Trying to argue about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing is an absolute fucking nightmare...

Trying to argue about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing is an absolute fucking nightmare. Why can't liberals understand why the bombing was done? I swear to god it's like talking to a brick wall.

It scares me how people are being programmed into thinking with emotion rather than rationalization and what needs to be done in order to survive.

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K... Keep me posted

word, japanon.
why are nips so based?

Give me a good reason as to why it was done though.
The bomb wasn't the main thing which made Japan surrender, the Soviets and their invasion of Manchuria were seen as much more of a threat to Japan and the Emperor by the government. Because of this, making Japan surrender isn't a valid reason.
Civilians were mainly targeted, it was completely unjustified.

To test the fucking bomb. And the fucker in charge just didn't want to step down.

>Civilians were mainly targeted, it was completely unjustified.
That's the fucking point of a war dumbfuckistan

because fuck chinks theyre fucking useless anyways

Because if it had ultimately come down to America invading Japan the death toll would have surpassed that of the bomb by fuck knows how many. Not too mention that due to the culture of Japan the military would have fought until the absolute end.

The world was on a brink of collapse and of countries had continued to fought there's no telling what kind of world we would be living in right now. Not everyone surrenders. It takes a serious display of ultimate power and dominance before finally convincing someone to surrender. Even with that some would continue to fight. War cannot be fought cleanly, such is the nature of war. While no one likes the fact of what happened it was something that was necessary for the survival of both countries.

You can't fight war with feelings, assessing the situation and finding the ultimate answer to end all is what must be done.

If someone is attacking me and I know I'm going to die or take some sort of serious damage I'm going to fight back until said someone is fucking dead.

Go get fucked in the mouth by your muslim boyfriend you loser

Like I said, the Soviet Union and their invasion of Manchuria made Hirohito want to step down. Additionally, terrorising and targeting civilians isn't justified at all. There were absolutely no worthwhile military instalations in Hiroshima so it was an act of terrorism against civilians.

I highly doubt it would have led to operation downfall because of the ever growing threat of the USSR and the fact they could bring Communism with them. Surrendering to the Americans rather than allowing the Soviets to invade would be seen as a much better thing by the Japanese government as it would be much more likely that the emperor would remain in power.
Japan never would have been able to seriously attack or incade the USA by the way. Their army and navy simply were not strong enough not to mention that they would also be fighting in China and Burma as well, it would be a logistical nightmare.

First day here and now you're trying to look edgy to fit in, eh?