Tunnel Collapse in NoKo? Welcome to reality fatty. Rumor has it not only is rods from God real, lil fatty just found out what a telephone pole sized solid rod of tungsten does to your nuclear testing site when dropped from space. That's why those faggots haven't said shit for weeks.
Tunnel Collapse in NoKo? Welcome to reality fatty. Rumor has it not only is rods from God real...
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Got any sources on this? I'd love to believe we dropped a huge rod of tungsten from space on NoKo but I'm not sure I can.
daily reminder a "rod from god" is an overhyped space weapon that would be no different than a 2000lb Jdam and not the "meteor strike" people claim it would be
we signed a treaty promising not to weaponize space
Orbital physicist "brianna" wu would disagree with you, a mere rock dropped off the moon could wipe out a city.
Correction: No nukes in space.
no propulsion signature
straight trajectory
(now) cheap to install
We signed a treaty to not put nukes in space thats all the treaty is
incorrect. The treaty only forbids nuclear weaponry in space. Rods from God are fine.
good thing you dropped tungsten and not space then or UN would put every american in jail
the wording is "weapons of mass destruction", which we've learned post Iraq is a very broad term.
>no propulsion signature
>metal gear is real
What a timeline.
you're all missing the point. the US routinely breaks UN law. Every modern US president has broken UN laws in some way.
Check out the UN laws on torture, weapons transport, malicious foreign aid.
>resolution 1884 (XVIII), calling upon States to refrain from placing in orbit around the earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction or from installing such weapons on celestial bodies, which was adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly on 17 October 1963
>a telephone pole sized solid rod of tungsten
Is physics your friend?
I like how the Chicoms let out a warning a few days ago about just such a failure at this facility. I guess they were in on it somehow.
LOL!! What a bunch of retards.
They were even warned about it two months prior.
He's the article from today:
NK breaks UN laws too. The US is just doing it right back at them.
I had to look it up as well and was very surprised myself
Does the rod have to be made of dense materials to deal more damage, or can you basically drop massive rods of Graphite from space for the same effect?
>broad definition only when we want it
Oy veyyyy
you do realize how retarded you come across? do you have an inkling what a telephone pole sized rod of tungsten would weigh?
take your ignorant ass back to /x/
Its weightless in space, idiot,
howd that rod of tungsten, the size of a telephone pole get into space, numbnuts?
I think graphite would just break up upon re-entry.
9 tons, according to the 2003 air force disclosure.
>not using a big magnet to collect all of tye tungsten in space so you dont have to shoot it into orbit
Really, its ok to admit your a brainlet, I wont judge. By the way, Elon Musk is god.
Seperate trips, pieces thread together once in space by faggy technician
>dropped off the moon
You know it would take more energy to get that thing in orbit then what it would generate right?
we probably have a heavy lift fleet operating out of Antarctica. The weather there isn't really that bad, just cold. It's the driest place on earth. Aside from the gravity it is very similar to the environment of space.
>it's the driest place on earth
Clear infrared thermal signature though, the Russians would be throwing shoes at the UN by now. Chinese too probably.
Tungsten withstands heat. Needed for atmospheric entry
Rail-guns in space?
Fatty did it his self. One more test and it collapses.
Telephone pole size? Think crowbar with steering.
no wmds in space. conventional kinetic options like this are fair game.
sci fi moar. just because your brain can't imagine it doesn't mean it can't exist.
Vid or pic? I've always wanted to see one go off
No, they are 30 ft long.
This is what it looks like
Funny another af x37 just launched few days ago, what a coincidence!
Lol if you drop something while in orbit, it will continue to orbit indefinitely.
You a fucking idiot! It travels at rougly 17k mph in leo (Low Earth Orbit) the speed of a comet. Think of a precision guided comet
Says nothing about weapons of selective destruction.
Or kinetic weapons.
Yeah, but it's on average 0 mph toward the earth's surface.
No it's not, do you NOT gravity bro? Are you this dense?
holey moley
Explain how a rod in orbit can come crashing down to the earth due to gravity.
He's right, gravity is a conservative force but you're working against more than just gravity when launching into space.
Americans do whatever they god damn please
You would have to slow it down considerably to weaponize it. An orbit is just falling around the curvature of spacetime.
How the fuck do you think the 10,000+ satellites stay in place moron? This is a +18 board....kid. Leave, before you catch the ban hammer
nigga space dont work like that you cant just drop rocks off of moons
There is not 10,000 satelilites in orbit fucknuts. There is a clear difference from space junk and satellites
Wow you people really are fucking stupid aren't you? Do you know why they use tungsten? Because during re-entry (As is the same with space shuttles) it heats up enough to melt metal. Same as asteroids. Our earth is an iron core planet with a very strong magnetic field. These are forced out with a propulsion system similar to a rocket and guided like an am-ram missile.
All of you saying they got those 9 tons rods in orbit with rockets n shit is a fool, not only the price to get that payload in orbit must be astonishing the mere logistics to do so is god damn near impossible. IF the orbital strikers are a real thing, which I doubt they are outside of call of duty, they would look drastically different than what google is showing us. I would see them as carrying many loads but rather a single rod per strikers would be already more realistic, meaning, you launch a preloaded striker in orbit and once it's depleted it's gone and not reloadable.
I hit 1 too many zero's in a rush
Don't speak again or im going to break your dreams for the week, niglet
I meant
>I wouldn't*** see them
None of that has anything to do with deorbiting the rod itself.
>Break your dreams for a week
cringy af
Niggers sure do show that 85 iq alot, don't get mad when we make fun of you fucking ape's XD
did you read anything I said you spastic nigger
denser=heavier=more damage
wait im sorry I think I misunderstood your post, your on too many levels of irony for me
not only are nukes probably fake but as is this latest shit ass garbage from you
>straight trajectory
wrong. lurn2orbit bucko
>(now) cheap to install
wrong (bigly)
My bad, I tagged the wrong one. Mashalla muh negro. And yes, they carry a load of 30 rods each. And no google wouldn't have squat on them. I already know they.
>t. someone who knows others
Yes retard a weapon that was never developed made something happen
I heard the rod had an inscription on the side:
'Next one lands on your stupid fucking haircut you pan faced mongoloid'.
Tr 3b's are also legit, that x-35 shit is old news, I mean so are the tr3b's but that's what were "kinda" allowed to know.
See here faggot
I know some people too, when I talked about that with one of my buddy from NORAD I asked him if the shuttle would've been viable for the reloading task, he said it would've been the only realistic way to do so but only one rod at the time so if what you're saying is true that would mean there were many, many sts missions covered up... and that sounds farfetched to me
There are 3, and im not saying anymore
How do you piece that much together. Tungsten is used in welding, cant really melt it, weld it or bolt it together. You would have to factory make it like diamonds in an incubator
*except for Hillary's pussy.
for a total of 90 fucking rods? thats just ludacris
>A rock dropped off the moon
not to mention how many fucking satellites we have and the ruskies have with fucking single shot cannons or killer lasers on them
god damn idiots
>The system most often described is "an orbitingtungstentelephone polewith small fins and a computer in the back for guidance".[citation needed]The system described in the 2003United States Air Forcereport[citation needed]was that of 20-foot-long (6.1m), 1-foot-diameter (0.30m) tungsten rods, that are satellite controlled, and have global strike capability, with impact speeds ofMach 10.[7][8][9]
I'm sitting here praying that you are not really nigger tier retarded. Do you know how the fucking space shuttle returned from orbit?
Precisely moron! During re-entry, it CAN NOT MELT!
That's what I heard man
t. someone who lives around "Very Intelligent people" on every fucking angle.
This is bullshit. Want a verifiable fact?
US war with NK before Christmas. Screencap this, and impress your friends.
Kek, underrated
SUPER weapon confirmed
It'll be over in 15 minutes XD
he's right in that without a controlled and directed acceleration/deceleration then the rod would not fall to earth
By exerting a force in the opposite direction of it's velocity, reducing its speed and causing it to deorbit.
what about space x or another private company?
It is...
You’re wrong.
Extremely high casualties. We have identified something around 2% of their tunnel complexes.