Based Zika Baby Kike Laura Loomer lays down the law
/our kike/
Also the rhinoplasty really has done wonders for her profile
She's gonna get banned on twitter for this
stop shilling this big nosed kike who steals work and lies here holy shit i hate what this board has turned into sage this shit
she's one to talk shit about others' fantasy books. the talmud is waaay worse than the quran.
Wow pol used to be fun. Stop being so serious all the time.
oh no Laura, your ass is going in the gas chamber right after the muslims.
As if the (((muslim))) terrorists aren't just Mossad.
bitch lasagna
only if kikes are on the list too
>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
>implying you would know
You have to go back Moshe
She's kind of a rapist though.
And she makes Southern look sincere by comparison.
Nice tire, Laura
Get rid of the meme flag leaf.
Believe it or not this site used to be funny and entertaining. Now it’s all a bunch of fags and stormfront refugees who think any banter is D&C shills and Jews.
I see this achieving two things:
1) pandering to Sup Forums
2) making the "alt-right" appear as bigoted as the media claims them to be
With #notallmuslims trending, it's counterproductive to argue that all Muslims are terrorists when it's simply not true. They should be prevented from entering under the basis than a handful in every 100 Muslims are terrorists, not that all 100 are. Seems like she's been bought out and now David Brock is shilling for her, I'm making this assumption after learning that she's a rapist who's been blackmailing goys after the previous controversy regarding her rape allegations and the fact that she's been photographed with Bill Clinton and several other pedophiles.
Here’s the Occam’s razor explanation on the alt-lite
They are just a bunch of attention whore who will do anything for an inch of fame. That’s why so many of them are literal faggots
>Jew 1 Pushes for islamic immigration
>Jew 2 pushes for you to go into war against islam, to help Israel
With jews, you ALWAYS lose.
Remove both judaism and islam from the west. Ally with Arab nations on the middle east.
It's the only way.
No more Jews in the west either. Shoo.
I say we send all the Muslims and Jews back to the Middle East then declare a holy war and make the Levant white again. I would enlist
No more Jews either
Both must be removed or the other will gain power in the vacuum
how many people need to die before everyone agrees that judaism is cancer and we should never let another kike into the civilized world. btw how does that bitch already have a checkmark?
That description reminds me of someone
How many moderate Japanese were “radicalized” when we put them all in camps while we were at war?
>Bring Muslims in our countries
>Haha look goys we hate them too now let us take Palestine and Syria
She's correct
Whoa, Laura brought Muslims into our countries?
>sour khazar milkers
none. they were very accepting of the situation. we also put germans into camps, but you never hear about that.
So true.
She's correct on this, but she's an idiot, so I'm not sure her opinion helps here.
Her fellow semites did.
Look at this filthy kike's Instagram. There are literally pictures of her partying in Dubai, from less than a year ago. NEVER, EVER trust a Jew.
Turks are white and based tho
you rarely see Turkish terrorists
shes right you know
Same you have no idea how fucking antiscience people have become on here. I'm suprised racial realism is even a thing here still.
I like her, she speaks the truth. I always thought southern was a dyke, never would of guessed she was into zoo animals.
speaks the truth? You must be Jewish.
Are you saying we shouldn't stop Islam and that southern was not blacked?
>Based Jew
This. Laura Loomer was brought on by Mossad to mislead everyone on Vegas.
Funny how she ignored the post by John warning us beforehand how jews would attack Vegas
>textbook limited hangout
I hope you realize that stable Muslim countries have 3 times less murder rate than the west, even excluding those fucked up cartel countries.
You gotta leave ahmed
The real question is how many brits are going to jail for talking about this online
That's because stoning and honor killings are not murder
No one has posted it yet?
Post the shops.
stoning and honor killings aren't random tho. We can probably use some of that punishment in the West.
>low murder rates
When you're killing each other out in the desert and there's no law enforcement, do you REALLY think that those deaths are being counted, Achmed?
There is no such thing as a "stable" Muslim nation, every one of them will continue to attack itself with warring tribes competing for control.
Only reason there are Muslims in the US is because of Jews. Main thing in the way of removing Muslims is also Jews. The Jews are the primary problem.
>There is no such thing as a "stable" Muslim nation
Okay kike.
Who the fuck is Laura Loomer though?
change Islam to Jews are cancer never let another Jew into the civilized world and lets spam it everywhere!
she is a complete pseud
>When you're killing each other out in the desert and there's no law enforcement
Oh you mean the Israeli run ISIS, yea they're really killing "each other"
>making the "alt-right" appear as bigoted as the media claims them to be
Holy shit shut the fuck up you stupid jew.
Anyone can see that you are clearly a jew trying to get people to stop supporting white nationalism by saying "if we stop hating other races then we win because then we won't be as racist as people say".
Sell the men as sex slaves. All I'm saying.
ISIS is a CIA/Mossad operation. These attacks are the work of the Synagogue of Satan. They just use Mohommad-fags as patsies because they are playing on your hate and it fucking works because we never deal with the real CIA niggers who are behind this shit while you are distracted with sand people.
I'm sorry but she can never replace Abigail Shapiro as the queen of Sup Forums.
Its a false flag to trigger the Alt-Right into a"Islamophobic" chimp out that they can then use against them and point to Las Vegas not getting labeled the same and how they are bigoted hypocrites
Just as Vegas was a false flag to trigger leftist chimping for gun legislation but no one here bought it, that is all he's saying is don't feed into it because that is what this was designed to do
Well you're fucking retarded if you think that exaggerating your talking points is the best way to approach these topics is going to gain any support. What would you expect a centrist to think when he reads a post from a supposed alt-right celeb saying "ALL MUSLIMS SUCK!#@#!@#"
Considering I find it hard to believe that anyone can be that dumb, I'm going to assume that you're a shill yourself as you're calling me a Jew for being skeptical for another Jew.
Retards like Loomer hurt these causes. Face it. You need good looking, intelligent people to sensibly speak the talking points and the positive aspects of nationalism, rather than pander bullshit like uneducated retards.