-sips soy milk-

CHECKMATE alt-blighterz and pol trolls.

>>"The idea is that if you drink dairy-free milk alternatives, you are obviously weak and feminine (based on the thinking that soy products increase men’s oestrogen levels, even though this hasn’t been scientifically proven)."

Other urls found in this thread:


Post soyboys.

Holy fuck, that was quick. The writer of this article probably posted it here too. Saged

The absolute state of journalism

>thumb outside your fist
do people really have to think about this?

>thumb outside your fist
>they actually have to teach their side how to punch without injuring themselves

The perss really pays people o be checking on Sup Forums, right?
This soyboy thing literally started yesterday.

That's clearly an FtM.

> get bantered to shit online
> run a fucking "article" about it

The soyboy thing days, even weeks ago, it's only recently that more and more threads started popping up. Either shills working overtime to make the threads and set the narrative or it just gained traction and the (((press))) decided to capitalize on it.

It started like 2 day ago, soy goy.


This article is nothing but strawmen. "Soy boy" has caught on because it describes a real and very laughable phenomenon.

I've been exclusively on soy for a year and could heem any you of your blumpfkins

There's nothing objectively wrong with wanting to watch another man fuck your girlfriend.

usually you learn that kind of things when you are a kid and fight with your brothers or in school
i figured out when i tried to punch my brother with my thumb inside the hand, i was 6 and it really hurt but then you learn

soy has been scientifically proven to raise estrogen levels. i avoid it because it also causes testicular cancer in men.

>they don't even know to put your thumb outside your fist
Jesus Christ, and these people actually think paramilitary violence will go well for them.

Any "Got Soy?" memes surfacing?

Why would you ever punch with your thumb in your fists ? What the fuck

Beautiful khazar milkers

i learned it tae kwon do when i was like 7 years old

whoa, Sup Forums was right again

it's how a lot of girls punch.

I've never punched anyone or been in any kind of real fight and I would never do tha

Why are our insults so catchy?

I'm not gonna stop calling people cucks though. It's just too perfect. Soy boy is a nice alternative, but it's no replacement.

Wait, what? I've never heard that insult before - is it actually used by anyone, or is it just the mind product of yet another leftwing faggot trying to stay relevant?

Wtf do they post here themselves?

is it good for a female to consume soy?

Buzzfeed just posted an article where four male staffers got their testosterone levels tested. ALL of them were low, and three were at medically dangerous levels.

Soy boys are likely to be cucks, too. So it works both ways.

Damn Sup Forums, should I stop drinking soy milk? Regular milk doesn't hurt, it just gives me terrible gas and I have roommates. Should I switch to the almond jew?


Nice viral marketing campaign. Just wait for them to a push a "proud to be a soy boy" angle to this and these faggots will be buying their shit and posing with it.

It probably injures your thumb, right ? I just tried making a fist with the thumb inside and outside and I just can't grasp the idea why anyone would put their thumb inside the first. It's absolutely counter intuitive

Coconut Jew

The asian had the only "healthy" score.

>remember goys, one leg in front of the other when you run away

The fucking related article

Why do they all look like Urkel? They have no jaw line whatsoever.

I can't believe it took this long for an insult like "soy boy" to catch on. It describes a type of person that most people are fed up with and when you say it, people instantly know what you're talking about. The first time I saw "soy boy" used, I instantly understood what the writer was talking about.



>completely ignores the science

Seriously considering pretending to be a nazi just so these little assholes give me an excuse to teach them some manners

>thumb outside fist

Gets me every time

"Methinks the lady doth protest too much."

Well, I'm down the rabbit hole now. Reading lefty online articles about the term "soy boy." Ever notice that when lefties talk about the right, they describe our positions as rooted in fear? I think they're projecting.

then, know which way, you'll run,afterward, ...

Depends. Too high levels of estrogen may cause hair loss in women (thyroid issues)

>there are """"journalists"""" from listicle shitsites like Independent, Buzzfeed, Mic, CNN, Washington Post and Huffpost in this thread RIGHT NOW, with other tabs open to Sup Forums crawling around searching for the 'latest alt-right trend' to hopefully make their shitty content quota by Friday and not lose their outsourceable job to some other young social-media intern who is ten years younger and slightly more 'bleeding edge' than they are

post yfw

This is not a soyboy this is a run-of-the-mill fag

Kek. Too perfect.

>that was quick
my thoughts too, they are starting to lurk even more often.

Makes me want to hatefuck it back to F... Mmm, yes. Never been a fan of the transformation/bimboification fetish, but that sounds really good.

The thing's probably covered in STDs, though.

>Nazi: What is this new insult used by the far left?

>It's the new 'racist'

>The idea is that if you criticize certain cultural aspects of non-whites living in your country, you are obviously a racist fascist nazi (check your privilege, shitlord).


Non fermented soy does. Fermented soy is ok. The fermentation changes the chemistry and somehow eliminates the xenoestrogen risk.



>how does one punch

kek underrated.


>Cuckolded husband insist his marriage has never been stronger
literally the antichrist internet newspaper


Why are these articles always like half a year late?

>written by a female
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Soyboys can’t into bant and have females write how insulted they are. FAIL

>cargo short owners
fuck you faggot, literally nothing wrong with cargo shorts



Yes, it will break the thumb. Fucking retards

>c- cuck is no longer offensive b-because we turned it around on them guys w-we swear

Same reason lefties like stale memes. They're not hip with the hot internet trends.

Soy boy is months old. Lurk moar or go back to plebbit. Holy fuck

The fuck?! Did a bee sting both of his nipples?

>Maus interpreters
Where did all this paranormal shit about him originate?


>literally "no you"


>it's real
you can't make this shit up

>Steampunk fans
Why am I seeing this shit more often now? Always some dirty-looking white guy with a cringy top hat and goofy glasses. There's even a guy at work that comes dressed like pic related. He even has a cane. Mind you, people are doing this nowhere near Halloween. What the fuck is this shit and should I be laughing at them?

>Not hitting with the heel of your palm rendering the "thumb outside fist" thing irrelevant

Enjoy your broken fingers.

Nobody even says this anymore!


they got to this one much faster than the cuck thing, imagine the amount of faggot journalists lurking at all times


Forgot pic.

yes of course laugh at them wtf they are fucking retarded

>punching with your fingers

>starting a sentence with "but"
>doing it AGAIN two paragraphs down

The media is freaking retarded. They need to get out of their bubbles and talk to people. Nobody uses their made-up insults but them!

What would Sup Forums say if I told you that I deliberately take a particular synthetic xenoestrogen for the positive affects that activating the estrogen receptor has?

Estradiol is:

- Neuroprotective
- Anabolic
- Bone strengthening
- Metabolically protective

Sup Forums needs more estrogen desu.

I don't think soy boy can be turned around in this way. Cuck proved ineffective because its meaning isn't very intuitive. Soy boy doesn't have that problem IMO.

always wondered why this wasn't more popular

>tfw I work for a big milk company
>you faggots are doing glorious work
>started with trump banning Oreos making people rush out to buy milk and cookies
>than you made milk the white mans drink and sales went up you all just kept buying it by the gallon to drink
>now soyboy meme is going to make sales go up soon
cow breast milk is a great business to be in you guys keep drinking it
I feel close to you guys

By that logic then they could use any word like 'nigger' and turn it around to make it non-offensive

How about I slap your shit?

if you land it wrong your wrist is gone
thats why

Call me when they write an article about bugmen.

how pathetic can it get boys

isn't that what literal niggers claim to do though
>it's our word now white boi that means it's no longer offensive
nigger tier logic

Almond milk is alot better than soy milk