I am a member of a prestigious organization that specializes in power and control. I can answer any questions you all may have so long as they do not compromise my identity or who I work for. Ask away, but please note that my time here must be short.
Other urls found in this thread:
Are traps gay?
Why won't Ben Shapiro's sister be my wife?
Do you eat ass?
Is your organization working with Antifa?
why are there so many of these larp threads tonight?
bad bait
>prestigious organization that specializes in power and control
that's not a thing, kid.
What edition are you running?
When will gommunism kill us all?
Hello. Was Stanley Kubrick killed for what he revealed in the film 'Eyes Wide Shut'
Even if you aren't who you say you are, it would be interesting to get an answer out of you on the subject. It isn't something that would compromise your identity in reality.
What is the circumference of a moose?
Post proof of wealth or GTFO. Only pics proving considerable wealth on private property apply, timestamp required.
Let's see that $30.000 watch or whatever the fuck rich people would have.
No, I said we specialize in power and control and "Antifa" has neither.
Never. Sorry if this isn't an interesting enough answer for you.
>Was Stanley Kubrick killed for what he revealed in the film 'Eyes Wide Shut'
Yes, he was actually.
Do you work for nintendo?
How good have we replicated ETI tech?
Ok I'll bite.
Is Donald Trump a plant by the elite or is he a wild card?
Prestigious yet cannot name it. Fuck off Illuminati wannabe.
>not realizing he's a nobody NEET out for (You)'s
>being this new
Mice pray to cheeseus
Originally he was a "wild card" until we realized how useful he would be in making the GOP crumble from within, at which point his victory was secured. But the question you are asking seems to imply that the President of the United States is a more influential position than it really is; certainly he has power, but ultimately the President of the US isn't a position that matters nearly as much as most everyone seems to believe.
looks fellas it's franky boy
>larp as fuck sage
adding to the Trump question, so I assume you and your group are against the republicans and conservatives in general ?
You're such a bad subversive it's obvious you're losing your mind. The people are awake. Trump is your worst nightmare and you know it. If you're part of the (((family))), know that your time is coming soon.
>Yes, he was actually.
But you weren't "powerful" enough to prevent the movie from being release, or made in the first place?
Sad, but impressive to assassinate someone over the course of their life by giving them shit food and no exercise until they were obese enough to have a cardiac incident. Very long game.
Bump for curiousity
We are not against anybody, to put it quite simply, we are just for ourselves. Trump was merely the right tool for the job this time around.
I'm honestly not entirely sure what you think you're saying here but it sounds like you need a rest champ
Any seasoned Sup Forumstard knows presiden'ts are puppets and Left/right is a dichotomy set up that plays into the ultimate goal of one world enslavement, etc etc.
Can you tell us something we don't know you fucking LARPING nigger?
Do you consider yourself and your people to be particularly good or bad?
also please justify your response
Are things according to plan?
Are elites in general satisfied or dissatisfied with the direction of the nation?
Will the USD remain a reserve currency?
we no who u ah if u dont stop we have a ten ways at getting back at u we hope u got the massage
Did Hitler kill himself,d id the Holocaust happen is 9/11,jfk assassination deep state and is the Clinton kill count real???????
>We are not against anybody, to put it quite simply, we are just for ourselves.
How can you be the Illuminati user when I really am?
sounds like OTO but they have no power.
Bitcoin Cash or bitcoin core?
Windows XP or 7 ?
Do you have any insight into the timing of Trump's trip to Asia starting Nov. 3?
I could, but you'll have to actually ask what it is you want to know without prefacing your questions in a way that defeats the entire purpose of it.
And no file size higher than 326 KB apparently, I can barely read this garbage.
This is a bit of a loaded question actually, fortunately it seems like you realize that. We are amoral. We do not do things like stop and consider how our actions will affect others, we simply do what we need to.
>Are things according to plan?
>Are elites in general satisfied or dissatisfied with the direction of the nation?
What nation?
>Will the USD remain a reserve currency?
It will for now, but not forever.
Yes, Hitler killed himself. Yes, the Holocaust happened. I can't really answer the other questions since they aren't even written legibly. 9/11 was indeed staged if that's what you're asking, the whole thing was done so crudely it's amazing everyone bought it lol
does your group believe in God/higher power?
Do they have evidence not commonly known?
Clean water
>6 gorillion
confirmed LARP
How can we take down Shia Labuttfucks new HWNDU faggotry flag?
>Yes Hitler killed himself
Then why did the CIAniggers say he was alive in their secret sp00k documents you dumb faggot
>Are things according to plan?
If you say so user.
It's Halloween. /x/ is too scared to go on /x/, so they're doing their usual shit here.
When are you fuckers turning out the power and internet you LARPfag
Are you trying to set up neofeudalism
same person?
when does Hillary go down
What matters to you and your group outside money? Don’t say control if the control if it’s solely for monetary gain.
> fortunately it seems like you realize that. We are amoral.
That's a bit disappointing user, probably not unexpected though
I suppose you are all quite tightly controlled in spite of some unorthodox `freedoms' you are afforded... that i would expect you aren't allowed to not participate in =)
How do you plan to make most water unclean. Nukes/dirty bombs or biological agents?
Which country could I move to in order to avoid the effects of you plan?
>creepy australian fag shows his dumb face
Who wouldve guessed
They're here? lol
One last question
What would you miss if you were to leave?
What's the deal with Palantir?
We worship Baphomet
Turn off Infowars buddy
As embarrassing as it is, she was supposed to "go down" a long time ago. The operation failed, and instead of trying the same thing again we abandoned the whole thing and decided to pursue a different avenue.
We don't even really care about money actually. Money is only good to buy things that we have always had, and always will. As stupid as this guy is he was kind of correct, our goal is to create One World. That's all that really matters to us.
We aren't going to go poison the world's water supply. It isn't really even "our" plan, it is simply something that is going to happen. As far as what you can do to circumvent the whole thing... nothing. You might be okay, since this whole thing isn't going to really hit the fan for about 20 years, but your grandchildren will be fucked.
Do you know that Jesus Christ will destroy you with the brightness of his coming?
How Jewish is your organization... 100%?
Read this in Albert Wesker's voice.
How can someone join your group?
Who else will Mueller indict?
What was supposed to happen at Vegas?
>prestigious organization that specializes in power and control
Disney ? Get back in the fridge Walt
i too am a member of the LARPer's guild
LARP me anything
This LARP blows: 2/10
you/your buddy just fucked up his LARP over here
You're a larping faggot unless you answer 1 question
Where's the cannon?
makes sense
Modern scholars such as Peter Partner and Malcolm Barber agree that the name of Baphomet was an Old French corruption of the name Muhammad, with the interpretation being that some of the Templars, through their long military occupation of the Outremer, had begun incorporating Islamic ideas into their belief system, and that this was seen and documented by the Inquisitors as heresy.
captia was stop sign next to water st.
Hi, user. You’re a Freemason, too? You pay your dues and go to the pancake social this year? I really hope this is a LARP and you’re not trying to make the craft look bad.
server2003, genius
this is so stupid lol
"We want one world government, save fresh water, the president in a puppet, we worship baphomet"
This is like high level insider larp 101.
You guys are the leash effective fucking NWO ever
Leave what?
>How can someone join your group?
Anyone can sign up at www.roblox.com
If you want a serious answer though, no one joins, and no one leaves. We are not recruited, we are created.
>What was supposed to happen at Vegas?
Nothing. There actually was no grand conspiracy behind that, we didn't even know about it until after it happened.
i'm the head of the german freemasons and op is a liar. water supplies will be good, there are no such plans.
also satanism is almost dead, too many people made suicide or got mental breakdowns/burnouts.
we had two meetings this year with trump and he told us that his team will expose something big in december.
>Turn off Infowars buddy
Shitty larp, kys faggot shill.
Why do you want to be at the top of a one world govt if what you say is true about not wanting now or ever? Why impose yourself? Do you think you know what is best for all people of all countries? Why don’t you care about the preservation of different groups of people?
dont you?
The group/cult/life? lol
If you could live as a `normal' person?
There is no such thing dumbass, I'm just LARPing. It was nice talking with you all
greetings, Op...Chosen One here.
Does the Brotherhood yet realize that the greatest obstacles to your objectives are the means employed to effect them?
Alright, I'll bite. There's proof that celebrities and shit post on here.
Assuming you're part of the NWO, a Yale/Harvard grad with Skull and Bones connections, or just plain old Illuminati, what is your end game? How much do things like the survival/betterment of the human race matter?
Also, are the elections rigged? Is your group actively trying to subvert democracy? Or is it already subverted?
Finally, what exactly is the reason behind the NSA Media Control machine? I just want to know if it's controlled by a genuine artificial intelligence construct or simply just a computer.
Lastly, have we actually contacted aliens?
Are you descended from Esau, or Cain?
Thanks for all the (You)'s user, I'll give you another one just to pay you back
Goddamn LARPER.
You could have at least played it out.
He couldn’t handle it
Why is the Gaylord Mafia trying to start a war with China/Moslems/(((them)))???
Also who pays you and what kind of benefits package do they have!
knew you were larping from the outset, OP.
but that hasn't any bearing on my interests --the transmutation of lies to truth is advanced alchemy. and so, you've deprived me my recreation and avocation. now you will endure a curse -- from this halloween to the next, a shitstorm's gonna rain down on you.
fyi, the baphomet stuff is bull shit. the holacaust is a larp. and merging your identity with the vice of sodomy was a terrible decision. homosexuality is not a valid identity, OP.
> Less convincing than you think user
Why are UN Forces deployed in the US covertly.
Does it have anything to do with the planned DoD test on the 4th?
>Yes, Hitler killed himself. Yes, the Holocaust happened.
Not that it really needed it, but this is the larp alert.
How can I become a member? I'll do anything. I'm fit, ruthless, high IQ, and well educated. I have zero morals or any white, male, Christian code of (bullshit) ethics; I live to conquer. That is my only desire.
I also hate the false prophet Jesus Christ and Christians. They are a fucking cancer who have done nothing but destroy great societies and people for over 2000 years.
>Yes, the Holocaust happened.
Exiting thread. Going to go get coffee
I'll play along with your larp; tell me about Pedosta, why does he fuck the kids?
Weve been comped. Mods are opposition. Mods have permabanned my alter ego for posting a pizza related killshot.
Im unleashing a palingenisis and now you all are to be the recipients of gods divine will and power. The time is now for you to transcend into being warriors of light.
Any opposition to God will succumb to terminal brain cancer.
Deus Vult ++++