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you didn't spell BUILD right

John McCain is a traitor and ShariaBlue will be lynched with their masters.

he's right

>get shot down
>rat out all your friends

yes please follow his example lmao

>our merica'

You think McCuck is ideological, or is he just a dirty whore?

Dirty whore, definitely. Sold out his friends in Vietnam, did favors for special treatment while captured, then made his political career off of being a POW.

Can't this fucker just die already? And take Ginsburg with him

Every Democrat and Republican hates McCain.
Who the fuck is tumorface directing his words at?


i hope you shill faggots get ass cancer

what. was. meant?

>went rat as soon as he got captured

I've heard this a lot, but haven't seen any proof.

>Sold out his friends in Vietnam, did favors for special treatment while captured, then made his political career off of being a POW.

He's a neocon, neocon's have no beliefs. They're just establishment whore's.

he is at war against usa. he was totally brainwashed into a communist subversive agent

>posting on Sup Forums
>can't internet

Thanks to the First Amendment, I can safely say that the only potential cure for Congress is a lot of bullets.
Thanks to the Second, I can enforce it. We own these people, not the other way around. It seems increasingly obvious that the only way to remind them of this is at the point of a gun.

We did wake up.

Satan is here. Defending his demon.

Devil digits deserve a source:


No, I just want to know where I can read about this, as I have not verified it yet.
Now, do you have a source for that or not?

>Fight isolationism
What the fuck is so bad about wanting your own country to stay out of shit? World police isn't the best role to be. I'm just annoyed that wanting the best for your own country/showing some patriotism is apparently evil unless anything involves Eastern Europe & the elections then you can freely beat your chest.

Man, that brain cancer needs to hurry the fuck up and kill this clown.

John McCain is such a good person, not!

John not only stole Apache's sacred Indian ground in Arizona,
John then sold it to Foreigners for money!
Only Bernie Sanders has tried to reverse this land thief!
McCain works for whoever pays him more whether they are Elephants, or Jackasses!

John McCain is a complete money Puppet!

Do you have a source that is not a YouTube video?
You know, something I can actually verify?

There isn't any. He would not have been fucked up if he did. People shilling that are retarded.

Why would you listen to a literal traitor?

Look at that overton window shift!

It's no longer enough to say conspiracy theory. Now it has to be communicated as "crackpot" conspiracy theory.

I would not have been gladly tasked with writing a pizzagate defense PR message without using the word pizzagate. It's hard to attack something that is supposedly nothing.

>Pretending to care about native Americans on Sup Forums.

His captors called him the songbird during and after.

He's like the system of Hollywood itself. ..should have been shut down long ago

I saw a documentary where they interviewed the interrogator. You csn probably find it by search mccain + songbird. Whether you believe it is up to you.

> I believe in Americans and the American dream, but..

Whenever you try to virtue signal followed by a 'but', you out yourself as the self serving piece of shit you are

What an eloquent and poised brain tumor.

Frame this as McCain hates the wall in Israel and Israel needs open borders and lets start spamming it on social media against the jews.

Mc tumor

Today I realized how wrong I truly was. I understand now the powers that be hate this website because of the free flow of information, I didn't even believe in shills to be honest but today opened my eyes. I realized how manipulated I've been through the mainstream media, the internet social media (ESPECIALLY REDDIT), and my general nature to dismiss dissenting opinions. I want to say that I'm sorry. Manafort's charges are for crimes committed a decade ago, The Podestas are under the microscope, Trump doesn't seem affected at all, and Russia "hacking" and collusion has disappeared completely. To add to that it seems like more pedophilia allegations are sweeping hollywood and the entire establishment seems to be in total chaos. What is truly going on? What have I missed this past year? I'm not a total Trump supporter yet, but if the entire power structure and uniparty establishment is going after Trump he must be doing something good.


This is not hard to find information at all. If McCain would have not lied about or exaggerated his experiences people wouldn't have a problem with him. The fact is he is deep state and a cocksucking, no-morals-having faggot and that's why they play him up.

This guy probably can only maintain a boner at the thought of American soldiers dying in some sand nigger infested desert. Fuck him, fuck Obama, Fuck the Clintons, and Fuck Bush. It's a horrible shame we won't get to see any of this filth hanging from lamp poles in DC like Christmas ornaments on a tree.


Isolationism and nationalism died with Germany and both ideologies are illegal in the western world except Israel obviously. ..
Who won world war 2 again?
Can't see the new Asian Empire being built on the back of the destruction of the western world yet ...have a guess where the new Washington will be

That's the only sign that Trump is at least legit not on their side. The extent to which they are going does not make any sense at all if he were controlled opposition, and installing Hillary instead would have been the far, far easier route. 8 more years of Obama-like policies would have destroyed us for good without a shot being fired.

Now keep eating red pills. The holocaust, Hitler, save those for last, because they're gonna legitimately hurt your mind when you see them. Don't listen to anyone else but your own intuition and facts you can verify because there's disinfo everywhere but it gets easier to spot. For now, even assume I am telling you disinfo. Just start believing in yourself again and take control of your own mind, because they don't own it anymore.

Nobody is redpilled in a day. We understand.

It takes continual effort to seperate fact from fiction, se keep developing yourself.

do you want muslim nazis?