Starting to lose the writer’s block that has inhibited me from finishing The Dream of Mortal Life book.
My life is beginning to take a turn for the better, in regards to finding peace.
I reported that my ex, Sheri, was offered my Utah home as her own, free and clear, if she wanted. She decided to “move on” with her new life in California. Her final decision freed me immensely from ever having to deal with her or worry about her again.
Only a few know what special place Sheri had in my heart and soul, a place that had nothing to do with our mortal relationship. But now, she has decided, on her own, to “move on.” Move on to what, I don’t know. Move on away from me and the work that I do? Yep, the one who I thought would always remain one of my greatest supporters has finally decided to “move on.” Sigh …
However, her decision has brought me considerable peace. I can finally move on without ever again worrying about her or dealing with the drama that was a part of our lives as she tried her best to stay at my side and deal with me throughout the years. I pity the woman who would try. I simply cannot be to a woman what a normal mortal woman wants and expects.
Without this type of relationship, I can finally find a peace that no one but a single, secure, self-valued person can have. Well, I kinda like my dog Mwaw. Now that Sheri has moved on, I have more access to Mwaw (pronounced Moi, French for Me). I will see my dear dog whenever I am in Utah at the home where Mwaw now lives a secure and wonderful life. (Mwaw was a rescued dog from an abusive family.) Mwaw will travel with me at times. But I have also found great peace in knowing that she is well cared for and loved tremendously while I am gone away … existing in my ‘cavity of a rock.’
I awoke this morning contemplating how incredibly ignorant the people of Earth are.
Humbly, I admit, that I wouldn’t know any more than others know if I hadn’t had a intellectual lobotomy years ago. Without my “toad sitting on a magical lily pad” I wouldn’t be able to know the things that I know. What I know will be clearly presented in The Dream of Mortal Life, Understanding Human Reality book. (Note to website administrators, editors, and publisher: Please change the title, in all references, from “Game” to “Dream”.)
It is my hope to write clearly enough so that whoever reads it will begin to open their mind to the possibility that mortal life is simply a dream experience occurring in the brain processes of one’s eternal, advanced self.
As I’ve explained before, the task is daunting and I often doubt my ability to do it. How the hell am I supposed to explain things to a mortal mind that is not setup nor is intended to understand the things that I have known since my “intellectual lobotomy? Mortals are NOT supposed to know the Real Truth. They are supposed to live the experience of life upon Earth, concentrating solely upon their individual mortal life experiences.
Again, the overall purpose of my role in revealing things that have been hidden from the mortal human race since the beginning of human existence, since the foundation of the world, is to mitigate human misery, and hopefully stop the human race from destroying itself yet again, for the sixth time in Earth’s history.
Justin Russell
Juan Edwards
I’ve been impeded greatly over the years from telling the entire Real Truth. When I was first approached and recruited in 1991 to become a True Messenger, personal events caused me to reject the role. I couldn’t justify the extreme sacrifices I would have to make in order to carry out the temporary mandate to “deliver unto [the people on Earth] many things which they [could not] understand, because they desired it” so that they would stumble.
At first, I never understood how important it was for people to stumble. People stumble on things that impede their progression towards self-actualization and an earthly experience that is meant to enhance their eternal experience. These “stumbling blocks” are necessary in order for people to learn what NOT to do while experiencing mortal life upon Earth.
I didn’t want people to stumble. I wanted to tell people the Real Truth, which is intelligence that takes away the stumbling blocks so that each person can reach their optimal self. After refusing the role in 1991, I was allowed to live and do what I wanted. I tried many times to tell the Real Truth, but to no avail. No matter how hard I tried, I never helped one other person remove their personal stumbling blocks. In fact, I became a stumbling block to many as I tried to remove their stumbling blocks. Sigh …
David Moore
But anyways …
I awoke this morning with ideas on how to present the Real Truth in the book; the Real Truth that the human form is the ultimate and most advanced from of life found anywhere in the universe … anywhere in any universe.
I realized that the proof was everywhere. The proof is already available to the people. But how do I tell them? How do I write in a way that nobody can stumble on my words? How do I tell people to stop imagining things that aren’t a part of our reality upon Earth? How do I tell them to honestly look at the world as it is and learn what our mortal reality is revealing to us?
How a person can imagine a higher life form, an extraterrestrial, a fantasy character that is more advanced than a human with the empirical evidence of life upon Earth, is beyond me. Sigh …
So I was lying in bed thinking …
Maybe I can get people to concentrate ONLY on life upon Earth. Regardless of what any person might believe about the beginnings of human life upon Earth, can’t we all agree that humans are the most advanced life form upon Earth? That’s all anyone can prove. Why can’t we all agree upon this seemingly simple conclusion?
Maybe I can use evolution as a basis of understanding.
Let’s say that the human race did evolve over time to become the greatest life form. If this is the case, then it proves that organic life, when left to itself and the natural laws that govern nature upon Earth and in the universe, always ends up creating a human being.
Carson Miller
Maybe I can explain to people that they need only look at the universe as a closed environment of natural laws, or rather, that things happen the same anywhere in the universe. And where there is life anywhere in the universe, that life must, according to the only evidence that we have available to us upon Earth, eventually become human in form.
If the laws of the universe allowed anything else greater than the human species, then we would have evidence that the evolution of life upon Earth is headed towards something else, something greater than the human form. But what we see is that the human form found upon Earth is actually improving (evolving), not only physically, but intellectually. People are becoming better looking and smarter, at least in relation to other species of life.
Humans have the intellect and ability to control every other specie of life upon Earth, from the smallest virus to the largest whale. We can destroy any other life form, large or small, and will if any gets in the way of our evolution. But we are the only life form found upon Earth, or anywhere else in the universe that has the capability to destroy itself … to destroy the entire human race. And we’re headed that way. And we’re headed that way because there are some humans who see themselves as a better example of our species than other humans.
Regardless of our intellectual evolution, regardless of our status as the most dominant and powerful life form found anywhere in the universe, we are facing self-destruction. We know this. It is obvious.
Mason Ward
If we have the evidence that in a closed environment (within Earth’s atmosphere) organic life evolves into human form but will eventually destroy itself in a matter of just a few thousand years since becoming the greatest life form, why can’t we accept that over the billions and billions of years that Earth has existed, organic life has evolved and destroyed itself many times in the past? This shouldn’t be hard to accept. And if true, what is it this time that we have to change to stop our own destruction?
If our self-destruction is caused by one group of humans valuing their existence above that of another group of humans, then wouldn’t it be logical to end the devaluation of any human being and start seeing each human as being equal? How do we start seeing each other as equal so that we can avoid killing ourselves? The easy answer is to get rid of everything that perpetuates and supports human inequality. We need to completely reevaluate who we are and why we exist. We need to stop imagining that there exists any other life form outside of Earth that is greater than us and that can save us from our own demise. We must accept the fact that we are responsible for all of our problems, and also for our own solutions.
Religion must end. The belief in anything or anyone that is not part of the reality of life upon Earth cannot be considered as a source of our problems nor a source of our solutions. There is no devil and there is no god. There are only mortal human beings.
Sigh …
Oliver Rivera
am I on livejournal?
Ryan Hall
It is my responsibility to present information that is so clear and comprehensive that anyone who is willing to read it will be forced to concede its value to the human race; to its value in helping us live in peace and harmony upon Earth without destroying ourselves again.
That’s why that magical toad appeared to me in June of 1987.
The toad just wants us all to get along and help us stop killing each other and ending the life and existence of the greatest compendium of matter possibly anywhere in the universe.
The task before me is great … I know. So often have I wanted to just give up and live my life to its fullest, taking advantage of the intelligence that I have … living with the intellectual lobotomy that makes me so different than everyone else.