kek this timeline
>the meme master
Other urls found in this thread:
>fire fighter
Is she transitioning already?
Is she ICE?
fire fighters are not gendered really, any fucktard can aim some water on a fire
>batch on arm says police
>not realizing she just carries a red bucket
setz die brille auf malte
>police department
>hurr firefighter
That average IQ sure is plummeting
>first response
>literally a STREET SHITTER
and people think jr. is getting indicted lol
At least he takes his pants off before shitting
cute firefighters are nice and all, but what if I needed carrying, could a 5 year old carry a fullgrown obese autist such aas my self?
sorry hun, I'm gonna get carried by the big guy, 4 mE
>those responses about "MUH 1%" or "muh tickle down doesn't work!"
Holy shit people are salty
Hungry, starving bitches. Imagine being that obsessed with someone you hate.
lel noice jr.
He should have given all the candy to her and waited for trickle down to kick in instead :^)
>implying Muhammad has any idea what a police officer looks like
>never to early
>tfw to much of a spoilt brat two learn English properly
Two future presidents in one tweet.
If he really wanted to show socialism the bucket would be empty and a loudspeaker would be screaming about glorious peoples republic reaching the 5000% lolly collecting quota
Funny that someone that's been living off daddy's gibs complains when other people without dad money want gibs from the government,
I'm going to take 30% of Chloe's candy, eat as much as I want, then give whatever I didn't eat back to her 6 months later.
Meanwhile, Chloe has been paying me monthly rent in candy to the tune of 10 kitkats/month (if she has other types of candy, tough shit she'll have to trade for kitkats on her own time at whatever the going rate is).
It's never too early to teach her about democratic capitalism.
>democratic capitalism
moar liek
>word salad
moar liek
>oy vey it's not the jews!
Correct term is “Firefightress” shitlord.
Making a young blonde girl hate niggers. Thanks mom.
oh she's 5 year old police? good point I withdraw my objection
A woman will find a way to fuck it up.
What is Halloween
all hallows eve, is the long name, foreign preson
tsk, did you even reserch?
son I am dissapoint
and don't give up, faggot
Trump JR is woke af
je suis non quick mal de "wining" n'es'ces'pas, t'out'suit. mon dieu, sacre blue
Jr. even gave a pleasant interview early on the EVIL RACIST WHITE SUPREMECIST little radio talk show Liberty Round Table Live early on. The campaign quickly distanced itself, but, interestingly, the shitlibs didn't seize on that.
It's funny how uncoordinated they are when looking for every last excuse to be outraged.
link it then fag
is that a wammins?
I'm having trouble telling these days, cos all the hollyweird tranny "wammins"
It was fucking years ago I cbf to see if they have working archives somewhere. Their website was all fucking old and busted even back then, and RBNs archives (who were carrying their show at the time) are such a rolling clusterfuck it's not even worth checking.
Its more fun if you dont know
rsbn is jewish as fuck + a nigger
fake hair fo sure, fake wammins? who knows
I disavow
US is so much bigger than germany kek. We have more whites than you entire country! GET FUCKED. Over 196,817,552 whites in US. Around 73,958,130 whites in germany.
25% of all airtime easy on RBN is all about the Jews, or at least Israel.
You know he's legit and not a bot by how beta his response is
>acting retarded in the Internet
It's never too late to kill yourself
all the establishment cucks, and the chistfags are totally worshipping jews, and sending /ourgoy/s to fight and die for jizzreal
yet aipac refuses to register as a foreign agent, despite bring the largest lobby group in the US and lobbying on behalf of a foreign, alien, group
seems odd
the trip wasn't intentonal, there is no explanation to make up for tripfaggotry, at least you can filter
>be trust-fund babby
>complain about socialism
this entire Drumpf family
sorry, forgot to tag you
do you enjoy the driftu msics friendo?
could you learn too?
who does not like the bugresres?
furk year JQ redpills & EUROBEAT were made for eachother. I should figure out how to use the USB drive thing on my doriftomobile so I can blast EUROBEAT when getting hektic
Annd then nasheeds when I'm in the Jewish section of town :D
women wouldn't die for people who don't carry their genes. I wouldn't marry one who did that.
>Annd then nasheeds when I'm in the Jewish section of town :D
steady on bro xddd
>aim water on a fire
yeah that's literally all they do.
She is going to grow up hating socialism
Fuck off sand nigger.
Wildland firefigher here, they do. Can't carry shit & can't pass fitness tests for deployment. They are a burden.
qt, deserves better than coercive socialism
hachiroku for suro
kek, this
Wouldn't you just have them run the radios and put up flashy lights and redirect traffic and other such stuff? That's what my local department does with the geriatrics.
Daily reminder that literally all taxation is theft
Fuck roads, bridges, and emergency services
>Go around from house to house begging for hand-outs.
>Be given a bunch of free candy that you didn't earn.
Yup, that's the attitude of rich trust-fund babies in a nutshell.
yeah, I'm against even cute 5 yr olds becoming firemen
you are such a monster, even for Sup Forums
and also
People give the candy to the children willingly, nobody is forced to hand it out. You probably thought your shitpost was clever.
>any fucktard can aim some water on a fire
Wrong. This isn't a garden hose.
Carrying and aiming a firehose at full blast takes strength and stamina.
Your basement dwelling experience is showing
You're the samefag who used to shit up the Seth Rich threads with your shitty maymays aren't you?
firefighters do some pretty heroic shit, they save lives while you’re posting on Sup Forums and fapping to traps
Stfu spoiled brat
Did he dress her up as a cop? Bantz within bantz Donald Jr is honestly funny as shit. Always thought he was weird but he's grown on me a lot lately.
no, at least I do not recall such shennigans
when did me/him used to do?
Yes it's you. I can pick people out on here incredibly well. It's one of my autistic gifts.
Are there people who are stupid enough to believe this? There are essentially no female fire fighters, because they don't have the strength, size or endurance necessary to do the job.
New amsterdam is great for the price.
firefighters are usually the first to show up in any emergency, including car accidents and home calls. but your flag shows you wouldn't understand this.
Based youngsters were more common in the past.
>Begging for free handouts
Halloween truly is the most communist holiday.
>Oh no its "too" instead of "to"!
just wear the gear soyim
I don't remember shitting up any seth rich threads, but who knows
I respect you're autism bra
but I can not admit to that
>kek this timeline
That'd be fine if Chloe used your car to drive to her designated trick or treat location, knew where to go to acquire candy using your Halloween candy map, collected candy using your Halloween bucket, deferred all liability for insuring against candy givers, and there were 18 other candy collection companies in the neighborhood for Chloe to negotiate a fair rate with.
>literally going house to house asking for handouts
>born to a millionaire and will never have to work for money
If we had private roads they'd be a lot more driveable.