>Be me
>Gen Z
>Socially progressive
>Conservative feminist (puritanicalism)
>Extremely anti-authoritarian
>Transsexual female
Do I represent a bright future?
>Be me
>Gen Z
>Socially progressive
>Conservative feminist (puritanicalism)
>Extremely anti-authoritarian
>Transsexual female
Do I represent a bright future?
Today I realized how wrong I truly was. I understand now the powers that be hate this website because of the free flow of information, I didn't even believe in shills to be honest but today opened my eyes. I realized how manipulated I've been through the mainstream media, the internet social media (ESPECIALLY REDDIT), and my general nature to dismiss dissenting opinions. I want to say that I'm sorry. Manafort's charges are for crimes committed a decade ago, The Podestas are under the microscope, Trump doesn't seem affected at all, and Russia "hacking" and collusion has disappeared completely. To add to that it seems like more pedophilia allegations are sweeping hollywood and the entire establishment seems to be in total chaos. What is truly going on? What have I missed this past year? I'm not a total Trump supporter yet, but if the entire power structure and uniparty establishment is going after Trump he must be doing something good.
Agreed we need to stop being racist and accepting of the diversity that makes us AMERICANS
No you should kill yourself faggot
Or he's just that big an asshole that people wanna see him fail
Gen z
>thinks this is a blog
You sound pretty hot to me.
slide bait thread
pick one faggot
>mixed economy
>Socially progressive
None of this makes sense
Sort yourself out before you come back here
>Be me
>Gen Z
>Socially progressive
>Anti PC
>Extremely anti-authoritarian
Likely paradox
>Transsexual female
>Do I represent a bright future?
By bright future you mean shitty bait?
Then yes.
I'm gen Z and a natsoc. But if you're smart you hide as a centralist/conservative and slowly change people's opinions by exposing them to tiny redpills.
Kek /thread
I'm Gen Z but i have exposed my power level many times
>Calling yourself a feminist
You do represent at least a good sign for our generation. Could you show us where you stand on the political test?
Jesus. How do you fit all that on your business card?
You're clearly not open to alternative positions, no wonder the world is fucked up, people are ignorant and stupid.
Actually, i didn’t read through OP’s post fully. Definite bait.
>>Socially progressive
>>Conservative feminist (puritanicalism)
>>Extremely anti-authoritarian
>>Transsexual female
Bait post. But you belong on the_donald with the rest of le redpilled xD
I am lib left on political compass.
See that's good and bad. My tactic is to cause small changes so whenever they go back to their echo chamber, they are thrown out due to their new perspective on things and how it doesn't follow the herd's narrative.
>Gen Z
>You will not access the site if you are under the age of 18
The state does everything poorly, trust me. I live in Iceland. The state sucks at everything. Come to the right side.
i am 18, 19 in december
The rabbit hole only goes deeper leaf
Good luck, burger friend.
Gen Z technically starts at 1995. But I'm 1999 so it's doesn't matter nigger.
I am not a statist, I am a centrist libertarian in advocacy of gradual decentralisation of government.
>being this dillusional
Get meds schizo
Disgusting trash is what you are.
Fuck off back to Tumblr or WordPress, this isn’t your fucking life blog.
good gentile kike boy
I am an alternative gnostic, not orthodox or protestant, so i don't know if you would consider me religious.
Thanks frozen bro, it actually seems to work really well. I've seen a couple of liberals get shunned from their groups and move more right. I've also helped one conservative go pretty much full fash.
>>Be me
>>Gen Z
>>Socially conservative
>>Socialist economics
>Do I represent a bright future?
Is this pasta?
It should be
Depends what country you're willing to ruin with your socialism
heh, welcome to reality. You still have a ways to go.
Along this journey you'll have questions. You may follow these questions to get answers, but in the end you'll only end up with more questions. Those answers you think would be an obvious answer, just seemingly don't exist. The rabbit hole goes down far. Eventually you'll wake up to a world you don't even recognize. The people lack the ability to even understand a seemingly natural concept.
You'll be lonely. You'll understand the world as it is and not as you though it was. But at what cost? You'll realize everyone around you is walking off a cliff, you'll reach out to grab them as if saying "why on earth would you do that?" And they'll look at you confused. And in this moment you'll begin to realize, you can't save them.
Welcome to reality.
>made up gender
But you’re on the left. That means you’re a statist, maybe small scale but you’re a statist.
All genders are made up, your comment is kind of stupid desu :/
Yours capitalist scum. True Socialism is nationalistic, to share your wealth with your own countrymen and climate the globalist capitalists is a thing we should all be proud of.
Anyway refugees don't work and white people have the most success
I'm not an anarchist so i guess i fail the pure litmus test of rejecting statism, sure.
You called yourself christian
Male and female are the only made up genders that count faggot
You don't think I agree with all of that? I simply don't put all of my eggs into one basket.
Lol, nice. I’m just trying to get people to accept the idea of turning Iceland into a real Ethno-state over here.
I technically am, but it is atypical to traditional definitions of religiosity, my beliefs.
I think his point was you have more in common with nazbols than you realize.
So are numbers, but we don’t call the number “1” “3”
You’re not even a libertarian
I understand, I just don't like being assumed to be a global capitalist proponent
you are one gigantic contradiction. sort yourself out or gas yourself.
I am a libertarian, I am just not right-wing, I am for small government, personal freedoms and relative economic individualism, what tennant of the ideology am I not following?
okay, I idenitfy as a female, I'm not dismantling the gender binary as such, I'm still a girl, I just had a different development, so I specified as such.
>Relative economic freedom
>Personal freedom
You can’t have personal freedom without economic freedom. You’re a liberal.
>>Transsexual female
If your bright future involves having to dilate the fuck hole made from your chopped up dick every day, probably not.
I think you're confusing libertarianism with that of a non-corrupted system.
You want a system like US used to be no? Techincally the old US system could be defined, by modern standards, as libertarian. Though at the time was just standard government
you represent a genetic dead end.
'Tis the price I must pay unfortunately
Fair enough, but you just said all genders are made up.
Personal freedoms extend beyond capitalism, you're just being dogmatic.
>sees pic
This site has some of the best memes
“Buy and sell” is the only personal freedom you need.
Why do you want a larger nigger population?
Gender is a manifestation of sexual incentives for reproduction, but there is no specific guidelines which represent the behaviour of any one sex and so ultimately gender is a social construct, but still a reality.
But why? Trannies only realise they've been conned once they've been chopped...they think it's a real pussy, it's a fake vagina that can't lubricate, if someone ever fucked that they'd need a whole tub of vaseline to even do that.
>Transsexual female
Stop eating soy faggot
I can tell you weren’t lying when you said you were a post-modernist
>Transsexual female
A very bright future.........in the middle of a burning oven :3
Only in a secure and fair society would I trust such hierarchical models of economics to be implemented, I am a transitional idealist, whether that's capitalism or communism, which ever favours prosperity the most.
> Gen Z Transsex nationalism
How to be nice... It's probably better than Gay nationalism, but it's a bit of a scary prospect
It doesn't seem at all indicative of a troubled past?
'Not being ones fault' is not the same as 'not being something wrong'
your a mix bag of fuckery
>time for a ride
I just want to be a girl, and the vagina helps people to accept my gender, I'm basically people-pleasing, I don't pretend it's real, I know it's an artificial replication.
I have low self-esteem naturally so all of this madness makes sense to me.
from another Gen Z you are a oxymoron
You need to start acting like a girl. Be a qt submissive wife material femboi
I don't support transsexualism to be promoted through nationalism, and yes I have a traumatic past and present, I am mentally ill which is why I don't think that I should implement tyranny upon anyone, which is why I'm for limited government.
We have proof now, post-modernism is a mental illness
Check the digits
I want to be married asexually for companionship except maybe if they develop artificial wombs and I can have kids, I would only have sex then.
Yes, but there are mentally ill people and there are normies, you will find brilliant people who are insane, don't stigmatise mental illness, you'd just be ignorant to opportunity and perspective.
Tumblr is for millenials. From what I have witnessed, genzs hate feminists and are probably a pretty right wing generation
I shouldn't really be surprised that someone with such a fluid definition of gender would apply that same lack of consistency to their religious beliefs as well.
I'm consistent, I'm just alternatively defining terms.
Holy shit I feel bad for you if your mind is so fucked that you can’t tell how insane you sound
I am pretty messed up, yeah, I am institutionalising myself to get help soon.
So you’re not consistent.
Help from what? Aren't you happy now that you're living in the gender you've defined for yourself?
whatever idc
I wish you the best in that.
I haven't transitioned yet, and I need external emotional support because my family have stopped loving me
If you claim to be a people pleaser, I'm sure there are plenty of chasers on /lgbt/ that would prefer you not to mutilate yourself and have to deal with a festering pus filled wound for the rest of your life. That thing won't be fun when you're 50, if you get that far.