See video of her defensively lashing out
She seems different lately. Here she's supposed to be talking about things wrong with Trump yet she is so defensive and frail about it. Hilldawg is normally much better and more put together when she's in lying politician mode.. Is she too old and beaten down to survive a testimony before Congress?
How do Hillshills reconcile the smiling smug Pepe version of Clinton with this old, feeble, defensive, washed up sociopath?
What is Hillary afraid of?
She's still suffering the aftereffects of a broken toe.
Too subjective. I don't read all that in Hillary touching the back of her neck.
Fuck these stupid Bombard videos. You CAN NOT tell body language from isolated clips. You need a knowledge, or at least an idea, of their baseline behavior first. Secondly, even with such knowledge, its all conjecture and is only right about 60% of the time - a little more than guessing. All these videos of hers serve as is a "informed" retelling of Bombards personal politics.
That being said she probably is uncomfortable, hiding something, and just generally being facetious.
>Implying we don't have a shit ton of footage of her normal baseline and it isn't dramatically different from what we see here. Of course she is being facetious, but she hasn't typically broadcasted such defensive insecurity while being facetious in the past.
She's mentally ill
>Is she too old and beaten down to survive a testimony before Congress?
You mean like the eleven hour one she did two years ago? Lets see you do it biyatch.
Get AIDS nigger. She's done hours and hours on Hillary.
This has to be some sort of fun part of the book or something. What tjhe fuck
I fucking loved this.
Has anyone done a body language thing on her? Every time she talks and someone asks a decent question her eye goes lazy and she looks all over except at the person questioning her.
Oh she's pleading insanity
Irrelevant. This is literally the current year and not 2015.
Is this shopped?
An online version of the book will confirm, just have to find one. I sure as fuck don't have anything by her
I just looked cause I was kinda dying to know... no text online cause she wants to sell it. Couldn't confirm
Thats because you havent actually researched any of this shit and assume the same is true for the person that made this video
there is normie friendly shit that will get you into this, "what every body is saying"
written by an ex FBI nigger, goes into somewhat light detail about shit like this and how to read body language considering the meme of "upwards of 90% of communication is non verbal"
pic related
It’s said that in times of struggle, your true colors are shown.
Oh yeah, I'm sure. The woman who's a year younger than Trump, served as first lady, a senator and Secretary of State while running for President twice just can't get it up anymore. It's the current year after all. IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR. Did I mention she wrote a book and is going on tour with it? What the hell have you done in even the past week other than shitpost on here?
hahaha I remember that
She's shitting bricks because the indictments are going to lead straight back to her....
I still want to read this whole book.
Day of the rope is soon and she sees it on the horizon
Hilltards will find a way to defend her.
and at the end of the day, nothing with happen to her
I there's so many people who are genuinely retarded on each side and so many people acting retarded in order to make the other side look retarded that I'm starting to feel pretty retarded being completely unable to sort out ironic retards, true retards, and covert retards.