Ask a Cuban anything

Politics and what not

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Hello fellow Cuban. Pretty sure they know we’re rabid anti Communists.

Are you a communist?

when are you going to liberate your prison island?

Btw, I like you Cubans. I visited Holguin, Bayamo and Santiago. They cubans are pretty good

Yep. Great grandma always said ( about Castro ) bad weeds never die.

Hell no. My family lost everything to communism.

Probably never. How would i even go about doing that?

Good. I don’t like commies

Have you ever been to Cuba?
I feel bad for Cubans living there since communism has destroyed their economy. Its sad to see their crummy houses


Funny way to spell gusano.

Yoooo are you from Miami?
If so, are you t0rcher?

Fellow cuban here, Family is from Nueva Paz. Fuck communism so god damned hard

t. mestizo communist

Do you masterbate?

How would you go about doing that? Are you daft? How did the revolution happen in '59? Round up a bunch of your buddies storm the island, and set up in the mountains, befriend the locals, get CIA weapon drops, spoof the country with various psyops, bing, bang, boom, now you run the island. Oh but you got to kill a lot of people, good people, innocent reservists and policemen you know. But then you get to call yourself king and rule for decades! Personally I really have no issue with the communist government. I lived in Cuba for a time and greatly enjoyed my time there and found the state to be highly inefficient but remarkably dignified. Cuba is a mess but a really beautiful mess. I really hope they find their way in the future. Cuba could truly be an major country and player in international affairs, but the country right now is so stagnant and I think a large part of that has to do with a stifling lack of freedom. And that lack of freedom come's from the government's paranoia of invasion or insurrection which is quite justifiable because we are here talking about it right now!

As a Cuban you need to take responsibility for the future of people try to influence Cuba's future. Or just let one of the most beautiful places on earth rot under a repressive regime that dampens its spirit. Whatever really.

Yeah i'm sure.

I've never been there and don't plan to anytime soon.

Castro's ghost pls leave

No i live in New Jersey

Only once or twice a week ( I swear!)

You never lived in Cuba.

Whats your discord ID? I only know like 2 other redpilled cuban people and thats it

You have any plans on visiting Cuba? I have to visit about every summer or so because sick relatives, that place really is hell, it's hot, boring, and food is hard to get.

You have never ever been to Cuba, you are a retard

That picture looks oddly sexual, what movie is it from?

Does Lucy have some splainin' to do?

lol okay. i definitely don't a degree from the university of havana or anything. okay chief. i am glad your powers of deductive reasoning are so acute, you must have a lot of good ideas.

who are these fools that claim to know my life???

Are you going back?

where did you get that degree? were you a russian expat? life isn't all fucking cherry blossoms in cuba you fucking piece of shit

No, fuck you, unlike mexicans we don't have a country to come back to because it's not even capitalist, and its not like we're not white either, we're 65% white, which is whiter than the US

Where did I get the degree? I just said from the University of Havana. Here is a pic I took on the campus. You won't find this image anywhere else on the internet

The white part of the us is about 95 percent white. Try again.

And the white part of Cuba is 100% white. Pretty weird how the english language works huh you fucking idiot

no I am not a russian expat I am an American, I saw an opportunity to University in Cuba so I did. here is another exclusive pic.

Did you finish your rubber boat?, when you will try the crossing.....Miami is waiting....

>" I really have no issue with the communist government. I lived in Cuba for a time and greatly enjoyed my time there and found the state to be highly inefficient but remarkably dignified."

these are words of a cuban LARP'er or a stupid American Tourist. Even actual communists in Cuba know shits fucked. You are obviously a retarded LARP'er


>American tourist with money

Fucking dropped LOL

Yes not all of us are fucking moors/niggers you idiot. Cuba is only 10% black and 20% mulatto. Most of our immigration came from Galicia and Asturias.

Will you go back when it's not Communist and or find a home somewhere in Latin America where they at least speak your language?*

Yes. If Cuba stopped being communist I would move there in a heartbeat, what kind of question is that?

Hey now, I went to Cuba a few years ago and they were as white as can be. Pleasant nature, god-fearing and amazing hosts, it's a shame they've been under commie rule for so long but Cubans are bros as far as I'm concerned. They grill some mean open pig roasts too.

yeah dude I am so retarded with my political science degree from UC and my spanish degree from habana. I have no idea what I am talking about with anything.

"yeah fuck this guy I am gonna tear him down and not try to learn anything from him because i hate him even though i never met him"

fucking nu-Sup Forums I swear...

nigga i planted my seed inside a cuban girl's vajajay on the island of cuba, that makes me more cuban than your diaspora ass

>literal communist
>me being nu-Sup Forums

I was also right about you being some tourist idiot, you literally went to the nicest part of Havana, studied, and claimed that you have no problem with the current Cuban government or Cuba as a whole. Fuck off, commie faggot

vajayjay? are you nine years old? no, nunca seras cubano y siempre seras un americano larpeador de mierda

heres something your larping ass should know:
la pinga de tu puta madre

hahahaha fuck off

if socialist why there are a lot of spanish hotels?

>Round up a bunch of your buddies

I have like five friends, mate. Plan falls apart right at the start.

I would definitely go if there were new property and riches to be won, play the yankee conquistador. Maybe repossess some of the old plantations my family owned.

How did you end up studying in Cuba?

I was born in New Jersey. I've never even 'been'.

I've never even been on a boat. Some of them are impressive though.

Funny how communist Cuba needs tourism to actually stay alive, also huge Chinese oil companies keep cuba afloat btw

yeah I am a literal communist, thats why I used to wear SS pins when I was a kid and made a shrine to Hitler when I was in middle school.

Guess what? News Flash! Communism, Fascism, and National Socialism are all equally viable. I do a lot of business in China and they are on track to pass the US by technologically and economically.

>inb4 China is not real communism

I have real big issues with Communism but frankly the internal affairs of Cuba are not a huge concern of mine. If you track my comments on this thread, my first comment was pressing OP why he has not liberated the island, expressing my dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. Cuba is fucked in a lot of ways. Fresh fruit and fish are nearly impossible to come by. You can't have meetings with more than 20 people with government approval. Fuel is scarce. People have no money and the hardest working people get paid the lease. I am not blind to the faults in Cuban society and I dream of a republic of cuba that is an economic powerhouse in the Caribbean. THAT being said I can appreciate the positives of the Communist government in Cuba...and yes there are positives. Obviously not enough to make me advocate Communism for my own country but enough to dampen otherwise harsh criticism of the regime. There is no denying that the strictness of the communist regime has ensured Cuba's security against US imperialism; the crackdown on homosexuality and the traditional nature masculinity and femininity have been preserved in Cuba in a way we have lost in the USA.

My pa is from cuba. He is meme white too with blue eyes and blonde hair. He tells me that if the government did anything right, it was that it taught people decency and it is totally possible to live within smaller means of wealth. He also the degeneracy here compared to over there is ridiculous. hes hasnt been back since early 2000's so I dont know if that has changed

"Guess what? News Flash! Communism, Fascism, and National Socialism are all equally viable."
>communism is viable

I don't give two fucks about your edgy childhood, you are a communist retard, fuck off shill.

Man Real communism never will exist due to human nature.

Spain was the first country with which the Cuban government has partnered on hotels. I think this is mainly because the Cuban government decided it would be best to bring in a reputable and prestigious hotel operating firm to build the hotel and run it as a successful test case that the Cubans could learn from.

Spain also provides funding to the Cuban education system. The cultural ties between the two run fairly deep to this day.

This dosen't look more like buddy's capitalism?

Do you even know what communism is? Cuba is socialist. Communism is a state that is stateless, classless, and moneyless. Cuba is none of those things. Cuba's main party seizes the means of production, which means it a socialist country. It has been a catastrophic failure with food shortages and everything the government touches becomes run-down and garbage. And the crackdown on homosexuality? Have you been to Cuba lately? Please.. Just google metrosexual cuba and you'll see what I'm talking about. Go fuck yourself.

>Spain also provides funding to the Cuban education system.
Source, now

Communism is a society that is stateless*

I am communist because I abhor communism. Got it. Literally volunteered for the Trump campaign with a banner that said "Socialism is Dead" with a picture of Che's corpse.

Listen bud. You seem like a real smart guy.

Then somalia is communist.

Somalia has a system of money and has obvious class.

>I am communist because I abhor communism
>Listen bud. You seem like a real smart guy.

A-are you retarded?

Is Batista remembered fondly or with distaste by Cuban Americans? Maybe better than Castro, but not good? Or good?

People tend to think that Batista was horrible but was superior to Castro.

Glad we are having good discussions ITT.

How hard was the swim to Florida?

The era is remembered fondly, however. The biggest brag is that ''Cuba had the first color tv'' meme

>communism is viable
>I have no problem with the communist government of cuba
>"I can appreciate the positives of the Communist government in Cuba"

This all shit you have said, doesn't sound like you dislike communism that much. Also Homosexuality in Cuba is not frowned upon by government but by locals. You are truly the most retarded person I have spoken to.

Nobody swims to florida, like 10% of the population did that. Cubans either won visas or faked their plane ticket and pleaded political assylum once in the US.

Now nobody does that anymore because of the wet-foot-dry-foot act got nuked by obama.

Blade Runner 2049

Yes I understand the nature of Communism. Yes I know that Cuba does not qualify as Communist under Marxist doctrine. But the government IS the communist party. Hey, you know, ISIS may not REALLY be a caliphate, but I generally address people the way they are addressing themselves.

If a political party is espousing communism and they are in complete control of a country, then I will call that country communist. I am sorry if I am not being precise with the lexicon and technical definitions. idgaf

as for the spanish of the classroom doors at my university had a plaque stating the building had been renovated with funds contributed by the government of spain.

My family greatly prefers Batista to Castro. They were plantation owning bourgeois so obviously that got fucked over pretty bad.

Are traps gay?

Yes , but not this one.

That might be. How long ago was it? If it was under the Zapatero era then yes it is possible.


blade runner 2017
shes an AI (hologram version)

yeah its not frowned upon by the government, i guess thats why they put fags in front of firing squads right?

That's some disturbing stuff.


Fidel was a Rolex-wearing "Communist"

>I was born in New Jersey. I've never even 'been'.
Then how exactly are you Cuban?

How? I knew of a school that had an exchange program so I went. That easy. I highly recommend it.

he pretty much isnt

Old Cuba

My parents are Cuban. I'm fully Americanized though and don't speak Spanish.

then you are not cuban dude lol

Stop doing these fucking AMAs you fucking plebs

Were you born on the island?

Uh nope

gusano pls leave.. fucking 90 castro commies invade island from mexico and you all run like fags. then you come to miami with your vibrancy, making it a 3rd world corrupt shithole. and the flushing of castros toilets in Mariel was the icing on the cake. Santaria loving, Ros-Lehtinen ass kissing failures. I know a bunch of cubans still holding on to their property deeds and titles from that shithole island thinking they will get their property back.. HAHAHAHA
Oh and your dead cuban coke head pitcher. that fucker can drive a boat well!


Who hurt you?

Food limited,no.
but shitty for sure.

90 castro commies that inspired the entire nation. No, 90 people did not ransack the entire fucking island. They inspired the population to rise up because they thought a revolution to tumble Batista would be good. Everybody was too stupid to know what communism was so they just supported the revolution. My grandmother was part of the original 90. Now? She lives in Tampa wishing nothing but death on Raul.

Go fuck yourself and your LARPing ass.

Holy shit the edge Jesus Christ

And Santeria? Are you joking? Only niggers do that shit. And they are 10% of the population. Nobody lives to their property deeds either, because they were taken by the state you faggot.

There is an upcoming food shortage, canned food is expensive as fuck, costing up to like 5 dollars a can, for a cuban person this is a lot of money. Red meat is also illegal and the means of getting it legally is also extremely expensive. Shit's fucked man, communism sucks

they have it better then DR, most of mexico & venezuela, and a few shit central american countries. but they cry muh communism and get a free pass here. yeah, maybe 35,000 or so cubans died, but 30 mil chinese died and we are on best terms. about the money, jorge.



Do Cuban exiles not like talking about Cuba with non-Cubans?

seen those titles myself fuckhead. i know some cubans that have them. gonna be funny when they go back and see 4 families living in their old houses and tell them to leave.
And sanataria is practiced ethnically the same. you are thinking Haitian voodoo, enrique.

they flee cuz of better gibmedats, and they are too lazy to stay and make a difference. I go there every year and have travelled the island extensively NO ONE IS STARVING, JULIO