(((They))) just pulled a fucking Corey Haim on Rose McGowan. Are you shitting me?

(((They))) just pulled a fucking Corey Haim on Rose McGowan. Are you shitting me?

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feldman, not haim. oops

who is this?

I'd usually be angered, but uppity feminist women are the worst. Let's hope they shut up this harpie.

Big difference. The story is too big to Haim her.

molested former actress turned twitter activist she played a large part in hollywood self-destructing these past few weeks

what if i told you that washed up celebrities do drugs

>pulling a corey haim
ew isn't that what got these (((directors))) in trouble?

From what municipality? These idiots need to move out of California. The weather isn't THAT nice for fuck's sake.

She is not our ally.

It finally cooled off, wore a fleece today. Summer just ended.

Her neck is very fuzzy.

Feminism is the female equivalent to MGTOW, it makes sense that both groups have neckbeards.


She mentioned Geffen today who is bigger than Weinstein

All scumbag hollow-wood maggots are on drugs.

all of them. There isn't one that's clean. They snort pills, they eat pills, the put pills up their ass, they do so many pills their skin starts falling off.

these people are garbage.



why does she look so terrible?

I think you're Jewish.

yikes. i remember when she was kind of attractive and didn't look like a pickled lesbian.

These are little warnings that they can do anything they want, goddamn the pedos really do run the whole shit

Good. Fuck this whore. Not /ourgirl/ at all.

We didn't like her user, we just supported her self-destructing hollyjew
She's a literal fucking nut

fuck this divisive bitch. she's in on it. they're not exposing shit. kikes did this shit for a reason. they're on next level shit.

the enemy of my enemy is my friend. alliances or failure. decide.

Has she blamed trump yet?

Most women don’t age well into their 40’s

She got in a car accident that wrecked her face. She actually looks pretty good considering its a reconstructed face.

>jews vs their golem that we re-purposed
>next one are the faggots & pedos
we will have them all destroying one another
keep fanning the flames brothers
don't let the constant shill raids here distract you

>Shillin to protect pedowood

The more she speaks, the more others will speak, like with spacey. Burn pedowood burn.

did they try to kill her once before?


she's spearheading the destruction of kikewood,you imbecile.

never interrupt your enemies when they're eating each other.

How hard is it to copy and paste a link?



they're trying to shut her up! this isnt good.


Oh shit, never thought of that!

leftypol pls
They are taking down the Juden, we will assist

maybe the whore should learn to keep her mouth shut when it ins't sucking dick

she is quite the whore. check out her fappening pics.

Look who is the governor of VA and you'll know why this happened.

Wasn't she diverting the blame from hollywood kikes to the evil patriarchy?

i like that she's helping destroy some of the fucks in hollywood but dont kid yourselves, this bitch probably is on drugs.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend

You're surprised she uses drugs?
Where have you been. We all knew that as fact many years ago.
She is washed out, bad plastic surgery, and has been attention seeking for at least 10 years

You idiots who are attacking her are trying to shut down the machine as it's about to overheat and destroy itself.
Sup Forums should be campaigning for the false charges to be dropped and the normies will view us as womens rights champions.
McGowan is a key weapon to take down the Pedowood cabal.

who is that nervous looking man who has yet to call out the jews and spends her time hating on Trump in her twitter?

she's already revealed everything she is going to
we have no use for her any longer

Normie liberal women will still listen to her. We need her to keep banging the drum and turning people against hollywood. Doesn't matter if she doesn't reveal anything new.

Weve been comped. Mods are opposition. Mods have permabanned my alter ego for posting a pizza related killshot.

Im unleashing a palingenisis and now you all are to be the recipients of gods divine will and power. The time is now for you to transcend into being warriors of light.

Any opposition to God will succumb to terminal brain cancer.

Deus Vult +++++++++

she's gonna do that anyway, probably even more so after these drug charges. we don't have to do anything or care.

Yea, a Corey Haim is when they kill you and make it look like a drug overdose as a message to all the other old used up pizzas.

Money talks in the land of the (((free))).

>Ancier Geffen
What did she mean by this?

The left eating each other. She’s pretty insane and I’m glad she will be destroyed. She does more harm than good. Maybe they will finally get her mental heap she needs.

shes a piece of shit, her sex tape sucked and her vagina is hope solo tier

just because she's a jewbuster doesnt make her incapable of doing anything wrong, plus she blames the whole thing on trump anyway

when you end up on the radar shit tends to happen. doesnt matter if your supposedly a champion of justice or some one who gets away with murder. in that moment they comb through your records. tax evasion, bench warrants for unpaid parking tickets you fucking name it

she was slinging rape accusations without ever having filled charges against anyone. we have anti defamation laws and rich people have lawyers and friends. she had to know this would happen and that her claims are laughable since she never went to the authorities. weinstein might have stepped down but that doesnt mean he cant fire back

no way. geffen?

>just because she's a jewbuster
no wonder you guys don't have gf's
nothing is ever good enough

HEY IDIOTS! Did you all think this was just a game? These are the (((people))) who are LITERALLY working to destroy civilization itself and genocide the entire white race.

DO YOU THINK THEY CARE ABOUT TRUMPED UP CHARGES? Remember what they did to Seth Rich.

Remember who you are dealing with.

These fucking kikes can't keep getting away with this shit. No wonder so many people stay silent about Weinstein if every time you try to speak out you magically get caught with drugs.

things are often good enough, that doesn't mean we have entered into a long term contract of support. it takes a great happening to afford a moment of our support, and that support quickly wains when not replenished with new happenings. we are no one's support group. we aren't on "your" team. ever.

She is the only real victim in the Weinstein scandal. I think she was raped. Lisa Bloom tried to pay her off for a reason. Instead of reporting rape, 95% of the news is about Weinstein getting shot down after propositioning women.

You would be mistaken if you think we care about adult victims who made millions. We care about destroying Jew Hollywood. That is all.

moar pls

That would happen without empowering roasties to condemn men for daring to try to get sex. Too bad you are brainwashed. Roasties are the biggest threat out there. 99% of our problems would go away if women's suffrage went away. Never side with hoards of roasties trying to get attention. Never.

Damn. Youngfags (no pun) don't know who
>David Geffen
is but he's the OG Final Boss Billionaire of the Gay Cabal in Pedowood. He's more of a power player Jew in DC politics than Weinstein even, and the company Dreamworks was founded by Geffen, Spielberg and David Katzenberg.

Geffen has had rumors about him since the 70s, all true. Also, Brett "Rush Hour" Rather is also being served as a pedo in coming days.

Guys, what is the Jew Cabal's endgame? This timing is not coincidence. This isn't all Rose McGowan's doing. Israel must have cut one creepy fucking deal with Trump. Nuke in US before Christmas to be blamed on Iran and Syria?
>that's my guess, no tinfoil

Good. Fucking snitch. Ruining everyone's fun.

>we're destroying Pedowood
Nope. The Jews are destroying it themselves. Laura Sivan, a Jew, was the first woman to come out against Weinstein.

This timing means the Jews planned it themselves. I really think what we're seeing rn is Israel Jews throwing their dick in the face of Diaspora Jews, which means Israel and Trump are readying a WWIII power move. I'm 100% srs. Vegas massacre was the day after Yom Kippur. Ever since then, SHTF in Pedowood. And Bibi is eerily quiet.

We celebrate Pedowood being dismantled, but any oldfags know when Jews go down in MSM it's strategic on their part. Just like Soros grinning on 60 Minutes about sacrificing his own people in WWII. This is like spring cleaning. We should be a bit alarmed at how fast this is progressing.

So many gutless wonder agent shills who've taken it up the ass by HRC on video.

Noted. Also, the diaspora are creating problems for israel by being so jewy and obvious. It's obviously not kosher. That is no reason not to celebrate the destruction of their input into the collective. (((they))) will sell the infrastructure to China, and we'll have gook hollywood instead. Small battles. Eternal war.

dude, rose mcgowen was so fine 10 years ago. time is a cruel basterd

true. even not washed up celebs do drugs.

but it's IGNORED

Rose keeps talking so it's NOT ignored.


she went through reconstructive facial surgery after a car accident

plus drugs and alcohol abuse

Check this out, breaking news at NY Post tonight, Harvey Weinstein says he basically a messiah

>“Harvey believes he is a savior,” a Hollywood insider says.

>The source adds that the pervy former Weinstein Co. and Miramax macher has been telling confidantes “that he was born to take the fall for his behavior in order to ‘change the world.’

>He is resigned to his punishment — as a martyr for social change."

I've been alarmed ever since Trump took Kushner to meet privately with Sheldon Adelson in Vegas after the shooting. Trump didn't meet with Jesus Campos who was being called the hero of the entire tragedy, instead he brings Kushner for a pow wow. Adelson and Kushner are top Conservative Zionists in the US. Adelson solely funds much of the anti-BDS movement in the US. I simply don't believe that Vegas and this Hollywood explosion are unrelated. Also, Netflix and Amazon aren't Jewish, while FB is, theyre slow out the gate with OC. So power Jews are cleaning house and installing new blood. Or preparing for a mass aliyah, the final one.

> Have any parts for me, Daddy?

Kill yourself my dude.

good post

Hey rub my dick and youll get this job


did weinstein do this?

Link: pagesix.com/2017/10/30/weinstein-tells-pals-scandal-happened-so-he-could-change-the-world

inb4 shes found suicide by drug overdose with 2 bullets wounds to the back of the head

Same thing.

I leave this shit here faggot .. just in case

Just remember - too crazy for Marilyn Manson to put up with ...


Goddamn she aged so bad, she used to be so gorgeous and now she looks like shes 55.

Yeah, all white women do. That's why I got a beautiful black goddess. Cause black don't crack.

pic related

said he was raped by bryan singer, the same bryan singer who produced kevin spacey's break out movie


She was fucking sexy in Monkeybone

Rose McGowan is a dumbass, to be fair. She accused the X-Men: Apocalypse creators of misogyny because of a fucking movie poster.



>they're no such thing as conspiracies they said

You probably right

Can I get a quick rundown?

documentary about bryan singer/hollywood pedos, which used a first person source, got lawyer'd away into obscurity

Plastic surgery nervosa. Sad.

Man she hit that wall at light speed. Holy shit.