I'm being sworn in as an attorney in a few weeks. What are the best ways I can use my license to defend the White race?

I'm being sworn in as an attorney in a few weeks. What are the best ways I can use my license to defend the White race?

if you were being sworn in as an attorney you would know the law well enough to have answered your own question by now.

Get a job as a prosecutor in the poorest county of your state. Show no mercy.

OP btfo

Convict niggers desu. Every last one.

I have a job lined up that lets me do some criminal work, but in my state we have a lot of that on autopilot already.

Having an answer doesn't mean I have every answer. I'm looking to actually contribute something other that cuckposting.



OP is a Jew in a meme flag.

Get a job as a public defender and just be terrible at it. Get every one of your clients convicted.

>tfw you have a law degree but don't know how to misuse it for the benefit of your own people
Just work alongside a jew for a little while, learn the tactics they use every day, and then apply them to your own race.

I thought about this some more and, given the needs in my area, law enforcement training might be the best approach. Pretty much the only way we can't nail someone is when the public defenders can scapegoat LEOs for something. I can probably do that on a volunteer basis.

Given the content of my post, you're right to question me.

By seeking true justice, rather than social justice. Innocent guys go free, guilty guys go behind bars.

>Get a job as a public defender
>just be terrible at it
That's the entire job description.

They do a pretty good job of convicting themselves from what I understand.

>What are the best ways I can use my license to defend the White race?

There are lots of mass shooters you can defend.

Discrimination lawsuits for white people. Or, double plus subversive, bring sexual harassment etc suits against pozed liberal institutions.

>become very skilled in a profession
>use skills to fuck everyone over and completely disregard the law and your morals

found the jew, why don't you a honest hard day's work for once, goldstein?

Have you ever met a public defender? Look up Buck v. Davis, a public defender unironically told a jury his client was more likely to reoffend because he was black. In a death penalty case.

I mean, sure, but do we have an ADL, or some other group Spencer can call when he needs someone sued? The jews work through their own little networks, and if I wanted to google this shit myself I wouldn't be here.

Literally just take on as many cases from your fellow aryans as you can, and do the best job you can.

I've met some really good ones at the federal appellate level, but state ones tend to be literally disabled.

Not bad faggot. I cracked a smile. There may be hope for you yet. Ever hear of a fella named Adolf?

Literally what I'm looking for advice on. Is it that much of a foreign concept that you don't understand it when you see it?

Use Griggs vs. Duke Power Co. to destroy the universities. Argue that requiring college degrees in hiring has a disparate impact on minorities, and therefore is discriminatory.

Let us Chinks do your dirty work for you, Gwailo.

What the fuck kind of advice to you expect to get on being a crooked attorney (scum of the earth) from fucking Sup Forums? Even if there were experienced insiders who knew some shit or had connections do you really think they would risk sharing with you?


Start suing these bullshit universities that allow blacks only or Hispanic only scholarships. It’s one thing for a private donor to make such qualifications, but it can’t be legal for public taxpayer funded schools to get away with that shit.

Helping Whites is the opposite of being crooked. For example, if there's an ACLU that isn't completely consumed by race and "gender" bullshit, that would be good to know about

Doing this would require me to take on some type of shitskin client, and from what I can tell courts will side with (((universities))) over shitskins 15 times out of 10. But I like the big picture approach, I'm looking for suggestions like this, or people already doing work like this I can help.

This is a big one. Currently the government is allowed to claim that it has a compelling interest in "remediating past discrimination," and race-based classifications are permissible in some circumstances if it advances a compelling interest. Pushing back on this by showing that past discrimination has been more than made up for is how SCOTUS overturned those parts of the Voting Rights Act that specifically targeted southern states. So there might be play in the joints on this issue, although I think the race-based admissions cases haven't gone as well as they could in recent years.

By facts