Nut allergies are one of the most deadliest allergies people can have sending sufferers into cardiac arrest and can cause severe brain damage and sometime even death. Sufferers symptoms can be triggered by not just eating them but by being exposed to them at all, breathing in air near peanuts can trigger the body into a nervous breakdown and it's completely out of these people's control.
It's time we move forward as a society and ban nuts in public spaces, if it saves just 1 life then it's worth it.
Is it time to ban nuts?
Not even joking a little bit. I care more about my child then your kid. If your kid dies that is not my problem is the slightest bit. I raise my daughters to care for themselves more than others. I do not believe in welfare or other such social programs and I raise my kids to believe the same. They are raised to believe that they are first in my life and they should be first in there own lives. They are also taught that the needs of others take back seat to their own needs. They have learned that others should treated fairly as long as their needs are put on the back burner. So, is my kid more important than your kid? Yes, to me anyways. Do I care if your kid is at risk of death because of a peanut? Not really. Home school your kid and leave the normal kids alone. If you fear for your kid that much you should keep them in your basement for the remainder of there lives. God, I hate helicopter parents.
A beautiful young lady was exposed to nuts by selfish men in a restaurant who told her the food didn't contain nuts, this is how it left her.
Lack of exposure is the leading cause of peanut allergies so if anything the opposite because if a fucking peanut can take your life you are not the fittest and you aren't meant to survive
Maybe if you’re so genetically weak that being near a peanut kills you you shouldn’t be alive anyway...
If your allergy is that bad why risk eating out at restaurants? She knew the risks
This. Allergies are for the Jews
No but this copypaste thread from yesterday should be
Lol this is a white people problem, you guys literally get sick and die from anything.
fucking inferior genes.
A nut to the chest can kill as surely as a bayonet
Seriously though, why do they always have latex gloves on in these pictures? Are they Aiel or something?
>when you ban a food that may be deadly to a small portion of the population from your country
>but you don't ban an ethnic group who's definetely deadly to a large portion of your population.
The absolute state of the UK
Why are they trying to ban men from public places?
Brits should ban latex while they're at it. In fact why not ban water? Niggers can't swim after all. Someone might drown.
dude wtf is that
yes, goyim! stop eating healthy, natural proteins!
If I could ban you if be a happier person and would not kill myself as a result of this stupidity.
"Hey, let's change the life of many to save the few!"
I don't even have a problem with nudes in public, much less so with nuts.
Reading this actually made me gag, seriously, gag. I don't feel any hatred towards you, I actually believe that your a victim, a victim of contemporary American culture. This self centered selfishness is a disease, the neglect of humanity as a whole in favour of the individual a disease. God, our lord, sacrificed his own son to save humanity, the decline of Christianity corresponds directly with the neglect of humanity, but we'll leave that conversation to a different thread. Please do some research on peanut and how they're destroying lives, and also look into some other allergies, and see what you can do to help make society more open to those suffering.
The restaurant owner told her that it has no peanuts. Look at how beautiful and full of life she was and still tries to be, imagine if this was your own daughter or sister, it's heartbreaking
Orwellian Faggot Island does it again. One simple pleasure left in life is a serious issue. NO MORE NUTS, NIGEL!
They aren't use to handling dangerous weapons and it could be laced with aids if they accidentally grabbed the stabby end
Niggers are one of the most deadliest people.Being human can sometimes cause death. Niggers can be triggered by tribal instincts.
It's time we move forward as a society and ban niggersin public spaces, if it saves just 1 life then it's worth it.
Fucking niggers man...
fuck off with your slide thread bullshit.
3 countries have asked this same question this week alone.
dont bump this.
I'll go out in public if I want to bitch.
You'll never ban dez nuts.
slide thread, dont reply. sage.
Don't make me tut! Bin that nut!
>I read 1984 once and now every piece of government legislation is fascism!
Grow. up.
Cry-baby immune system freaking the fuck out over harmless food... why shouldn't that be a trait to wipe out?
How many dead so far? Are the nuts unintentionally inhaled, ingested or absorbed? Are we certain those affected were not suicidal? You provide little pertinent information with your question, so might as well make a law to cover all possibilities...
You DO realize that some people will go to great lengths to commit insurance fraud...
This wonderful lady was terrified when she got a new job in an office because the men in their liked to eat nuts and chocolate containing nuts, how is this fair?
>ban nuts
>people with peanut allergies finally feel able to go out like normal people
>die from allergic reaction to peanuts
>family asking why
>they are told that peanuts are legumes, not nuts
carry a goddamn epipen. nuts are one of the few healthy snacks you can still buy pretty much anywhere.
She just needs to be more accepting. What is she, nutophobic?
Ban assault nuts!
>ban nuts because people have peanut allergies
>ban flashing lights, movies, TV shows, animated gifs, and video games because some people get seizures from them
>ban water bottles, gallons, jugs, and tanks; place armed guards around swimming pools, beaches, lakes, oceans, rivers, dams, bayous, canals, creeks, estuaries, puddles, etc.; and engineer a weather machine to cease all rainfall, monsoons, tsunamis, and so forth, because some people are allergic to water
>cover every surface in padding (not rubber!) because of anemics, the elderly, the violently autistic, and those children with that disease that prevents them from feeling any pain
Man, banning shit is fun, I can see why these people do it.
It's not just about how many are dying, it's how many are suffering, how many are scared to go outside, it's ruining millions of lives world wide in more ways than just death, get educated and get to work to help make society more open and inclusive.
But since you asked 200 people are dying each year in America ALONE
Why didn't they just let her die from anaphylactic shock than keep her alive as a tard? The medical profession is fucked up. Anyways, survival of the fittest, I love my penuts.
>Banning nuts
It's time to ban dumb fuck Brits from using the internet.
So, is she a veggie now...or a legume?
Why is it always Australians who are most pro-nut? This is affecting Australian children too!
This little Australian girl was exposed to nuts in her class, her face this is what happened to her face, how can you be content with this? These are our children!
Australian man exposed to peanut butter, this is what happened to his face
>These are our children
Nah my children don't drop dead if they eat nuts.
Despite his swollen face, sore skin and being excruciating pain, he still manages to force out a smile
why are you dumbfucks replying to a slide thread?
last 3 threads that didn't get moved or deleted:
Look at her beautiful eyes, nuts are destroying our children! Stop being so heartless!
>be deadly allergic to nuts all my life
>was quarantined to the "peanut free table" during lunch at elementary school
>literally all retarded kids
>5th grade comes along and I'm tired of not being able to sit with my friends
>leave the peanut table and sit next to my friends
>growing up i always sat next to people who ate the very foods that would kill me
>was always careful
>meanwhile other kids are fucking spastic about their allergies and will freak out
>their mothers are the worst
>fucking ruin all the fun for others in school just cause they don't know how to take care of themselves like i do
>legit fucking pussies that i'm associated with
I'm just as mad as you guys about kids with allergies, most of them suck and ruin the fun for others. Remember #notallpeoplewithallergies
Neglectful parents are the ones that made their kids allergic in the first place
Because raising awareness about something isn't sliding you dumb fuck, if nut threads are slide threads then so are threads about that retard Donald trump
Allergies are for pussies.
Good times breed weak men, I hope I see the day when the hard times are here.
Also, saged
15 year old American boy dies after eating food containing peanuts. Stop the racism
15 yo British boy died from eating Chinese with nuts
>British woman wears special peanut-repelling armor to take her child to school
Thanks for the image it's good advice for parents of hound children, unfortunately many people are already to late to be exposed to nuts
Fuck off out of my thread.
This article's title sounds like how American conservatives feel about Muslims.
She looks a lot happier now
Yes just bury your head in the sand and ignore what's blindingly obvious to everyone else. Dumb pussy.
This is ridiculous and this is coming from the a guy who almost died bc I ate a cashew in trail mix. Had to have a tube in my throat to get oxygen, eyes swollen shut, skin covered in red big hives.
Also can you faggots stop making the same thread every night just because you saw somebody make the thread and get 250 replies. Seriously be more original faggot
>Is it time to ban nuts in public places?
No, it's time to ban people with nut allergies from public places.
And you’re using the same exact pictures and all. Please go home shareblue you’re Muslim boyfriend is waiting for u
And again and again. I told you yesterday to ban people that are alergic to nuts, and not fuck it up for the rest of us.
If you were telling the truth then you'd be more sensitive to people suffering from it allergies.
I'm doing my part to raise awareness of how nuts are affecting the life's of our children and friends, stop shilling in my threads.
And again and again I'm going to have to tell you that your opinion is wrong, rationally and MORALLY, get educated or don't comment on my thread.
OP, I hope this thread has helped your market research for whatever SJW organization employing you.
Seems to me eating them in public ought to be a hate crime
Ban all freedoms. Do not let the cattle act outside the ways we corral them.
That would make the only "black" invention irrelevant
Aw man, I could really get into a sack full of cajun boiled peanuts right now.
Would unironically rub myself with nut dust and attempt to coat the public space just to spite these fucktards
She's got a better o-face than my wife
>most deadliest
whats next? all white males have to cut their nuts off too?
Sorry, you just don't go out to eat if you are that deathly allergic to something. I never go out to eat, and that's just because I'm a cheapskate. If anyone ever handles your food outside of a dedicated processing plant there is always a chance of cross contaimination, even if the dish truly was nut free.
I'm a Starbucks cuck, and I am sick of retards coming in constantly harassing me of how allergic they are to soy, and how we need to make sure to not give them soy. Sorry, but I'm not going to bleach down the entire shop every time one of you snowflakes come in. Make your own coffee
>Should we ban nuts in public places?
Absolutely, I'm sick of liberals.
6 of the whitest people that came to my house for trick or treat tonight (3 moms, 3 kids) all said "no nuts please."
Prob had 250+ kids come by and some of the sweetest, most polite kids were the mixed-race kids.
Really activated my almonds.
Forgot to add I wanted to tell the stupid peanut gang moms (they all rolled together) to get bent but the poor kids have been through enough, I'm sure.
Should I be checking my nut privilege?