Reminder that the sovereign debt crisis 2015.75 is in full swing

Reminder that the sovereign debt crisis 2015.75 is in full swing

Bond markets going to get BTFO hard as FUCK

Dow Jones going to 40,000

Who /long UDOW/ here?

Government going to go totally broke and university funding will be decimated, radical SJWism will be a thing of the past and the professors will be forced into wage slavery for fortune 500 corporations who's stock value will be skyrocketing

Prove me wrong: you cannot

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying this will affect me at all
>implying I haven't lived in a survivalist-oriented town for the last 14 years
>implying I don't own in full, properties in 3 States
I pity/despite cityfags. The unsustainable factory farming will continue to render an exponentially increase soil erosion. A natural mass culling will commence in two decades.

Thermodynamic oil collapse is imminent

Martin Armstrong is pretty amazing.


Noice read. No blur at all. I actually believe that there will be malevolent uses of weaponized nanotech when spawned and proliferated.

Wait, bonds will crash because the gov is broke? And the money people normally invest there will go into stocks? Is that right?

Please give me hope. I pray for full societal collapse. I can't handle the all pervasive evil in the world anymore. Renew earth by radioactive hellfire.

God bless you sir

I'll prove you wrong. Ahem. Most people think debt and wealth are measured in the trillions, globally. In reality, derivatives--which are SOLELY private vehicles and are debt--have amassed a total of 2,500 (2.5 QUADRILLION) in debt alone. All money is an interest payment. Jobs were lost in September. Milton Friedman INVENTED BASIC GUARANTEED INCOMES. Even if what you say is true. People won't eat dirt and thank the forces that brought them there

derivatives are basically gambling bets, right? so for every derivative, isn't there an opposite derivative betting the other side that would cancel it out?
>Investor A bets that IBM stock goes up in price
>Investor B bets that IBM stock goes down in price
>IBM stock goes up in price because they invent an innovative new way to gas faggots & niggers & kikes
>Investor A= $ :^)
>Investor B= :(
>Investment banks rake in fees and patrick batemans sniff blow & fugg hoogkers

what does it mean we are all fucked?

Time to retrofit the happening bunker I guess.

oh so youre crazy. gotchya

With this FINALLY trigger the race war?

Lol, you'll be the first one all the roving packs of starving nigs/rednecks go for. Don't think you'll survive jack faggot.

>roving packs of starving nigs/rednecks
Moving targets are more fun than stationary desu

Sometimes I’m staggered by the lack of economic knowledge on this board.
The only flags I notice have a firm grip of economics here are American, Danish and Australians. It’s a weird mix.

To be fair, most wouldn't know the difference between macro or micro economics, for starters, so I'm not sure why you're 'staggered' by this desu

we get some big economic crisis prediction thread every 2 months. never comes true.

The bear is always right but never on time. Go full Grizzly Man and you get eaten.

I just read this whole thing. Is this considered accurate in the oil industry? Has anyone written a critique?

I can see that the trend did not follow the model he predicts, due perhaps to SA flooding the market and basically oil companies taking a huge hit in their profits (or running in the red year after year). But, that will have to catch up to reality sometime soon. And according to this, oil will be 0% efficient before 2030. Interesting shit.

Yes, we are double fucked apparently.

can you summarize it for me. basically eventually it wont be cost productive to mine oil is what they are saying?

Yeah pretty much. It now takes 10 gallons of oil to produce 2 gallons that are usable as energy in the econony e.g. gas in your car, and it is becoming less effecient at an ecponential rate. So when it takes 10 gallons of oil to extract, refine and transport 10 gallons of oil, game over. The math predicts that to happen around 2030.

The reason it is becoming less efficient is that: oil is deeper, thicker and the biggest factor is "water cut" goes up. Basically theu are now pumping a gallon of water with every gallon of oil.

to be cont...

I've been trading Dow futures for a while now
Martins calls are amazing, like to the day amazing to the number amazing
You need to actually understand how to trade, manage risk to appreciate how great his calls are.

schreli ?

that guy is a tool, lul

most people think trading is like gambling
OP probably one aswell

>Predicting the markets

Oh look another scrub who doesn't know anything about the markets

>professors will be forced into wage slavery
Uh sorry, but no. They'll be go full commie directing SJW from backrooms.


than which Martins are you referring to?

whats your discord i.d.?

i just typed like 6 paragraphs and Sup Forums fucking ate it. Nevermind...

Basically though oil use in an economy from this point out will only decrease GDP. It now costs more than a dollar to get a dollar's worth of energy from oil.

so oil/gas goes up wouldnt that fix that problem T.T

>sjwism will be a thing of the past
Not likely, they will drag us down into the abyss, most people are ignorant of the problem, they drink gov koolaid and believe capitalism is failing, not socialism. Look at new zealand.


Yup massive deflationary cycle is going to happen, look to mining and industrial stocks, when the governments go full money printing overload.

Martin Armstrong drops red pills so profound the jewish NYC court system had to lock him up 11 years for contempt of court

Punished Armstrong: A man denied his AI

The Rockefellers withdrew from fossil fuel investment back in 2014 at the oil peak price, coincidence?

Help me LFTR reactor. You're my only hope.

Oy! Let that worthless Thai hooker feel superior.

>Implying they really did as they said.
>A dynasty founded by the crazy bastard son of a con man.
>Conman family would never lie huhh hoh hee har
Seriously drunk bleach paki

Long UDOW is so yesterday. TINA is a cruel joke, the alternative is owning things with value. Sub zero interest will allow the .00001% to take anything of value private, as they are slowly doing now.

When that accelerates the whole house of cards comes down.

>going to very far, isolated mountain town, about 126 miles from nearest 40k+ city
>in Montana
Ummm... Babe, you just out yourself sugar;
>t.cityfag in fear and no plan

You're dumb.
This is correct. Additionally, this decreases volatility of the market as a whole.