REVEALED: Adoptive parents of girl, 16...

>REVEALED: Adoptive parents of girl, 16, who was found starved to death in an adult diaper following years of abuse 'took out two life insurance policies on the teenager and tried to cash one a day after she died'
>Natalie Finn, 16, died in October from a heart attack brought on by starvation
>The girl was found languishing on the linoleum floor in a soiled adult diaper
>The house in West Des Moines, Iowa, was overrun with cats and covered in waste
>Natalie died in hospital; Adoptive mom Nicole Finn, 42, is charged with murder
>Her ex-husband Joseph Finn was also charged and the pair are awaiting trial
>The pair are alleged to have taken out life insurance policies worth $35,000
>Authorities visited in August 2016 but said the teen was starving herself
>Different detectives later found the parents had boarded up the windows to stop the kids going looking for food

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Goodnight roastie

> Natalie had been lying in her own waste for 'some time' when emergency services found her

too bad. She was a qt.

god gets off on all this shit
hes a sick fucker what kinda god sits back watches? he ran away caz two kids bit a apple he ran away like a little bitch!!


>jewish god gets off on the suffering of little white girls

My almonds are activated.

why do this shit always happens in third world countries like US and china

who has the damn diaper someone let me know NOW

Maybe because our country is about the same size as your entire continent.

its probably in the evidence locker in the des moines police station


What's wrong with white people?

remember when shit like fritzl was huge front page news? what the fuck happened to society when this shit is part and parcel and people would rather just talk about trump's twitter shitposts instead?

population and crime exploded there isn't enough air time in a single year to cover the daily atrocities committed by our sick nation

free will etc etc

but europe has almost twice your population and the crime in US is 10 times higher on average

Fine, on a population basis we are eual to half of your continent. It is still goes a long ways toward explaining why you hear so many stories from the US. I would certainly hope that there aren't an equal number of degenerates and lunatic in your country of 45 million as in ours with 8 times the population.

Our crime is mostly nigger on nigger and spic on spic. White murder rate is on par with Europe.

You mad faggot? God is not all hearts and roses.

Read the bible yourself instead of believe what christian cucks want you to believe. God is both good and evil, don't get mad because you fail to understand that.

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. Isaiah 45:7

Pick up the bible and read, moron.


There was probably sexual abuse going on prior to the starvation.

Typical sociopath physiognomy, note the brow ridges

Then why does he want his children to do only good to get into heaven when he himself cannot? That's hypocritical as fuck, this girl did nothing wrong and didn't deserve this.

Physiognomy is somewhat real, but you're retarded. Neither of them have browridges of any note.

what does this have to do with politics

This is why we should bury people alive.

Reminder to never give any kids up for adoption because this is the kind of shit that happens.

They do. Brow ridges don't have to look like valuev tier to be prominent.


That's the best Halloween costume I've seen this year

wew, do Americans really do this?

Kys faggot

They deserve a flay and blood eagle, burial is too good for them. Their remains should never again be allowed to return to the cycle of rebirth in any form, they should be forever cast out of the Earth, their molecules to live the rest of their existence out in the deep unknown—alone.

i just looking for this to post.
the article that i read spent more space discussing the insurance instead of the girls death.
it said 3 kids were adopted and the oldest male was eligible to one of the policies.
so a teen white female is valued at $35k

Why is straight adoption so degenerate?

I feel like I'm asking a stupid question, but why couldn't she have fought back or something?


>God almighty can't help but sit idly by while an adopted teen is forced to starve until death.
>God is not all hearts and roses
>Still worships him

Fucking crist cucks

They locked her in that room. She was being abused before but not ready for them actually locking her in and waiting for her to starve to death.

what the fuck is wrong with people?

your god is a sad sadistic fuck i hope he exist so i can spit in his pathetic jewish face

Easier said than done, apparently.



rural bumpkins are as bad if not worse than niggers and chinks.

>thinking god wants to help in any way or form us humans
>not worshipping God because he is an angry god which can turn your life into hell anytime he wants

Still thinking the universe, more importantly the creator of the universe gives a shit about you. Do you give a shit about a Sims game that you started in 3rd grade fagot?

Old news and I can’t have my heart broken again. It’s also not Sup Forums related but everything is better than blacked and well/pol/ posts. In the old days we would have burned those sick fucks alive but what can you do? They’ll live on taxpayers dime until the end of their days

daily reminder that if we were in ancap society noone would even look for her or question anyone after they found her dead. In NatSoc society we would torture those niggerhumans in most brutal way you can imagine.

lOl ure so fucking funniiiii!1 good joke m8e!!!

And this is why we should shield our European children from american imperialists

Jesus christ, they coulda called up a Euro black market sex trade and got more than $35,000 for her.

Fuck idiots.

While it sounds like they fully deserve the murder rap for starving the girl, "died in hospital of a heart attack" likely means that the refeeding was mishandled and there was also medical negligence.

When someone's been starving, you need to be very careful about giving them food, because their body's not used to it. In particular, if you give them a big carb-heavy meal or a glucose drip or something like that, blood phosphate will drop and the heart will stop.

>God gets off on all this shit
This. "God" is a piece of shit.
what kind of monster creates something like fleas, ticks, and other parasites, and then gives them all the ability to breed in astronomical numbers, and lets then suck their victims dry and leaves them to die a horrible death, and then when the victim finally dies, the parasites simply move on to a new host and bring diseases with them simply to make the new victims death even that much more miserable
a single bite from a tick can infect you with permanent diseases like lyme disease, which will make your life suck for the rest of your existence.
No "god" that makes something like this deserves to be worshiped.

I hope those two fuckers get Iowian electric chair.

She was also a QT! Superior aryan genes to be sent in the future..

Something is deeply wrong with society when a life insurance policy is worth more than 16 year old white girl pussy.

This is what the americans do to those they don't like they starve them until they can't fight

>The pair are alleged to have taken out life insurance policies worth $35,000
how can you take out life insurance for fucking children?

She probably was a roastie whore getting blacked on the regular.

>Thinks that by worshiping God you are less prone to go to hell or be affected by any of his hissy fits than non-believers.

Crist cucks, everyone.

One of the most evil stories I have heard in awhile. Parents should be made to die in the same exact way while being forced to listen to recordings of people say "you're excrement".

A lot of nignogs do it in the hood because they know the chances of their kids reaching 20 is slim.

less prone?

Nobody in God's family goes to hell. Nobody.

>yfw this girl probably went to hell too if it exists

I say we find and kill god

we can see your ID

7% of the US population commits 50% of the crime

White europeans in the US have crime rates comparable with continental europe. You'd know this if you did any kind of research, but of course you didn't.

This is the only way humans see hope for mercy from such an angry God. Only those who worship him are worthy of his heaven.

>justifying the death of a European girl by claiming she mixed with subhumans
>probably an american posing as a European
The absolute state of subhuman america

The god of this world is the white man. Ask him why is he so wicked, rule so wicked and so forth.

>nig nogs paying a monthly bill

Nah, they just go on the news and get a charity fund made for nogs school fund.

This looks like Maximilian Dood and Simmons cosplaying as a couple.

You obviously don't know that things weren't like this in the beginning. We had everything all laid out for us, but we didn't like it that way. We (humans) CHOSE this for ourselves. Before we did this, God specifically warned us against doing so.

Even though he hates our decision, he respects us enough to allow us the freedom of our choice. Even though we are forever faulted for our choice, he still offers us grace through forgiveness. He awards this through acknowledgment, repentance, and adherence.

So repent already!

That poor girl. I hope heaven is real and she's there.

>Authorities visited in August 2016 but said the teen was starving herself

This is the only part that matters, Des Moines has a pedo cult.

>Rabbi Schlomo Shekelstein uses the death of a young girl to push his secular cuckoldry

We do what we do to on a daily basis to ensure Ashley, Courtney, Megan, Amber and Eva don't end up like Natalie. As petty and pointless our daily struggles may feel in the moment, we must always remember that our everyday lives will be scrutinized to the very atom in only a few decades after our measly lives are over.

Embody National Socialism. Live it and be it at all times. Every bit of suffering from now on is endured for the white people. For your volk.


>monthly bill
>not subsidized by people who actually work


Faggot loser. Stop white knighting a dead whore.

>tfw would had impregnated and protected her

doot doot

>Authorities visited in August 2016 but said the teen was starving herself



They should be charges with accessory to murder.

No, the whole point of life insurance is if a parent dies, there is a financial cushion for the family.
It makes no sense to even offer insurance for children, as no one depends on them.

goddamn degenerate diaperfags

At least now she won't be burning any coal and paying any tolls.
Rest in peace deary/


Then by all means go ahead and live your fantasy if that's what you need to live.

Don't forget you still have to suck god's almighty cock and call it heaven when you officially go to be his bitch.

>Secular cuckoldry
And yet the entire religion of Christianity is based off a woman who cheated on her partner and came up the with excuse “its a miracle” to explain her pregnancy.

>buying life insurance on a teenager

this seems like it should raise suspicions


Family services is a human trafficing and prostitution and child sacrifice hub in a lot of locations, and the laws are in their favor.

Iowa DHS is notoriously retarded. It's a running joke here. They let confirmed and convicted methwhoresingle mothers keep kids over clean and employed fathers while drawing child support.

Literal meth whores that got hooked on the shit while being a normie and then divorced and turned out by their dealers. Allowed to keep kids over gainfully employed and drug free fathers. And forcing the fathers to pay child support.

Take a guess how bad the teenage meth and opiate problems are here. Take a drive on the Loop downtown or over towards Drake and get a look at all the young skimpy dressed clearly strung out "pedestrians" standing around.

also this.
she should have been internated in a hospital/mentail institution if they had suspected so.
hope those "authorities" killed themselves over what they did.
i bet it was an overweight niggeress

We need to bring back the use of the guillotine and public executions.

can't overpower 2 adults when you are starved.

The real tragedy about this story is how Iowa's social services failed ot intervene. There have been a couple stories like this there recently, and the state was doing investigation into how social services let this stuff slip through the cracks. I've moved to a different state, but iirc people ound out about this after she went to school and was asking people for food and clothes

>She was a qt.
A bit too skinny


Iowan here. Republican controlled state GOP has cut DHS budget and busted public employee unions.

The welfare queens are running wild and getting paid by state to raise kids without any consequence.

Social workers stopped giving a shit because of the attacks on budgets and staff and their union. No once to apply apparently also. And you cant just hire some bumfuck off the street for minimum wage or an illegal because that will look bad, social workers are professionals.

You will be spared the day of the rake

Unions, bro, unions. They'll probably get transferred to another city, or a grade school.

Don't forget that YOUR knee will bow and you WILL acknowledge him as YOUR lord, before he sends you to hell for your blatant blasphemy against him. Don't worry though, I'm sure your friends will be down there to scream in agony with you for eternity.