why do you all hate isreal?
its the only stable country in that region, why not support it to try and stabilize?
why do you all hate isreal?
its the only stable country in that region, why not support it to try and stabilize?
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Bump, genuinely curious, what did they do?
They're a bunch of jews
>only stable country in the region
What kind of IQ 89 comment is this? Jordan is more stable, Saudi Arabia is more stable, Qatar is more stable, the UAE is more stable.
Syria was stable until Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar & the US fucked it up.
Hey fucktard. Iran overthrew Yemen. Saudi Arabia is engaging in counter-terrorism in Yemen.
In Syria we had a civil rights movement responded to by the state with snipers and shelling.
Jews fuck everything up. They genocide Palestinians, they hold contempt for Arabs as a whole. They send our country into wars to expand their land. They provoke nations and break international law. Israel is an illegitimate nation and the #1 threat to planet earth.
They've done 9/11, USS Liberty, killed JFK, Pulse Nightclub, and Las Vegas.
Fuck Israel and fuck Judaism.
>only stable country in that region
Because it's khazars not Jews.
isreal is a fake nation, it was promised to the jews for money back in ww2 by churchill
really if you want to fight antifa just use hammers and sickles to remind them that it's not good
American belongs to the American Indians. The treaties broken by the settlers prove that.
Did you ever think that maybe the the reason for regional instability is due to the illegal actions of the occupied state of Israel?
>In Syria we had a civil rights movement responded to by the state with snipers and shelling.
Dont let your Nationalistic Ego make you lie on the internet annon.
But how to support?
No, it was desert that was farmed by Jews who bought it in the 1890s. You guys were massacring Indians at the same time.
No. Yemen was overthrown by Iran.
No clown. You're thinking of the 1982 Hama rebellion. The 2011 Protests were student led and democratic.
not an argument.
Anglos need to go back to England.
It is the reason it is the only stable country in the region
reason why they're the most stable in the region is because they destabilized everyone else
They meddle in our foreign policy
This is a no lying about Israel Zone, no lies will be tolerated.
If they don't take our side against the nonwhites, then why should we?
USS Liberty
Common Core
No. Iran was overthrown by Yemen, You're a liar.
Everything was stable until Israel showed up.
No, wrong. The Jews peacefully bought land from the Turks in the 1890s. The British entering the region had to do with world war 1.
Every "civil rights revolution" not only in the middle east but from the 60's to date have been planed by CIA.
Now I would like to point out your :
>In Syria we had a civil rights movement
We annon? we? your ego is making you say things you know are not true.
Civil Rights movements aren't rebellions. Secondly, the US overthrew its strategic ally Mubarak?
t. Mccain's intern
Because I am forced to pay taxes that fund US military and financial support for Israel, while Israel does jack shit for me and destabilizes the Middle East for its own gain.
Your meme is retarded. "Terrorism" began after Russia invaded Afghanistan.
Gee, when you tell all of europe and america to take refugees but you dont take any and your immigration laws are the some of the most extreme.. id say its pretty easy to be stable. Plus when your greatest ally sends billions of dollars to you.
Found the worthless Shia.
To give the full control of Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood? the US? I would neva...
But I remember all those CNN, MSNBC, etc 24/7 news about
>Look at the poor Egyptians. Look at the poor brown people. Isnt Mubarak evil? Think of the children
Actually are you ignoring the Kind David 1948 bombing by Israeli Terrorists?
The CIA and Mossad literally trained, recruited and created Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.
General Zia helped aswell.
The US has always not given a shit when the Saudi's were fucking up entire Islamic populations with there stupid version of Islam. Fucking ruined Pakistan.
how can a man with such a cool name be such a faggot?
>"Goy why do you hate us? WE single-handedly brought peace to tha region! Now we demand anodda 15 billion in UN aid because otherwise, we woulda 'collapse' and have to fund ourselves."
>"Oy Vey Palestinians get lost! We will kill and rape your women and bomb your hospitals and schools till you realize Isreal is ours."
Please fuck off Juden.
>tfw I'm Sunni.
When are you going to give back iran's money.
Imagine if China removed Trump and then got the whole world to sanction you and then armed Mexico whilst installing Hillary as your Queen.
>its the only stable country
Why do you think no Arabs want freedom, only everyone else in the world?
Literally haven't refuted those points.
Really makes you think Schlomo.
The violence was begun by the Palestinians in 1947.
Iran overthrew Yemen, faggot. I don't care what happened 50 years ago.
Stop dogging my points and moving the goal post annon.
You look silly.
Israel is only stable because of America. If Israel wasn't sucking America's tit, Jews would destroy their host with their greedy, nihilistic nature and move on to another land to infect like the parasites they are.
Because they intentionally sank a US naval ship, and attempted to frame it on Muslims, so we would invade.
Several of their top intelligence officers have been caught red handed selling out political and military secrets to Russia and China.
Jews murdered my savior.
Jews run the godforsaken media and Hollywood.
Jews literally think Christians are cattle, to be raised, farmed, worked as beasts of burden, and executed. Ever wonder why you were born with a social security number? There is another animal on the planet born with a number for inventory purposes. Cattle.
Do I really need to go on?
They break too many rules and do nothing but cry wolf. They are also the only country to receive in full their foreign aid package at the beginning of the fiscal year so they can profit from the maximum interest on said "aid".
America didn't really care about Nazi Germany until Japan bombed us and we got entangled with all the alliances.
They weren't parasites. They farmed desert and turned into an oasis.
They are not cucked like the West when it comes to nationalism and celebrating terrorist neutralization.
I'm not. Why would the US overthrow its ally Mubarak?
Jews own the media
The media is anti white propaganda 24 7
Stop acting like an enemy and you won't be treated like one
You are clearly baiting.
Because of American taxpayer shekels.
Thanks for not answering.
Stable? What the fuck are you talking about? It is basically the epicenter of all retarded shit happening in the world.
No, its not. Iran started the Yemen War. Iran is why Syria is still going on, you're spreading a blood libel.
Israel has been in constant conflict since... when have they not? They are the main antagonist of every story, consistently. Because of their ooga booga good goy claim to fame.
they have to go back
it is tho
I don't. It's a good example to my nation, it was a proxy but then it developed its own weapons and now it is a power in its own right.
My nation should do the same and resume autonomous weapons development.
I have no problems with Israel, it can and should self-determine. My country helped create Israel, I have relatives who provided """Logistics (this means killing a lot of people)""" during the 6'day.
Anglos have always assisted Israel, it is originally an Anglo creation.
The strife between the Jews and the Palestinians is itself an Anglo legacy as greedy sultans under-reported their populations to avoid taxes to the British crown.
I view Israel as a sibling nation since we share common parentage and values. They are an important member of western civilization, and part of a vital bulwark against the East.
But I also don't learn about the world through memes.
This is why Moshe.
This is blatant Jew lies, go back and join your Yishuv Isaac. Iran didn't overthrow Yemen, Foreign Jihadis started the war in Syria, Palestine wasn't a desert before the Jews came, and the Jews didn't legitimately buy the land from the Ottomans.
This. Israel makes sure to fuck the entire region and if any country becomes scientifically advanced and self-sufficient like Iran, they automatically become a threat to Israel and risk getting invaded like Iraq.
Jews were doing terrorism in Palestine since the 1880s.
I'm gonna woke you.
Iran DID overthrow Yemen with Houthi Terrorists in FEBUARY 2015. Syria, like all the other Arab countries began as a civil rights movement.
Yes the Palestinians massacred Jews in 1929.
>Palestinians massacred Jews in 1929
Yeah, they should do it again and this time more effectively.
Fucking Jew barely speaks English, might as well type in Hebrew.
maybe the Palestinians were angry that the jews were taking the land they grew up on
You mean like what the Indians did to you?
But no, in actuality it was a bunch of fucking desert that Jews bought.
When are you going back to Europe, swine? Or does the Mossad have to cull you?
1. Jews
2. palestinians were there first. they deserve their land back
3. USA is their bitch now.
When are Anglos going back to Europe?
only god fucking knows and he ain't telling us shit.
ya, kinda like the native americans
and no, they didnt buy it, they moved into it because the ottomans lost a war
>triggered jew
I agree with Jeremiah Wright. 9/11 was revenge for the Apaches, Navajo, Sioux, Seminole.
No, faggot. Jews were buying land since the 1890s.
>But no, in actuality it was a bunch of fucking desert that Jews bought.
The extra-national nature of Zionist land acquisition was well understood. In 1930 Sir John Hope Simpson, who became known for his involvement in refugee issues, warned that land purchases by organizations such as the JNF meant that the
land became extra territorial. It ceases to be land from which the Arab can gain any advantage either now or at any time in the future. Not only can he never hope to lease or cultivate it, but, by the stringent provisions of the lease of the Jewish National Fund, he is deprived forever from employment on the land.[31]
This, Simpson continued, is the reason Arabs dismiss the Zionists’ professions of good will. He refuted a justification for Zionist land expropriation, then already prevalent, that the settlers made the desert bloom where Arabs had left barren land.
It is, however, unjust to the poverty stricken fellah who has been removed from these lands that the suggestion should continually be made that he was a useless cumberer of the ground and produced nothing from it. It should be quite obvious that this is not the fact...[32]
It is ironic, he continued, that this charge is made even as Zionists spend vast foreign capital to acquire the most fertile land, evict Arabs from it, and facilitate cultivation for Jews only. Yet poor productivity plagued early Zionist settlements despite their bankrolling by Rothschild, and some land formerly tilled by Palestinians fell into disuse because of its acquisition by Zionists, with consequences such as a plague of field mice that tormented both communities.
The invention that Palestinians let the fields lie fallow was later used by the Israel state to justify its land theft beyond the Partition. In 1955, when the US Ambassador approached PM Sharett about Israel’s continued intransigence, Sharett dismissed Israel’s need to return stolen Palestinian land with the extraordinary claim that no Palestinian had been fully engaged in agriculture.[33]
Ironically, the Zionists’ vast infusion of European capital and rampant land speculation caused such inflation that many small Palestinian farmers fell into debt, and could only extricate themselves from it by selling their plot of land to the settlers. The tragedy of lands “temporarily abandoned because the owners have lost their cattle or other simple resources and are too much indebted to be able to replace them” was noted by Lewis French, director of the Department of Development, in 1932. “I should hate to think”, Sir Charles Parkinson wrote three years later in reference to the settlers’ destruction of Palestinians’ livelihoods, “that ten years hence our successors ... should say that perhaps in 1935 if we had had the courage we might have saved the situation”.[34]
[31] For JNF, see e.g., Stein,‘The Jewish National Fund’, 190-205; Hope Simpson, ch 5.
[32] Hope Simpson, ch 1.
[33] Confirmation of Simpson, e.g., CO 733/283/12, penciled 50-51; field mice, Hope Simpson, ch 1; Sharett, TNA, PREM 11/945, 24.
[34] Lewis French, Supplementary Report on Agricultural Development and Land Settlement in Palestine; TNA, CO 733/272/12 (Parkinson quote from verso of pencilled ‘11’).
>arguing facts with a jew
I wish you luck, user
The Arabs invited the British to throw out the Turks. Read about the Faisal Weizmann agreement. The Arabs didn't keep up their side of the bargain, its not Jews fault.
I meant to say the British didn't keep their end of the bargain.
>the Zionists’ vast infusion of European capital and rampant land speculation caused such inflation that many small Palestinian farmers fell into debt
sounds about right. these people really love their debt, when they move into a country they really make sure everyone around goes into debt
Hmmm. yes, yes, very pungent, my dear, but WHY is it only stable country in that region?
>its not Jews fault.
it never is... it never is..
because they practice slavery, they need to pay their own way
I dont care about jews or israel except in cases where the 8.5 million population country acts like my 318 million population country is their vassal, or when jews subversively or simply and increasingly publicly attack, demoralize, and defraud my people.
Qatar, UAE to name a couple
>No, faggot. Jews were buying land since the 1890s.
Enough lies kike. Jews bought land deeds from (((merchants))) who fraudulently registered pieces of land that they never owned under their own names.
>why do you all hate isreal?
I don't, I wish we would stop giving them money and pretending they're an ally, tho
Again, go back to Europe.
Retarded response.