Cernovich would NEEEVER create fake news and pay crisis actors to further his political agend- ..... Ffs

Cernovich would NEEEVER create fake news and pay crisis actors to further his political agend- ..... Ffs

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youth thalkin about meh niggah


>one of these things are not like the others

This has to be shooped. PLEASE TELL ME IT'S SHOOPED!!!

who fucking cares about that cuck?

Not shooped
Not real either
Some normies night fall for it, they fell for the swastika flag at Charlottesville.

those digits don't lie!

What is this all about? I've never seen this on twitter before. Who is the copyright holder?

so you are saying that these are paid protesters by Cernovich?

sorry for being buzzkill but, proof?

What do you mean? He has video of it, are we assuming the whole crowd around that banner are actors? Also there has already been pedo advocacy in the far left/progressiv movement. It really wouldn't be that big of a surprise at this point.

Aiden Paladin has two videos on the subject of the history of the far left and Pedo advocacy.

He means it was probably one of his or posobiecs guys who made it and held it up. A false flag to make them look dumb. I.e. Jacks rape Melanie sign.

>There are people on this board who are dumb enough to believe Cernovich

Liberals would neeeever actually defend pedophi...ohwait.

>there are faggot shills who think Sup Forums forgets

He's trying to distract from his buddy based chopstick being outed as a fed cuck:

One has to be retardingly impressionable to be following a bookseller like this guy.

It's shooped.


>Melanie sign
ding ding, I think we have a winner

thernovith mindthet

It's not fake, someone post the webm.


>realize antifa is intimately connected to pro-pedophilia organisations

Who cares if it turns out he did? He needs to use the same tactics as the left and not "play fair". Fuck honor, the West needs to be saved my dude.


checked it's legit.

stop asking for drugs


Not only is the video legit, but the connection between BAMN, Antifa, and NAMBLA is legit and well documented.

>yfw the "punch-a-nazi" tip of the spear of leftist-authoritarian tactics has been permanently blackened by pedophilia, and now the liberal shills are out in full force trying to hide that fact because they just realized that Sup Forums knows

imagine coming here and lying to people in order to defend pedophiles. WOW. The absolute state of it.

>tfw some of them actually believe its a right-wing smear tactic, and are now googling it and learning the truth


this is like Westboro Baptist Church shit, which is all created by lawyers to initiate law suits. Mike is a lawyer, not an employed lawyer, but a member of the bar just the same.

Fuck off Jew. Your games are done. You're dead.

>im the jew
>my games

>tfw some of them actually believe its a right-wing smear tactic, and are now googling it and learning the truth
this. even if it's a false flag which I don't think it is, it's like framing a guilty man

Was this NAMBLA shit memed into reality?

Aiden Paladin has a couple videos on the history of pedo advocacy and the far Left. Whether or not this banner is a false flag, there are real pro-pedo activists in the Left, and connections to Marxism.

Sure thing you commie-pedo faggot.

Liberal pedos BTFO by themselves.

I can't contain my sides.

Really blatant, monkey mindful.

>I-it's not real guys, I swear!
>t. Schlomo Shekelstein

Disgusting pedo enabler.