The west i crumbling everything our forefathers built is being destroied

the west i crumbling everything our forefathers built is being destroied



Other urls found in this thread:

Bps moved to Japan?

>doesn't know his e-celebs

He's been living there for years.

He's been living in Japan for awhile.

BPS makes some good points but yeah I can't get over the obvious strokes of hypocrisy and sensationalism. Dude is literally a weeb and talks like he's some prophet of doom.

Hes a nigger you low iq subhuman.

Good thing they don't know.

*Blocks your path*

Moving to japan is really gay. He's probably beta as fuck

looks really jewy

Hes got the right idea cleetus

He literally takes care of pigeons and I have a feeling he's just as lonely and introverted as everyone else in that country.

Black Pigeon and No Bullshit are retards that sound like the same person.

Fug, I should pay more attention
What were his reasons? Does he not see the hypocrisy?

He's a fucking coward, not willing to spew his ideas in the land where he could possibly be attacked (verbally) for doing so. So he ran and hid behind the gooks.

Shit on shapiro, Crowder, Lauren, whoever the fuck you want to, but at least those conservative cucks have the balls to face their naysayers and not hide like bitches

I can't rag too hard on No BS, as he stands behind race realism, calls out anti-white rhetoric for what it is, and now frequently names the Jew.

I'm not sure what his intentions were. Can't remember if he ever said in one of his videos. I take everything he says with a grain of salt though.

Honestly I just think he's weeb af. Seems like it.

So now we have to decide who is more valuable
Those who are loyal to they're country
Or those who have the right ideals

>feels isolated and alone in his own country
>goes to a whole new country which is known for being xenophobic
>starts to feel even more isolated and alone, talks to pigeons

Think he just likes Japan, think it's a pretty nice country. I do think it makes him ignorant about what actually happens on the ground of most of the West; which is not that much actually.

Isn't he a leaf, though? I don't blame anyone ditching that country. Some places are simply beyond saving.


>Those who are loyal to they're country
Obviously you go with the one with strong characteristics over the guy you agree with. The American left is fizzling out because they literally cannot even sit in the same room as someone they don't see eye-to-eye with.

>Caring about ecelebs
You have to be at least 18 to post here.

Hey if you see this BPS make some video about Baltics thanks senpai

You are obviously not a politically minded person. You are letting your personal feelings override the propagandist value in BPS' videos. You're a fucking retard who should not be discussing politics.

To be fair, Japan is superior to any white nation. All white nations are now too degenerate and left leaning to save.

>All white nations are now too degenerate and left leaning to save.

V4 says otherwise

>Confederate complaining about leaf celebrity patriotism
>Assuming A is due to B
This bait man, this bait.

It's called sarcasm buddy


Oh hello, I'm from the dimension where Trump didn't fire Comey.

> Obamacare repealed
> Massive tax cuts were passed
> Special Prosecutor was created to investigate Hillary Clinton
> Mexico Wall construction has begun
> Trump approval ratings are at 60%
> Antifa is now despised, after crashing a car into a white nationalist crowd.

So how is everything going on over here?

delet this

OP you're forgetting that he was raised in Japan.

Cowards run, id rather die for fighting.

idiots keep falling for this

Even when the odds were stacked against them, even when defeat looked them dead in the face, the Romans did not give up. The Western Empire went down fighting, the guards of Romulus Augustulus dying in defence of the palace at Ravenna, and Julius Nepos remaining steadfast in Dalmatia until his untimely assassination. The defenders of Constantinople fought to the very end, Constantine XI choosing to die with his men rather than live in a world without Rome. The west is not going down without a fight. This is merely the beginning of the awakening. If World War II and the holocaust were the results of the Germans unleashing their fury, just wait until the White race as a whole decides to do the same. World War II will look like a schoolyard scrap compared.

He was attacked by a Soros shill. Anybody who gets attacked by the Soros shills is a-okay to me.

i don't remember the exact name of the channel but i remember voices sounded similar

Y'all are just mad that he's done what he needed to do to preserve his own life and he's doing more than each of you ever could by redpilling thousands of people a day
Some of you may be familiar with the quote "You don't clear up a dungpile from underneath it."

He's a legit faggot too. All fags should be lynched

Well, desu I'd rather be there than here.

BPS' sole purpose is to produce informative, high quality right-wing propaganda.

He is not a political leader, he is not a role model, his personal situation or perceived failings are thus irrelevant towards his purpose in this movement. People who say his high quality propaganda should be discarded on this irrelevant basis are either shills or extremely dumb individuals who have zero political acumen.

>Y'all are just mad that he's done what he needed to do to preserve his own life and he's doing more than each of you ever could by redpilling thousands of people a day

You don't know me son. I stay in my own country to make a stand.

yeah good for you, you're a warrior and you'll be useful to the survival of the west if shtf, but right now you're useless, while he's making good points and thrashing leftists all over the internet
BPS is part of the people taking a stand right now and working to repeal SHTF, you're not doing shit right now

>tfw better looking than almost all of the political creators I look up to
Feels pretty damn good, not gonna lie. In my head I always picture these people as beautiful and fit, but every time I see reality for what it is, it helps me to feel better about myself


>you'll be useful to the survival of the west if shtf, but right now you're useless

Like I said, you don't know me. Stop projecting your insecurities on the internet.

I don't give a fuck how much he loves Japan, he has no fucking right to be in my god damn country for a single second.

Nobody does. You should fuckin' have to take a genetic test before you leave the god damn airport.

well if you're doing more than oiling up your AR while grumbling about commies and niggers, and you're actually reaching thousands of people like BPS is, then yeah you're better than him

But it's pretty obvious that you're just a larping newfriend

If he's an American, why can't he just move to a CC state and buy a shotgun or something. Christ alive guys, i would love to have the freedom to speak out like you lot do, the moment i rant in public about important shit, i get arrested for causing alarm and distress to some faggot, and chucked in a cell with Abdul and his 7 mates.

That's the fucking state.

He's doing more for the movement than you are