time.

>I rely on the police and military for my protection
>also fuck the pigs and baby killers


He wasn't deflecting in the slightest you absolute sod. You all get a hard on when you read stories in the Los Angles times speaking of foreign freedom fighters taking back their land with nothing but sheer will and small arms. It is completely relevant and a short read through contemporary history will show that an armed populous with knowledge of the lands and a cause to fight for will give decent opposition to superior force that is there with either a flawed objective or one they don't entirely agree with. If the government gave the order to seize all guns they would have to use the national guard and most probably the army itself. Considering that many of those people are gun owners themselves how long do you think they would run the course before losing faith in a campaign against their own countrymen who share similar views. Shut your cowardly leaf mouth, faggot.

Queen Elizabeth

>usa is getting btfo by literal camel jockeys in the middle east
>second amendment is worthless
pick one globalist faggots

It's legal to own fighter jets in the US, but they cost a lot more then a gun



>mfw pilots still have family members who bleed

The prime minister is the head of government, shithead. Elizabeth saxe-colburg is Canada's head of state. You live in a constitutional monarchy. Thanks for informing me of all the half measures your subject nation has taken over the last 35 years to give morons the illusion of an independent nation. The monarchy is obsolete yet you still live under it. Attend to your own house before interfering with your neighbors.

Same crap every day on pol. A bunch of white people blaming blacks for crazy whites killing whites citing heavily cherry picked 'statistics'

Here are some real stats losers, white genocide is real and we are winning the fight against you scumbags



In all honesty anyone not american needs to shut the fuck up about the second amendment americans don't wanna hear some fucking leaf bitching about their gun laws


>a fucking leaf

fuck off nigger, canada is shit.

The closest thing the monarchy has as power over Canada is a governor general who acts as a representative of the crown for ceremonial purposes mostly.
>Little to no political power

Here's a suggestion for you, foreign subject, mind your own business.


Please inform me everything that the monarchy has done/changed in Canada over the past 35 years.

Protip: you can't so don't even try,


A dictatorial government would be assassinated by patriots even if most patriots were killed by drones and high tech U.S. military power.

It's illegal for you leaf faggots to criticize Islam.
Let the U.S. gov't impinge the 1st like that and the 2nd will get exercised.

Then why keep it around, genius?

You tell yourself that, leaf.

Who do you think wants to be the last to die for Hillary Clinton or Justin the Tapette Trudeau?

(Answer: nigs and asslifters in camo Halloween costumes who won't stand a chance in a fair fight with real soldiers.)

Day of the Rake when?

Indeed you are

So is the 1st, we will establish a christian state and by extension and religious rite, an ethnostate.
Sounds like a good deal to me, you take all the guns, including yours, and then we round you up

no its not....warfare really hasnt changed that much from 1955 to now....and it has been proven that the us government is not very good at fighting guerrilla wars...its all about heavy weapons sweetie....

The US military can't get the job done in a pissant little country full of cave dwellers, I think the US citizenry will be fine. You faggots, on the other hand, will remain disarmed slaves who suck the queen's dick and are led by a homosexual puppet.

>No guns for people confused because they believe one day government may grow totalitarian and overstep its bounds
Fuck off, leaf.

Because Canadians understand the importance and value of being connected to other countries. It makes us stronger, even if that connection has no power over anything we do. Your shithole of a country will inevitably crumble under your isolationist policies.

It is mostly symbolic
>Canadians really like the royal family in particular
>Have you seen Princess Kate's children they are adorable

Suck it so good

That image is just

Maybe in Canada where their is no 2A...

Anyway by your logic isn't free speech obsolete with mass media and mass surveillance offering better (((solutions))))?

Decent level bait. Either that or an absolute retard who can't into rational thought. Either way I feel sorry for you.

>Le drone strike the entire civilian population so guns are useless meme

Then explain how people in Iraq and Afghanistan can fight against American troops. Also Americans troops are also people to.

Nah. Eventually President Kushner will get sick of Leafland being a base camp for jihad and send tanks to Ottawa.

White Canadians will greet the Marines as liberators.

Justin Trudeau will die in an American prison.


>Sup Forums will still take leaf bait


Is that why 90% of your population lives huddled together as close to America as they can? Abolish the monarchy before giving advice to your larger and better neighbor.

Please, I hate this country.


Canada has one of the highest gun ownership in the world. Canada is not Europe tier when it comes to guns. Also OP is def a city fag, prob Toronto.

It is fucking cold in northern Canada, like so cold that supplies have to be FLOWN IN from places further south


Do you have autism Burger? The Queen has absolutely no power over anything in our country.

90% of Canada is uninhabitable swamp/wasteland.

Please stop replying to my thread you are embarrassing yourself.

recreational nukes?

The US military cant even handle a bunch of Rice farming gooks


This is an American thread now shithead. So the Queen is like a personal firearm in the face of military hardware? Doesn't have any true power and therefore there is no reason to get rid of it?

This. I fucking hate this place so god damn much

>The Queen has absolutely no power over anything in our country.
Then why is she Head of State in your country?

>Dumb hillbillies are told that they're a insignificant speck in comparison to the power, strategies, manpower, and technology that the United States government has on hand.

>Wants the OP to kill himself.

What can I do to never write like this?


The Queen would be more like packaging that bullets come in.

Irrelevant, insignificant, and obsolete.


Eat sage and shit faggot OP.

> OP cannot into scholarship

>Do you need a gun to protect yourself from an overreaching government?
>Yes, possibly

Holy shit the left have brought hypocrisy to an artform

This meme is very dumb. The US is nto capable of deploying fighter jets to engage individual citizens exercising 2nd amendment rights. It's like saying, how are your guns gonna help vs nukes huh?? Yeah no shit.

>leaf doesn't respond to this post

>Irrelevant, insignificant, and obsolete.
Doesn't that make her the perfect head of state for Canada?


1. You understand that when your life or the life of a loved one is at risk, you have seconds to act and the police is five minutes away.
>former Major League Baseball pitcher John Rocker wrote on “the undeniable fact that the Holocaust would never have taken place had the Jewish citizenry of Hitler’s Germany had the right to bear arms and defend themselves with those arms.”
>In the Washington Jewish Week on Jan. 24, letter writer Jonathan E. Grant railed against the current “suicidal tendencies of the Jewish community,” and the strongly pro-gun control positions of many of its most prominent institutions.
>“Have we learned nothing from the events of World War II, when the ban on the civilian possession of guns led to the deaths of our people?” Grant wrote. “Had the Jews had pistols and rifles, 6 million of our people would not have died like vermin in the hands of the Nazis.”
So you approve a gun ban?

We burgers can be pretty smug, but I know that we are one shitty president and a few false flags away from being Leaf 2.0. I hate to see what's happened up there.

You see Canadians? This is why we hate you.