Why do ameritards celebrate and export an event that is only about gibs and misfits? Most people here doing Halloween are sandniggers! Fuck I hate Americans so goddamn much!
Why do ameritards celebrate and export an event that is only about gibs and misfits...
Misfits are literally the foundation of every childrens movie ever.
halloween is about celebrating harvest, scaring off evil spirits and comuning with the dead in a positive way that is supported by the church.
there is a skeleton inside you
All this people dressing up as 'spooky' corpses is actually grossing me out. Why would you do that? For fun? Do you find this kind of things actually funny? Horribly dismembered people - haha? And don't get me started on the pumpkins.
Who the fuck cares? Once a year kids play dress up and get candy, while adults play dress up and get drunk. Just don't leave out a bowl of candy with a sign that says "take one" unless you live in a middle class white suburb or are running a social experiment.
>dem wasted numerals
It literally says
>trick or gibs
everything else is made up bullshit to justify being a nigger.
>niggers of any kind
You smart guy, huh?
>grumpy old scrooge-like austrianfag
>despises american cultural hegemony
>never had to deal with trick or treaters until current year
>only mudslimes showing up every 10 mins for gibs
Thanks OP, I needed a good laugh today.
Happy Halloween!
>american cultural hegemony
You mean Lego everything
Happy halloween. Don't get uppity or we could reduce your country to smoldering nuclear ash. Don't you feel powerless and neutered? Some fat American business men are holding your people over a fucking boiling pot. We own you, basically.
Apparently you cannot read either. I said don't put out the sign unless you live in a middle class white suburb. Blacks will steal the candy is you live around them, and if you live in a rich neighborhood blacks will drive their children to upper class neighborhoods.
>Halloween was exported from America
>What is All Hallow's Eve?
>Comparing giving candy and pennies to kids to welfare
Decent quality b8, m8
Next time we go to Europe to straighten you subhumans out again, a great many of you fuckers are going to get shoahed.
Until then, Happy Halloween.
It doesn't work like this here. It's often villages only, and there it's only two minutes walk from a rich to a poor neighborhood.
please get started on the pumpkins
Don't get us started, marttard, or we will start WW3 which you're going to lose for sure. Since nobody gives a shit about us anymore, we will just pass through like nothing happens. Don't make us start WW3
In America anything more than a five minute walk is considered driving distance.
walk? we don't do that. seriously. what is it?
The foreign hordes are used to walk through Europe 2bh
It's literally an Americanized holiday as an excuse for drinking and fraternizing until you are have children for then which you party + dress up your kid in something cute and/or funny
Do you not enjoy fun?
Same, famalam. The Americanisation of Europe is sickening. We're even more susceptible to it in Britain, since we share a language with them. All their (((holidays))) are based around consumerism and shallow ideals. Jewmerica is a hemorrhoid on Western civilisation.
This is difficult for the european to understand, but there is a difference between voluntary giving unto others and government sanctioned transfer of wealth, ie “gibs”. In the United States, we celebrate the former and frown upon the latter. In europe, only the latter exists and is therefore confused for the former.
You will experience the best train station rape of all time. Probably Frankfurt.
Just don't give the sand nigs any candy. Or maybe a stick of gum
> american cultural hegemony
>mudslimes showing up every 10 mins for gibs
reminds me of americunts showing up every 10 years for oil
I used to walk for miles on Halloween cause I lived in the middle of the mountains. If I see kids walk out of a car and knock on my door, they get less candy.
>All their (((holidays))) are based around consumerism and shallow ideals. Jewmerica is a hemorrhoid on Western civilisation.
Yeah I'm actually not going to deny that. I tend to give Halloween more of a pass than most Holidays because it is less commercialized than Christmas while still being as festive, but all American holidays are extremely consumerist.
>Oy vey you don't have the newest Call of Duty? What will you play when you get home from school? All your friends are moving onto Call of Duty 12
>We sell the best chocolate bunnies to give your children, ours have an outer chocolate shell filled with caramel
>You need at least a 20 lbs Turkey to feed a family of four, also don't forget to wake up early on Friday so you can get those black Friday deals
>You should buy your children $80 costumes that they will only ever wear once
>maybe a stick of gum
i mean after all the shit you took from us you'd think we deserve more than a stick of gum
Nevertheless, they are entering your property asking for gibs
All of mudslime land should be wiped out and their resources taken. People who can actually use them should use them, and don't let them get wasted on primitive cultures
>You should buy your children $80 costumes
and buy yourself $200 one + $100 on make up
+like $70 on candy for the kids(not even mentioning if you wanna make a hunted house or host a party)[allah help you with that if you decide to]
man in Eid we just give the children the money instead of giving it to the jews
>blaming america
Y'all did this to yourselves you displaced ahmed; America didn't bring in the shits, y'all let Germany become the thing your entire continent fought against and allowed them to ruin everything. All we did was give you enough rope to hang yourself in helping with WWII
> primitive cultures
well maybe if Christians were not trying to take shit from us since 1096 we would not be "primitive"
>living in the past
checks out
It's fun you faggot
What? In America anything more than 100 feet (that's about 30 meters to you Yuropoors), is driving distance.
What the fuck are you blathering on about? Halloween, Americans or muslims? Pick only one.
America is the roots of all evil
No German has ever laughed. Quit larping.
Americans did not invent All Hallows Eve nor muslims. Stop bitching and whining at us.
We did invent Sup Forums. You say you hate America, but you spend your free time on an American website, made by an American, full of Americans, to talk about America, while enjoying American freedom of speech. You watch American movies, American television, listen to American music and play American video games. And you love it. You don’t hate America. You hate yourself for loving America. For needing America. You are welcome.
I know.
>We have beautiful date for celebrating our death relatives and remembering them
>American autism from west approaches and people start to forget about it because muh customes and jack o latern.
It all makes sense now.
Actually the Jews are the root of all evil and America is more like the bush or tree of evil. Also Halloween is Irish not American in origin. Americans like to LARP as Irish so that's why we do it.
"I'm a kraut, I say keep em out"
Millions of queers before you made this argument, and are smug about it, You fail to understand, tho, that this is a place where people are. So having any message a place where people are is the best to spread it
i don't give out candy on halloween, i don't like people knocking on my door.
muricunts turned a celtic tradition into a shekel fest for shlomo....fucking delusional burgers think they larp as irish when in fact they have shlomo dick in their anus
Same here, I hide inside with the curtains shut and the lights out being quiet pretending I'm Anne Frank. Then at the end of the night I take off the little girl dress and gas myself in the oven.
>Being this triggered over exchange of Candy.
Now this is some next level bait POL has been lacking.
When did your flag change?
we do it for the kids you fucking idiot, not because 90% of white trash is irish blooded.
what the fuck are you on about, most people doing halloween were always white, you false-flagging arab
Halloween is satanic shit. Any "holiday" pushed by the Jews is by default bad for the white race, just like Christmas was turned from a celebration of the birth of Christ to a celebration of buying shit from your local happy merchant.
gives historical reason = living in the past
who is the primitive one here again ?
You can't even deny it. America is in your head. In your blood. The more you struggle, the more we sink into you. You can't fight it, foreign user. Just lay back and learn to enjoy it.
Is this some reddit attempt to get into my pussy?
piece of trash migrant-kiddo OP whose parents couldn't afford to let him do anything, off yourself right now
you ever heard of FASCHING, you double-nigger?
>get dressed up and party
Gibs Festival
>go around and ask strangers for gibs
Yeah, totally the same, kiddo. This shit is only a thing for the last 10 years or so. So if wouldn't be a genZ cocksucker you'd know better.
yeayeayea keep telling yourself that you angry betamale
maybe if your childhood wasn't so SHIT you wouldn't have grown up into the retard that you are now
I got my first beej from my crush on hallowien (she was dressed as april from tmnt), whilst you were at home sucking on potato-peels, and look where you are now, making threads about fucking halloween at 130 LUL
if I wasn't on wache rn I'd show up at your government housing and bitchslap you and your whole family back into the poor shithole you crawled out of
>last 10 years
>if I wasn't on wache
get a real job negro
>not serving his country
ultimo KÜKt
im sure youre super busy with your betabux "lyfe"
then again you're a confirmed migrant, who the fuck needs you
well as this thread obviously proves, some assdevastated balkoroach can definitely go amok on halloween because he never got laid in school, so I'll just keep wache and maybe pop a headshot on one of you suicide-by-police faggots one day
never mind the fact that service is mandatory and only the most pathetic bitches dodge it
> no reply
sleep tight cukboys
We already have dress up festivals in Europe. We don't need another one. Certainly not one that encourages begging and vandalism.
>freetime shitposting
>on-duty reddit cancer posting
who is the fucking roach?
Didn't we shut you fucks up in 1945?