Thanks mohammad

thanks mohammad

Other urls found in this thread:

Western women are corrupted beyond repair.

are these girls british?

They have that sort of inbred look about them

Don't say that, this user will call you Mohammad if you say anything remotely shaming of a female.

I'm gonna need more pics to get a better idea what kind of girl she is.

what a surprise one cop is a nigger half-breed and the other is a spic

Rape needs to be legalized as that will cut down on whore behavior and make women more docile. Rape was legal for the vast majority of human history before feminist cunts illegalized it.

how does this bitch even have a case?

blowjob =/= rape

This cop can't even get his job back because he thought some people were driving drunk. Reasonable suspicion much?

Just saying these liberal yahoos still exist trying to take rights away from cops.

They're white. Not only that but they have a bit more leeway with the law than you do buddy. Maybe you should've spent your time working to be a cop than sitting around doing nothing.

I concur.
Also everyone knows she blowed those 2 cops to get out of a sticky situation, then cried rape. If that piece of ass was pressed against your face for free, I don't care what kind of morals you have. You gonna fuck it.

Let me add to that:

You can close your mouth. You can't close your vagina. Your vagina can't bite dicks off. Your mouth can. If she was really in trouble she could've bit the cop's dick off. What was he gonna say, "She managed to get close enough to unzip me and bite my cock off"? They won't believe them.

What they did have, though, was that they handcuffed some overly sexual girl. She offered BJs. The boys wanted it. Case closed. They're on the streets all day facing all kinds of people and temptations don't tell me they should be fired or jailed.

Walmart employee accepts BJ.. yeah, fire them. But a cop? They're not just throwaway employees. Did the people these two keep off the street mean nothing?

TL;DR: Don't define these two officers by this one case when they have a whole career of law enforcement you can analyze, and I bet most of it is good. But people want to pretend sexual assault is bigger than it really is.

>If that piece of ass was pressed against your face for free, I don't care what kind of morals you have. You gonna fuck it.
Tru senpai


Are you saying cops should be allowed to accept sexual favors as bribes? That seems like a horrible idea. I am fully ready to believe that they didn't 'rape' her and merely accepted sexual favors to let her off, but they should definitely be fired for that.

If that were the case, it's still the cop's fault for falling for such a stupid and obvious ploy

Here’s the problem.
They’re cops.
Society doesn’t view them as men they view them as authority.
If they can be corrupted so easily by a dumb slut of a thing, then what could actual serious money buy?
I agree with what you’re saying but police should always remain unswayable, especially now when everyone has iPhones and devices.

This probably would not of happened if police were paid more.

exactly as i originally thought. she sucked and fucked them to get out of going to jail. the end.

unfortunately for the cops the friend she talked to later the day about it probably told her she could get money. so she claimed she was raped.

she's obviously a whore. just go look at her social media.

If you're promiscuous that doesn't mean everybody has the right to fuck your arse.

Bringing back that Crockett/Tubbs pastel look for the 2010's

You have to love a cop with this kind of panache.

Actually crimes committed "under color" often carry a more severe penalty, and for good reason. Not even the most fascist person here is so statecucked they think cops should be allowed to be degenerates with impunity.

But more importantly, fuck off shill.

>This probably would not of happened if police were paid more.

I am sure in thailand, the police are paid in rice

In the western world, cops make 90K base salary

on the plus side, less women will be able to get out of trouble by providing sexual favors. this is a good thing, even if she is a known whore.

go on......

Lol are you saying cops violating conduct deserve LESS scrutiny than a fucking wal mart employee? They deserve far more due to the trust society puts in them, and their responsibility.

That was top tier bootlick posting

Paying them more does nothing.
In my town they are always asking for raises and nothing changes except taxes going up

Being a slut doesn't mean you're open to fucking everybody though. Besides, "roastie" hate aside, it's ethical breach for cops to let people off the hook for sexual favors.


Whores and thots raped my culture into barbaristic prostitution to all ages.

Whores suck.

Well well well, what do I see here. Nice necklace. She sure got those goyims, didn't she.

>Should officers be allowed to break the law?
What the fuck is this circumcised goyim trying to ironically communicate?

I don’t know how to feel about this...

Oy vey, the filthy goyim defiled one of our precious females!

holy shit nypdidf. just stop.

>the degenerate is a jew

Fuck off, Mohammad.

A lot of porn whores have that look without pounds of makeup.

Star of David...


thats not her. the blonde was not raped. the other one was.

lmfao yea I'm sure this roastie whore who makes a living exposing herself sure was raped!

I'll bet you would love to be raped by the cops too

well it's the age old question
"can you rape a whore?"

i don't think so if you put out all day there is no way you can be raped

She was in custody. Stupid cops. If she is in custody the burden is on the cops. They are screwed.
She appears to be a kikette, so I really don't care and she probably gives out blowjobs like candy. But from a legal point of view, the cops are going to be out of a job. (When I was in school I knew a couple of jewesses who would give you a bj if you bothered to ask)

is it rape if all women are whores?

It's petty theft

Yep! I would let them rape me all they wanted!

Then I would wake up,
because that never happens in reality.

I'd rape them both

It's never rape if the """"victim"""" is a woman. Women orgasm 100% of the time when """"raped"""".

The other one is a pro pornstar though

Sounds made up or the cops are the biggest idiots I've heard of.

I'm convinced almost all thots are of Jewish descent. They may not always know it. That's why I look for hints of Mediterranean features like almond-shaped eyes, curly hair, short, darker than average skin, hooked nose, and hourglass figure, nasal Yankee accent. If you see a 1000 cock stare, you will probably see hints of these other features. Be warned.

>Should officers be allowed to break the law?

Why would you entrust someone with that much power over you?


This is obviously what happened.
>Slutty girl is used to getting away with whatever she wants so blatantly uses drugs in public
>It's her unlucky day and a cop catches her
>For the first time in her life she will have to deal with the consequences of her actions
>She doesn't like that so she uses the same thing she always uses her sex appeal to convince the police not to charge her and instead she will perform sex acts for them
>She teases them with her body the police officers talk it over and decide they can't help themselves and want to fuck her, it's a minor offence anyway
>She fucks them and gets off and is pleased with how 'crafty' she is
>Later she brags to friends about fucking some cops to get out of being detained
>Friends are impressed with how 'clever' she was
>But an even more 'clever' friend has a plan
>OMG you know what they did was illegal right?
>You should say they RAPED you, if you were raped by cops you can get like a million dollars

And so it goes, poor women always living the hard life being sexually abused by evil men....

She was blonde before. She's /ourgirl/ though it seems?

American suits are ugly because of how hige they are but better than euro cut suits

its like some weird last bastion of american culture to have big suits

It's obvious what actually happened. She wasn't raped, she offered them sex to get out of being arrested. The cops were beyond retarded for accepting, though. They should have seen this shit coming from a mile away. Hopefully, they'll get off with a relative slap on the wrist, but, even if they don't, I can't say I have much sympathy for them.

cops are degenerate idiots

whats her stage name? asking for a friend

Pretty sure it's Megan Rain


>the root

kys for posting this link

>i don't think so if you put out all day there is no way you can be raped

It’s a matter of consent, numbnuts.

I know this is probably bait but that's the most retarded thing I've heard in a while. Rape was never legal, all societies hung people for raping l. It has never been socially acceptable to rape a woman especially if she had a husband, in fact he would probably kill you himself. Raping is for beta subhumans with no impulse control and no desirable traits or assets which could get them a mate. Possibly the only place where this is normal is in subsaharren Africa. Outside of the treachery of war your faggot ass would be executed. But sure invite these foreigners to rape white women because you hate then so much, isn't that what you want? Fuck.

police are subhuman order following animals.

passio represent

I'm not one to jump on the "no consent train" but I'm pretty sure the girl was in custody and under the influence so its pretty inaoeoproate for the officer who had her in custody to engage in sexual acts with her. Unlikely she thought there was any chance of her denying him. Also, promiscuity is shittu and destroys society and family structures, but just because a girl dresses slutty doesn't mean she wants every dudes dick all the time. It's a mating gesture to attract mates for sure but you still need to be a desirable mate lmao doesn't mean she's opening the doors to everyone.

Fuck off you gay ass leaf and go cry over feminism somewhere else. Women need to be raped the shit out of so they don't fuck society up, either by their husbands or by strangers. Of course a little fag leaf like you wouldn't understand.

I don't feel sorry for the cop. It's obviously not rape, but still extremely corrupt and wrong to let people go for sexual favors. They deserve to have their careers destroyed.

They should have documented her trying to bribe them with sex and written her up for it.

and if she said no she'd probably have committed suicide with a bedsheet just like sandra bland or committed suicide by headbanging in the back of the wagon like freddie gray.
the girl realized she didn't want to commit suicide so she had to do what the cops who arrested her commanded.

That's very possible but its not guaranteed. Could of easily gone the other way that the cops expressed intwrest in fucking and they thought they couldn't realistically deny or suffer more consequences. Black mail.

>its not possible to rape a woman

If I display my wares in a store window and you steal them, that is still theft.

Enticement is an invitation to purchase not an invitation to theft.

Fuck off kike go try real life

Yeah this is bait Americans are the worst shit posters lol. Try harder next time this isnr even believable

Marital rape was only illegalized in the 1980s and 1990s, moron.

It's a blonde wig you numpty. Look at the tattoos


She deserves to get raped 7bh famalam

You said women need to be raped this shit out of by strangers, pretty sure the United States didn't allow that one. You're also a cuxk if you want your wife to be raped by a random man, but im sure that excites you. What I'm saying has nothing to do with feminism.

Obviously trying to fuck her way out of an arrest.
Retarded jury.

If they couldexchange sex for freedom

Obviously they forced her to have sex and she did so knowing that she would "commit suicide" if she didn't comply.

This girl is ultimate example of Disney's Miley Cyrus programming. She looks like a total slut.

>its like some weird last bastion of american culture to have big suits
No its not and it was never that bad. This guy is just fat and uncomfortable, so he bought an oversized suit

W-What are they doing?

Well i don't think it was rape that is just obvious, but I also don't think the cops should just walk hands free they were in the job, imagine getting caught fucking your coworker during job hours no shit you will probably get fired, but I also don't blame them I mean look at that fuck if one of them had no action for years he it was well worth it.

Here's her hanging out with pornstars.

ayy its blad dude

This is disgusting. She's probably fucking lying

They won't hire me cause I have slight colorblindness but they will hire child fucking niggers. Truly amazing.

yes rape should be legalized so i can fuck your mom sister and daughters

abuse of power, lose position


>be a whore
>get treated like a whore

who cares

>child fucking niggers
this whore doesnt look like a teenager to be honest

>she blowed those 2 cops to get out of a sticky situation
She did make it stickier than it was before

I don't think they raped her. Of course no one, outside of war, deserves to get raped.

Found the berlin rape baby

cops are not underpaid in the usa.

Is it the blonde? I'd put her in my paddy wagon if you know what the fuck i'm saying.
