>"I deserve $15 an hour"
"I deserve $15 an hour"
"I deserve to have a pension thats not pissed away on wall street"
But user giving them 15 an hour would morph them into hard and productive workers
What's wrong with our Sandwich Artisans work? It's abstract art.
thats what an engineer gets paid here, and not entry salary, 2400 a month is a shitload here
Maybe if we pay them $15 an hour they'll do it right.
As of now they have no incentive.
It's not that they deserve more money, it's that if their employers do not pay them a living wage, they will wind up being subsidized with tax money.
I deserve big khazar milkers.
Their new title will be Burger Engineer.
you are pretty ignorant of human nature
>some jewish princess with big tits will never suck you off while making eye contact and ask "Is that all daddy?"
Oy vey alas I'm just a schmuckish goyim.
then hire a engie for 50/h to design you a automated sandwice making amchine
i deserve whataburger.
Starting hourly wage as a paramedic is 14.25/hr where i live.
$15 is what EMTs make here. You can literally be saving someone's life and some shitskin commie wants to be paid the same as you for slapping together a shitty burger full of toxic chemicals. It's fucking disgraceful. One day I'd like to move to a white country where there is someone worth saving, got any room left in Costa Rica?
Looks like shit
You might think you deserve $15/hour but the employer certainly can't afford that.
Instead he'll pay Paco under the table to do the $8/hour work you did for $5.
Paramedic starts at 14 and hr and emts start at 10 where i live.
the way the bun has two holes it almost looks like a bun puking the burger out
Don't worry, you'll get $15 too :^)
>2$ for one of these in canada
>2.10 with tax
>5$ for 2 of them with tax
>he cant afford that
you dumb nigro
I've never understood how americans can brag about being so capitalistic and free and yet let the government interfere with employee/employer payments.
It's like saying you can't sell a product at a certain price.
I go to a McDonalds that is out of my way because there is always this very hard working asian employee who is super fast on the intercom and always gets my order correct. I wish there was a way to reward him or make his exceptional the standard without tipping or raising prices on muh burgers
That bun has an ironically sad face on it
I don't speak delicia, sorry.
I live in Washington State where they are pushing the $15 minimum wage for burger flippers, so perhaps ours is a bit higher. Paramedics here get around $20.
>but tastes like heaven
God, I love Texas
>> 50/hr engineer
>> 50/hr
kick out illegals.
close borders
fair trade.
kill the fat fucks
increase the minimum wage.
why haven't they been working harder in cities that increased their wages to 15 dollars an hour then?
they got more money but there was no change in the quality of their work
Le human nature. Care to give more details?
>costa rica
good one dude
when we see a minimum wage increase, we generally just look at the number of dollars and start comparing ourselves. what people forget is that the dollar amount does not reflect the buying power of that dollar...so even if you're giving yourself a pat on the back for making 18 as an apprentice something or other and think that Hamburger Analysts don't deserve the same quality of life as you do, you're buying into the idea that the dollar amount is the problem
we are often too proud to admit that we are barely hanging on, so we attack people who are only a bit below us on the socioeconomic ladder
nobody's money is worth anything. who cares if Rashid or Skyler or Juan or Miranda or Brad is making a few more shekels if it eases up their finances and improves their cognitive ability because they're not eating pop tarts three times a day?
people under stress make incredibly stupid decisions. releasing low-skill workers from financial duress will turn this floating, spinning insane asylum into a place where nobody's happy but everyone is just about equally unhappy. that's compromise.
*makes perfect burgers every time*
*blocks your job*
>"I deserve nothing but a steady flow of electricity from the solar panel on the roof"
should be 200/hr or more if hes gonna be designing an automated burger maker
Is that a nothingburger?
also, there is a sad face in the bun.
Paramedics should lobby for a wage increase as well.
if you go to mcdonalds you deserve this
>I wish there was a way to reward him
there is, tell him, let him know he's good, it'll brighten his day, let his manager know, he may just get that promotion he wants
there is room, but its not really white, kinda, you need to look for a "rural" area that is close to a city, wouldnt recommend the capital
you have to be aware of scammers, thats the biggest issue, and corruption
if you choose the right place, and are willing to do some work yourself, you can build yourself a little garden of eden for relatively not much money
if you like to grow shit, this is perfect, the soil is fucking potent
>$15 an hour
>livable wage
Only teenagers should be working for minimum wage anyway
A logical post on Sup Forums? Get out.
one more thing i'd like to add is that after recieving their 15 dollar wage they started asking to work less hours/quit because they no longer qualified for all their gibmedats
>work fast food
>make perfect burgers errytime
>watch useless women working the counter grab the burger with harpy claws
>stuffed into the bag like the burger owes them a life debt
>quit on the spot when a customer complains about the state of their meal and the fucking wench that ruined it passes the complaint along to me without the slightest modicum of self awareness
These people should rather be paid on the amount of burgers they make per hour + bonus if they actually make it correctly. The better they work, the more they get paid. If they think they deserve $15 an hour, then they have to work hard for it. No minimum wage faggotry.
how many Huwhites live in Costa Rico?
I don't know if you guys even looked at my flag but as an American, I am an expert on who or is not white.
no, you fucking socialist
spreading the misery around never fucking solves anything
if everyone's equal society stagnates, only through competition can we evolve and improve
the poor have it better under capitalism than the poor under any other economic system
It'll just let his manager know he can ask him to stay late and cover for the other flake employees since he's so gung-ho and reliable.
people that do their job right, do it out of respect for themselves and others, no amount of "incentive" will cure an indecent careless moron,
id be ashamed of myself if that where a burger i made, no matter if underpaid
>slapping together a shitty burger full of toxic chemicals.
b-but they have to remember ALL the ingredients during assembly
so you agree with the 15/hr bs? you're kidding right? or trolling...cant tell..im new here
>[he] always gets my order correct.
>I wish there was a way to reward him
Come to NZ, our minimum wage is $20
No they don't. They literally have pictures on the wall showing them what to do. Pictures, not even words because most of the employees are illiterate.
I went to mcdonald the other day for the first time in a while, and the big mac I got was so disgusting I could only manage two little bites(spitting out the second) before throwing it away. It was like soggy. easily the nastiest burger I've ever tasted. I don't even want to know what those retards did to that thing
>dont mind me, just coming back from my 10th morning trip to mcdonalds.
you fat shits still buy it so why does quality matter?
doesn't matter how hard they work, they will never be worth that much. any unskilled labor will never be worth that in todays terms ffs.
Minimum wage, minimum effort.
why didn't you return it?
>eating 3 pop tarts a day
>he fell for the healthy food is more expensive meme
actually we are similar to the US, le 56%, pretty sure miami has way more "browns" than here
not that i care about le whites meme
Don't you have some violent crime to commit or something? The adults are talking.
You should learn to be a better manage of your money instead of whining like a little bitch.
Muh pension! Fuck off.
The problems with job performance are due to the fact that they hire a bunch of hoodrats who can't be pissed to even try to do a good job. They get lazy, fat-ass managers who are only interested in jacking off in the back office while Shaniqua and Devontavious put the bare minimum amount of effort into their jobs. If the owners cared enough to hold the managers to high standards, then the managers would care enough to hold the workers to high standards. Then maybe they'd be worth an extra $1-$2 per hour. Instead we get lazy asses who don't get fired no matter how terrible their service is.
>mfw I support higher minimum wage so wageslaves get their jobs lost when the fast food CEOs realize they can very easily automate those jobs
>wind up being subsidized with tax money.
I think I have a solution to this.
>They literally have pictures on the wall showing them what to do.
spoiled faggots
things have changed since I was in highschool
write a (physical) letter to the store owner and send a copy to corporate saying what a good job he does
That's right goyim. Hate the poor, ignore the rich.
>steady flow of electricity
>solar panel
I want to ram him just because it would be his fault not mine
hiring blacks/mexicans and fat fuck managers provides better margins than hiring competent whites so your idea is literally useless.
I welcome our new beep boop overlords.
I had already gotten home and was about to do something after I ate. at least the mcchicken tasted alright, so I wasn't starving
I am considering moving the fuck outta expensive land. Maybe Costa Rica would suit my interests. hmmmm
>just fucking retire there and say fuck everything
ok nuclear reactor in basement. still healthier then McDonalds.
it costs me £0.99 per burger, I don't give a shit if it looks like this, still enough value for money
the healthiest diets only cost $1.50 per day more than the least healthy diets. people often associate something having a higher price as being healthier despite this being blatantly false, an unhealthy diet is the result of a lack of knowledge in what you're buying as well as a choice to eat for pleasure over health
art is like sex. I not everyone needs to show theirs off
>eating at night
hello fat fuck
That cheeseburger doesn't deserve $15 an hour.
you made it
>not that i care about le whites meme
Oh me either, if I cared I wouldn't live in America obv. The only thing that really matters is the Jews. So how bad are they jewing you down there, a little or a lot?
the burger deserve a bullet to save it from its missery. The person does too
if you do some homework and are cautious about , you cant go wrong
the ultimate plan user
More like $20, but it's a good start. And knock down the salaries of some of the dead wood in the white collar sector. Most of those clowns aren't worth 10 bucks an hour!
I'll pay the guy who cooks my food a real wage. The cops and engineers and lawyers can settle for shared housing and 24k a year. DO SOMETHING MEANINGFUL for the world.
do you guys have markets in america where you can buy fresh fruit/vegs/nuts way cheaper than groceries? that's where we can make the difference
No more spit in my burger. The eternal NEET wins again.
>I'll pay the guy who cooks my food a real wage.
We're replacing you with robots. Go be a useless piece of shit somewhere else.
you have no understanding of the world. 90% of this job is done by machines. you'll pay a premium price for a mcdonalds?? lmao
OP you need to show us your obese cuckface with that burger
We have markets to buy fresh stuff, but it usually costs more than the mass produced stuff at the grocery store.
Food in america is cheap as fuck though anyways.
In my area all McD employees are pretty smiling student girls
They don't fuck up burgers too much too