study proving babies raised on formula develop lower IQs compared to breastfed babies
TIME says "breast is best" is not true and hurtful to women !
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lemme suck on those tities
I'm so fucking sick of Jews.
Motherhood Is Hard to Get Wrong. So Why Do So Many Moms Feel So Bad About Themselves?
Formula also causes women to stop lactating, making their babbie dependent on formula until it's weaned. Some jew somewhere is profitting.
>having standards is hurtful
>stop having kids, goy!
kikes need to die
breast feeding aside momsplaining is a legit problem, kikes come out of the woodwork to layer guilt on parents for all sorts of stupid shit
can we make people believe that formula is racist because it holds the same position in society as some negro slave wet nurse.
white privilege = not having to feed your own kid
>female journalist
No thanks.
this it is not even funny anymore
It also causes a weaker immunity system
When did the left become so anti-science?
Only libturds read this shit. The left is destroying itself.
Thanks jews!
didn't they equate breast feeding to motherhood awhile back?
Good luck getting through the first 2 weeks without formula unless your missus is some kind of primeval fertility milk goddess
>baby starts crying
>mother has to get up and spend an hour breast feeding
>repeat in 2 hours, assuming she even puts out enough to feed the baby
>baby starts crying
>anyone can roll out of bed and feed him formula in 5 minutes
>still repeat in 2 hours because babies are a nightmare
t. Sleep deprived new dad
Notice how they're white?
What have you done to me Sup Forums
The article features moms that are in their late 30s
Breast-feeding is the only natural way to feed a baby, it's what breasts are for, and it's the way nature intended. Don't fall for the Jew's reverse-psychology and feed your child full of hormones designed to subtly stunt their growth.
Almighty save this wretched world.
Are breast pumps not a thing in Australia?
Didn’t they have other women who were lactating that could fill in as necessary back in the day? Its like humans evolved to be communal animals or something...
Yeah, but they made mammies illegal in the 1860s
>uses a white looking woman to make race-mixing seem more attractive than it is
This will be some trans shit. Breast milk is crucial to a childs health but because trannys dont have tits we'll say it's a myth so we dont offend people. The worlds gone crazy.
Post your Height and whether or not you were Breastfed
>tfw manlet
>tfw when no milky
>tfw 5'7" or 8" on a good day
a-at least I have a good IQ!
>tfw milkies
>tfw alpha manlet
Nestle is a problem.
even pumps have been shown to be not as good as straight from the source
there's crazy hormones and shit involved
your a pathetic excuse for a man and your wife's a trash whore. My wife has birthed four children and breast fed exclusively every single one. A babies sleeping position should be near the mother in bed thus right at the breast to feed as necessary
>130 IQ (tested by a psychologist not some online bullshit)
>exclusively breastfed while listening to classical music
I feel bad for all you milklets who's mothers didn't love them.
Agreed desu
>poor me .txt
breast milk is best for babies
>motherhood is hard to get wrong
Fucking bullshit.
Most parents are garbage parents.
Guess my missus is a Primevel fertility milk goddess. Stop getting hitched to subpar women, faggot.
Please stop posting your IQ as if anyone believes it. Jesus hates you.
Mad IQlet that got the formula detected.
formula baby
Should I even keep living at this point? I'll never be as smart as I could have been.
Also, you colossal fucking idiot;
>assuming she even puts out enough to feed the baby
breastmilk production is driven by demand. If you don't pump or the baby isn't at the tit feeding, the body doesn't produce the milk. Read a fucking book before talking out of your beta failure as a father cock holster.
Clearly you are both poor parents, and I feel bad for your crotch fruit. It got fucked in the genetic lottery.
any women is that tries actually feeding the baby. 10:1 this faggots woman isn't even trying and making him wake up all night feeding the baby formula like a fucking beta
I'm gonna call bullshit on that, and demand a source
>IQ 128 as tested by a professional
>Mom stopped breastfeeding me at 2 months
I might have that extra inch and 2 IQ points if she had only loved me. Sad.
The issue is people no longer realize someone had to pose for a camera to take that picture
It's also why Pedowood goes unchecked, people are diluted
Father of two here to give you some advice. Cosleep with your baby, then when he/she wakes up fussy and hungry all your woman has to do is roll over and stick a nipple in it's mouth. Also it's 100% your fault for impregnating a woman without ample enough mammaries.
Moar titties.
father of 4 here, listen to this man. I never understood other parents who would complain about being all tired and baby not sleeping through the night until I realized they fell for the separation jew. Mankind has slept baby at breast for thousands of years until Schlomo tells mothers not to do it for the past 50 and they all believe him creating generation after generation of dumb formula sods with attachment issues