The Ultimate Redpill /CIG/

Welcome to Christ Insanity General! This thread is for discussing (((christianity))) and its contribution to White Western Decline.

Covering the deleterious effects of Christianity, with a special focus on the damage it has done to the native peoples of Europe as well as whites around the world.

There is a wealth of information posted on Sup Forums in this regard, but much of it gets lost in the cracks due to the fact that dialogue with Christians is like speaking to a stone wall.

Post articles, videos and Memes exposing christianity for what it truly is. A Jewish sect which is now also the forerunner of multiculturalism and race mixing.

Be patient and never quit.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off kike. Go read a book prior to the kike takeover in the 40s.


There are multiple verses within the Bible that quite literally call put the Jews and their sins, saged.

You can't be white if you're not Christian,

Who were the first Christians?
The first Christians were all Jews. Christianity literally started as a sect of Jews for the goyim to follow.

When we call Christianity a Jewish religion, means exactly that. That Jesus was an ethnic Jew and the first Christians were all Jews. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are called Abrahamic religion for a reason. They are semitic, not European.

If Jesus was not a Jew, what was he then? A random white man born in israel 2,000 years ago? Were all of his followers white too or were they semites?

Supporting Christianity because some old Jews hate it, is pretty dumb. It's like saying Jews drink water so we should stop drinking water!

And no, Jews don't hate christians - Jews hate white race period. If Jews really hated Christians/Christianity (their own sect for the goyim to follow) then why Jews are helping black and hispanic "christians?" Weaponising them against the white race.

Terminal Brain Cancer

>I will call him a kike and he will stop exposing our evil.
That's not how it works christkike



"We will have to deal with Christianity in a tougher way than hitherto. We must settle accounts with this Christianity, this greatest of plagues that could have happened to us in our history, which has weakened us in every conflict. If our generation does not do it, then I believe it would drag on for a long time. We must overcome it within ourselves."
-- Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler; Speech to top leaders of the SS, June 9, 1942 Berlin

“National Socialist and Christian conceptions are incompatible. The Christian churches are build upon men’s ignorance; by contrast [National Socialism] rests upon scientific foundations. When we [National Socialists] speak of belief in God, we do not mean, like the naïve Christians and their spiritual exploiters, a man-like being sitting around somewhere in the universe. The force governed by natural law by which all these countless planets move in the universe, we call omnipotence or God. The assertion that this universal force can trouble itself about the destiny of each individual being, every smallest earthly bacillus, can be influenced by so-called prayers or other surprising things, depends upon a requisite dose of naivety or else upon shameless professional self-interest.”
–Martin Bormann

Many people due to misinformation, mistakenly believe that Nazi Germany was friendly to Christianity. This is not true by any stretch of the imagination. For those who are utterly confused, this ebook proves beyond any doubt that not only were the Nazis anti-Christian, but the Third Reich Leaders were actively working to destroy Christianity, both the Catholic and Protestant Churches.


The originator of the name Christ was executed as a criminal by the procurator Pontius Pilate during the reign of Tiberius; "and though repressed, this destructive superstition erupted again, not only through Judea which was the origin of this evil" but also through the city of Rome, to which all that is horrible and shameful floods together and is celebrated.

When most of the Europe was still pagan. Announcing to your family that you had become a Christian could get you disowned.

As it should be - coalburners are a disgrace, be it of the flesh or the soul.

On Christianity: The Censored Section of the National Alliance Membership Handbook | National Vanguard


Yeah George w Bush. Neocon piece of shit who made us fight wars for the Jew. Also happens to be a devout Christian.

Evangelicals to Trump: Don’t Deport Our Next Generation of Church Leaders | News & Reporting | Christianity Today

Christians Promote White Genocide:
Should We Encourage Interracial Marriage? | Desiring God

At least make the distinction between Christianity before 1500 and modern Christianity. You're 99.999% correct about modern Christianity destroying western civilization, but don't cheapen the Christianity that existed before 1500.

>he's still making these threads
interesting to see how they change with your desperation level

Devout christians spend life savings on house for rapefugees

>far left
>christianity is bad because it oppresses da wimminz and was responsible for slavery and genocide

>far right
>christianity is bad because jesus was A FUCKING KIKE

you have become a parody of yourselves

Make no mistake, Christianity was anti white from day one. The difference was most of our ancestors were pretty rightwing and nationalist back then. Their soul was still Pagan.

The degeneracy you see now in the west is what true Christianity represents.


White Christian Couple Adopts Eight African Children At One Time – More Christ Cuckery

Christianity teaches that a Black Christian is exactly as good as white Christian and a white infidel is subhuman. Christianity has been telling the white man everyone is equal in the eyes of the god.

The left is the most Christian whether they admit it or not. White Nationalism is exactly the opposite of Christian globalism.

Same ole bait kike... You been exposed for awhile now

A movement is defined by its beliefs. There might have been single digit numbers of Christian Apologists like that faggot Justin in your pic, but the Apologists were never a significant proportion before 1500.

It would be like comparing all people who confide in science with the flat earthers. It's a fringe movement and not at all indicative of the hole. That having been said, modern Christianity is majority Agologist and so must go.

>1st century Israelites=rabbinic ashkanazim
Shoo shoo

Good thread
>Post articles, videos and Memes exposing christianity for what it truly is.
Ok user, here we go again





Happy Samhain my Pagan European brothers!


Didn't zionists try to push a newer version of the Bible to make Christianity pro-zionists? Christians used to despise Jews, hell, even the crusades were done to liberate the holy land for Christendom.


A Europe with white atheists would probably turn into another communist-shit hole. There's a reason why the current state of Europe is sympathetic to communism and socialism, and is heavily secular.

Implying people from all races can equally behave like Christians even though history tells us only whites are able to pull this.


Atheism is so 2006. It's been kicked to the curb by everyone.

Atheists just can't get over the fact that they lost the culture war.

Let me take you under 18s back to the year of 2006:
>atheism on the rise on the internet with their voices getting more heard everyday
>atheist leaders like Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens are respected voices in the community
>r/atheism is one of the top boards on bleddit
>corporate stores trying to push things like "Happy Holidays" and having "Holiday Trees"

Cut to today:
>Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchen (may he RIP) viewed as complete psychos for their insane political/social views
>r/atheism moved to the basement of bleddit because it was embarrassing euphoric garbage
>things like "Reason Rally" draw less than a Hitler impersonator at a bar mitvah
>atheist communities tear themselves apart over things like elevator gate (giving rise to New Atheism, and Atheism+, which are less successful than just regular Atheism)
>constant rape and sexual assault allegations at atheist conventions (even atheist leaders like Lawrence Krauss are other atheist leaders)
>"Happy Holidays" and "Holiday Trees" are a distant memory
>liberal atheists in Britain crushed by Brexit

And quite frankly all this bad stuff wasn't even needed. All it would have took was one euphoric quote and a couple of fedora pictures. Christianity is still kicking 2000 years later, and atheism is at it knees because of a jpeg of a fat guy in a fedora. Sad


It's not so much that they pushed for a change in the actual words as they pushed for a change in the interpretation of the same words.

I dare you to go up to any pastor and ask about the "Synagogue of Satan." Proceed to hear the cuckfest that is modern Christianity.

Trying to forget Jesus is like trying to invent the wheel.

Sweden: Churches are AIDING migrants hiding from authorities amid asylum crack down

Churches, synagogues openly defy Trump’s immigration crackdown - CBS News

Disavowing the kike nailed to a stick is the hardest and most painful redpill to swallow for many people. But nobody said the path was easy.

What a fucking stupid comparison. Explain Poland you fickle cretin

Christ cuck goes to Central America on a missionary trip. Gets kidnapped and murdered.


Poles don't know any better. They don't know what it's like walking into a church and seeing race mixed couples, gay couples, nigger priests white girls call father, etc. They don't know that their Bible can be interpreted to destroy the white race, because they live in shitty Poland where they steal and drink and die in a homogenous community.

The redpill Poles are mostly Pagan like pic related. Here's an article about Slavic Native Faith if you are interested.
Slavic Native Faith - Wikipedia

Slavic Native Faith in Russia

Christianity teaches that everyone can be redeemed equally through Christ, not that everyone is equal in the eyes of God. If everyone were equal in the eyes of God, that would include sodomites, fornicators and adulterers, which isn't true.
God created the nations of man, and to attempt to abolish nationhood and create a one world order goes against God's plan. See: The Tower of Babel.
The only time the Bible discusses miscegenation to my knowledge is to denounce the Israelites mixing with people of other races. You can be both a racial separatist and a Christian, as Christians were throughout most of history. At the same time, however, it is desirable that the other races should be converted to the true faith.
This divide and conquer shit doesn't hold upto scrutiny, through your words you're working for our enemy, the murders of Christ. Europe won't become Pagan, Europe will return to Christ or become Muslim.
Submit to Christ and stop spreading heresy.

Here is what happened.
Jews went to the temple of jerusalem and sacrficed to keep the jew god happy
>some jews didn't like this
>the temple gets destroyed in 70 ad
>jews are bummed out
>the jews that didn't like the temple come up with a concept of jesus and that you instead of sacrifying some lambs and such in a temple god has made a bigger sacrifice and something like that.
>then over the years people write a bunch of fanfiction
>jesus birthdate is 70 years before the destruction of the temple. 70 being of some astronomical significance.
>eventually some people starts taking these stories literally.
>one of these people happen to be constantines mother.
>so he makes rome christian
>over the years any other type of christianity other than the literal one is persecuted. you are not allowed to believe in jesus as a non human.
>catholics pick and chose what fanfiction they consider truth and what is not. they burn anything they don't like. Over the years they settle on a canon of fanfiction.

good thread. We have to many fucking christcuck threads as it is.

The Nazi War against Christianity - Christian Research Institute

Christianity and Communism are literally equivalent

Forgot pic.

How can you deny this is not an explicitly communist passage, openly agitating for class conflict?

>muh d&c
Yeah, totally. It's not divide and conquer when Christ cucks spread propaganda like Odin drinks cum (which is a lie from a Jewish book) and atheists wear fedora (leftists can't meme). They are just spreading the word of (((christ))) am I right?

Europe died the day it converted to Jewish cuck porn called Christianity. You either revive the Pagan spirit of Europe or be prepared for population replacement.

Make no mistake, Europe will still be Christian but it won't be white.

Jewish ideologies always pick peasants and women as their foot soldiers. Christianity was the Communism of ancient Rome.

how ironic, someone with a fascist flag fell for the jewish trick to divide the white community on religious grounds

I was just beginning to warm up to Christianity. Thanks OP.

>"Laws were made for Men, not men for laws." - Jesus

This one quote contradicts everything that the elite are trying to accomplish.

Now make that connection for everything Jesus says in the bible.

The Spanish, French and British Empire were Christian, Fascist Italy and Spain were Christian, the German Reich was Christian, Almost every nationalistic figure, or act of heroism undertaken for an unbroken thousand years were Christian.
You have nothing to offer, just excuses for your idolatry. Next you'll be telling me about the race war that isn't going to happen. That's just another excuse for you to sit at home, drink booze and play video games. You're pathetic.



more from me



spain was catholic and the british empire was protestant i think

The main argumeent against christianity - still unrefuted after more than 1000 years.

Not everything Jesus said was political. I could argue, however, that Jesus did not promote communism, or other so called Jewish agendas.

The best way for christians to live out their faith. If your faith is strong enough, god will surely protect you from our arrows... right?

Reminder that crusades were anti white.

Christianity never helped Europe, it destroyed it. The Jews replaced Paganism with a lame self destructive religion about loving your enemy and surrender.

Indeed, there's no shortage of interpretations of the bible. There are interpretations like yours, as there are others. The problem is that the vast majority of Christians in white nations support the interpretations of Christianity that praise things like giving food to Africans, the existence of divorce law, and interracial marriage instead of the Christian interpretations that existed before 1500 which would send the supporters of things things to their painful deaths.

Agree with everything you said except the race war. That really does need to happen, we're out of options at this point.

kek Epicurus existed hundreds of years before Christianity existed, and considering Greek Gods were not seen as all good or even all powerful, this is bunk. Not to mention, it's quite childish to think God(s) see good or evil in the same way humans do, it'd be like expecting a dog to see it the same way a human does.

If you are a Pagan, your biggest enemies are Jews and Jew worshipers i.e. Christians. You should have no respect for Christian/Christianity whatsoever. They might agree with you on few things but at the end they are ideologically incorrect. Christians joined hands with Jews and used violence against our ancestors, so in the end we should not be afraid to use violence against them.

>Christian Europe:
>Jews are the chosen people only they are allowed to comit usury (which literally made them so rich that they still control our economies to this day)
>Racissm towards fellow Christians of different races is strictly forbidden by the (((lord)))
>Popes have been promoting killing white Pagans/heretics to now mass immigration from day one.
>Multi racial shit hole, created no major civilization like Greek civilization (Pagan) and Roman empire started which started as a Pagan empire until later on when it converted to Christianity and fell.

Now don't say there was byzantine empire, it was not even the height of Greek civilization and western civilization is a Jew owned multi racial shopping mall.

>Pagan Europe
>No religious wars
>Racially pure and strong
>Gave us great civilization like Greek and Roman civilization
>Never heard of Jews in Pagan European history, they failed to infiltrate Europe with it's native religion and pride.

Upholding Christian traditions and values is what allowed Jews to take over our societies. Atheism and rejection of Abrahamic religions leads to homogeneity, peace, hormony and ultimately success of both the individual and the nation.

The reason Japan still remains homogeneous after taking part in many wars is because it has never been infected with Abrahamic religion. We are being held back by faggy "christian" morals.

I'm not defending Christianity or Paganism here, but what you posted is so historically inaccurate and disgustedly bias.

Reminder that:

Christians rulers allowed jews to take over the banking industry by banning usury for everyone but jews.

Rome pagan for 1000 years before turning christian and collapsing 100 years later.

Christians lead most of the movements for tolerance, diversity, and giving aid to third world countries (causing shitskin population booms).

Pagans on the other hand were so racist that they raided subhumans and killed them en-mass.

Epic argument

Paganism is all about worshipping natural order and survival of the fittest. And believe me, it's quite natural for the strong to insult and attack others, especially the weak christ cucks.

You basically ignored all of Christian Europe achievements and good qualities, but with Pagan Europe ignored all it's problems and bad qualities. You act as if Europe was paradise before da evil kristians came along.

Definition of demon now: An evil spirit or person. A false god.

Definition of demon then: A deified hero. A spirit.

Christians changing the definitions of words. Just like libshits.

You think Christianity should be credited for white man's accomplishments? That just shows how anti-white you are if you feel the need to credit a Jewish religion for that.

Christianity was perfectly designed to prey on the weak and and appeal to the lowest common denominator, and that's why it succeeded so much.

Christians knew that the rich "privileged" pagan men wouldn't convert willingly, so they focused their propaganda efforts on women and minorities. They were basically the original SJW's.

No, but it seems you think Paganism does. If you truly cared about the White mans accomplishments, you wouldn't be obsessed with Paganism.

sorry could you remind us where jesus was born?

Paganismis not just some religion, it's about blood. Comparing it to other religions doesn't make sense because it is more about honoring your ancestors, not based on a book like the (((Abrahamic religions))) are.

It's about sending a message to the public more then mysticism, in a way it's more practical than spiritualism. How do you get the public to care about their race,you instill those values from a young age just as a religion does.

According to him Jesus was probably a random white man born in Israel 2,000 years ago. Hahaha fucking christ-retards!

It's a religion and nothing more, if I find a religion with better values I'll take that on.

>Explain Poland

Honestly? Communism.

Soviets promoted traditional values, nationalism and ethnic pride while funding and promoting cultural Marxism in the West to subvert it.

>Europe will return to Christ or become Muslim.

Or perhaps Europe will just be secular and nationalist?


Read the Ten Commandments. God's law naturally leads to a utopian society. The problem lies with people since we have free will and tend towards sin. The path to heaven is straight and narrow.

Christianity was made by non-white shitskin sand nigger israelites who were ethnically jewish. Are you really going to trust the words of non-white people for the basis of your spirituality? Wow! I'm done with you.

You never accomplished anything. In fact, Australian accomplishments are painfully low. The truth is, that your genetics allow a society where accomplishments are more likely to happen.

I know most of my ancestors were simple illiterate farmers who lived in a valley and fished, farmed, lived and died and didn't "accomplish" much, whether pagan or Christian. But I love them because they're my ancestors, they created me and I am here because of them. You can't choose your heritage.

Great quote on the uniting power of Christendom. Europe is built on those principles of cooperation. If you honestly think just because niggers and muslims suck the way forward is abandoning prosperity entirely and returning to the age of the bull with constant war you have overdosed on memes.

Jesus was an anti-semite. The Jewish aristocracy at the time of Christ were the Talmudic Sanhedrin of occupied Israel. The Talmud was a Jewish supremacist doctrine written while under Babylonian captivity. It was the original "Never Again™". Jesus wanted the entire world to be blessed with YHWH's covenent but the Talmudi's could never accept that. Jesus was a heretic because he actually cared about the goyim. Jesus was the original red pill. Yeah, mind blown. Marinate on that shit for a while.

>The problem lies with people since we have free will and tend towards sin.
Did you know that having pride is also considered a sin in your slave religion of Christianity?

Christianity created a sin culture, where having pride in yourself alone is considered as sin, forget about white pride.

Rather than the 10 commandments Norse Paganism offers the 9 noble virtues:

Self Reliance

Fuck the Abrahamic religions!

Again you're more obsessed with religion then you are race. I'm curious do you consider whites who follow Christianity to be white?

>You never accomplished anything. In fact, Australian accomplishments are painfully low.
Calm down snow nigger, especially considering the only reason why you're talking to me right now is because of an Australian and then when you go to get your refrigerated mountain dew you can remember that is also thanks to an Australian. We're are country that is barely 250 years old with a very small population, yet we've some of the most important inventions in history have been done by us.

I think the biggest joke though is you mention genetics and talk about heritage, but then act is if white Australians are natives or something. You realize how Australia was founding right?

You guys are so retarded, the zionists and globalist kikes hate Christianity which is why they are encouraging Atheism and degeneracy, if the Jews were so pro-christian we wouldn't see absolutely no hatred and disdain for the Bible. Christianity would still be flourishing and it would be heavily promoted if the jews were for it but the opposite is happening because they hate Christians.

It boggles my mind that you white nationalist retards love to peddle this stupid idea that the Lord Jesus Christ was a proud Jew and that he preached Judaism, first of all to be considered a "Jew" at the time your FATHER had to be from the tribe of Judah, since you idiots don't know nothing about the Bible Jesus Christ is God in the flesh and he wasn't conceived by the seed of a Man, so if he doesn't have a human father how the hell could he be considered a Jew??, when He was on this Earth he despised Judaism and was against the Pharisees plus in the Jewish Talmud which is the main book of modern "judaism" it says that Jesus was a bastard child and as we speak he is burning in a lake of hot excrement, so that kills your stupid argument that Christianity is a judaic conspiracy.

When Europeans believed on God and kept his commandments they were flourishing and prospering but right now Christianity is dead and Atheism is on the rise so if Christianity is so toxic and problematic then why is Europe in crisis ?, shouldn't Europeans be more enlightened and wise now that Christianity is practically nonexistent there?.

Jews were kicked out of Europe 109 times and they were rightfully persecuted when Christianity was at its height in Europe, Jews were the ones who brought multiculturalism and race-mixing to Europe plus show me a verse in the Bible that promotes race-mixing ?

If you think stupid European paganism is going to save your race then it won't because its gonna damn you to hell and it doesn't have any statutes or absolute teachings in it, its just stupid folklore.