Europeans are still butthurt about Brexit

God, I love being Anglo.

thats really the only thing you got going for you, right?

We'll see who'll cry when you'll pay your EU bill

How has brexit been going anyway? I haven't been keeping up with it but it seems to be taking forever, is its still actually happening?

don't you have anything else that's relevant

Brexit will be delayed due to a happening in 2018. Also, the UK will not be the first country to leave the EU.

Screencap this.

btw i support you guys on behalf of brexit but you are beyond fucked either way

Pay debts inselaffe

You dont just take money from EU and Germany for years then expect to not pay back the debts

Thats all it is with you anglos is take take take, literally island jews

Brexit is good and I hope it turns out well. That being said... British politicians are just as bad as EU politicians.



>h-hello fellow anglos
Obvious D&C.

How you gonna fill that big gaping hole we left in your budget, Hans?

And no, the answer isn't more rapefugees you silly continent monkey

Buddy, you only have 2 years to negotiate.
After that you're kicked out the hard way.

It was always going to take ages.

We need to bring back the term "Anglo-American", it was used all the way up until the end of the 50's when we got Jewed.



People now still historically refer to them as "The Anglo-Saxon powers" in the context of the 1920s/1930s

Protip: It's not.

Thats what I mean brit-bro, we should be using the term today for white Americans

Get ready to be BTFO by the EU. Brussells will show no mercy, in order to dissuade other coutries from leaving the EU.

Just because you collapsed to the EU doesn't mean we will.

You're kidding me, mate, I'm here on the isles and it fucking feels like I'm in the Middle Fucking East.

>england shoots itself in the foot
>we might catch some of the rain of companies fleeing the City
>delusional imperial larping continues

From our point of view, sure go ahead, atleast you'll occupy all the attention and efforts of westcuckistans while V4 works itself up to be a power block.

It really doesnt matter what you do anyway, you've already let the muslims in, youre already sweden tier cucked, you cant do anything to save yourself now. The slapfight with the Bundescaliphate is literally patiets hitting eachother with IV stands at the cancer ward.