The Midwest should be a free white country

We don't deserve to be slaves to this Israeli puppet state.

Other urls found in this thread:

Lol youre a puppet? It must be sad being so weak.

Is this a Midwest Alliance general?

>No Natural port.

It wouldn't survive 5 years.

We have the Mississippi and the great lakes dumbass. Also this isn't the 19th century retard.

Yeah, the trade route through the Great Lakes could be easily blockaded at the mouth of the St. Laurence river.


>what is a blockade

Where do you import goods from when a war outbreaks?

Here's our website

Cascadia > Midwest cuckolds

Oh yes we're totally economically dependent on other countries right?

please nuke Chicago

t. Chimpago suburbs fag


Serious question, why is it when whites flee from niggers and try to build a community for ourselves that the fucking chimps feel entitled to come ruin it? We should do a social experiment where we have two state, one white one poc. No government handouts, let this go on for 6 months and see where each state stands.

Top kek why do we also get shills every god damn time? Do they fear us that much?

why mid west
why not mid east.

You could probably include Montana and Idaho. Based 90+% white states.

Tell that to Switzerland.

Don't worry we will nuke it and make sure it's as good as dead

We will expand overtime

Also PA is a mainland state aswell. This pic is old.

Agreed. Kansas City for capital

Almost all of those states vote left.

Add ID to the image already.

Were planning of building a new capital somewhere along the Mississippi.

Good. Nothing of value comes from thereanyway

Good. Nothing of value comes from there anyway

Listen here you dumb fucking fucks. There is nowhere left to go on this planet for WHITE PEOPLE. We can not give up any of this continent. We are already being over run. There is no creating a white space with out having to fight for it. Physically fucking fighting. The PNW/Cascadia will never happen while they are being lorded over by the 9th circuit court.

>that post
Oh the irony

>What is election map?

We literally only have farmland and factories you retard



Anyways it's bedtime for me. Keep this bumped for Midwestern glory.

I like to call it (((Rahm Emanuel's))) Monkey Reservation

Wew lad. Universities now house the most athletic ones.

>largest freshwater access on the planet
>breadbasket of the world
Oh no what will we do?

I'd be fine with a Midwest Alliance with a Pennsylvanian Republic as it's neighbor. Just as long as we give Philly to NJ.


Duluth MN is the furthest inland sea port in the world. Granted we'd still need to negotiate that shit with the eastern half of the continent but we have access to the oceans via the great lakes

landlocking yourself is a good idea



god what an awesome night that was, how could they even pretend it was muh russia when you jave ALL the rural and even suburban areas voting trump and ALL the shithole welfare cities voting clinton

I would consider Montana, Nebraska, and Colorado to be Midwest just as much as the other solid red states, if not more so than Ohio

Grew up near KC. It's becoming St. Louis. Missouri's mostly paleocon-ish. Rural. Working class. Lot of beer, guns and Jesus Christ.

KC, St. L and Columbia are Progressive though. The idea of KC as capital of some Alt-right Utopia makes me laugh....


The Midwest belongs to the American Indians. Long Live the Republic of Lakotah!

Don't call it a reich for all that's holy. No reference to Germany or German culture. Just avoid it all, not even be inspired by. Alliance is a pleasant word, even Band is a nice word. New Midwest European Ancestral Colonies. It's all about A E S T H E T I C S. Best of luck bros, I'll come visit in a year if there's something to show.

Hello, potential allies.
They have the largest percentage of whites of all the states. Go back to your niggershit dixie threads.

The Republic of Lakotah died in the 1860's and 70's.

You are culturally irrelevant because you allowed yourself to be invaded by a different culture. Much like Europeans are doing now.

>he thinks west virginia, maine, vermont, and new hampshire are in the midwest

To be perfectly honest, outside of the South, all you have to do to cleanse most nogs from our society is to barricade the cities and have a shoot-on-sight policy for any minorities

all of our non white are in containment cities. the south is majority black. you wont rise again.

I'll give you that, I didn't expect that area to be so white. MW is still pretty white though desu


PA is rightful Anglo clay. Kruats need to eat shit,

Can we cut shitcago out?


why get rid of a great city? itll be cleared out and repopulated

I like it, it would be fairly easy too.

I am a big fan of keeping the 13 original for ourselves, and letting the rest sort it out. I have no trouble chasing someone out.

Midwest alliance fags:
Y'all got some kind of communications? Discord, forums, imageboards, etc?
Any concrete ideas or y'all just memeing?

you can always check out our website for more information

>Americans' hope for a white ethnostate becomes increasingly diminished and delusioned as their ideas for land move further inward to an increasingly small amount of territory

ultimate cucked. this "plan" of yours is so absurdly unrealistic, I don't even know where to begin

Referendum to preserve midwestetn race when?

>check out our website
>exactly 1 article

Fill it out a bit more before I trust y'all aint memeing

T. Non Midwestern nigger

we actually had a larger site with about 10 articles. post Unite the Right however it got shut down. working hard to get everything back in order

Oh okay.
Still though, try to get more activity and don't let it die like Harold Covington did the NWF idea

You should give that tumor of a city to Jersey regardless.

t. Delusional retard

you're wasting your time on fantasies when you could be investing your energy into more realistic avenues. it's like a bunch of kids on a video game forum. it's like that cringy kid in high school who said he was going to be a rapper, it's just ridiculous.

Will do! we actually just got this up about a week ago so stay tuned. more to come

Kek wills it

Bensalem, PA
only thing bad here are the niggers from philly that come to our malls n sheeeit

not including ky ya gay or something?

importing goods is for fags real men produce there own, they do need ky though

Francis Bacon had an influence on naming that town at the very least.

If I was President of the U.S.A.
South America would become USA South