Let's kill George Soros

Seriously, even with blowback from MSM that "muh white supremacy killed a good man! Get them!" I still think his death would be worth it. It would also bring publicity to what he's done. He's a demon person that can't breathe any longer.

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Why do you think that?

Israel is on board


Whatcha doing Andrew McCabe?

Pinpointing his whereabouts at given timeframe is a problem. He's a hard man to kill.

Death Note notebook!

What if we organized a death prayer? We could pick a time and try to get as many people as possible to quietly concentrate on stopping his heart for a full minute. I've heard groups of people can break clouds apart by concentrating on them. Maybe we could do something similar to one of his arteries.

would this solve the oracle problem

>fedposting this hard


Go away FBI. Sup Forums is a board of peace.

I’m ready OP, no more open societies

Good luck! Plenty of people have tried. Soros is well protected.

Do it yourself cianigger

I would definitely contribute to the college fund of the children of the guy who does it

Go away, FBI. We are a board of peace.

Let me tell you the real story of the man who got trump elected.

Let me tell you the real story about the man who made the right wing nationalism a thing again in Europe.

Let me tell you about the man behind the curtains, the man who will be hated by the same people he is trying to save.

For finance people it’s easy to understand him, because we learn that not everything is as it seems to be and if one is doing (a + b) he might want the result to be (xy) and not (c) as everyone assumes it. What would give us the best possible way knowing if he wants (xy) or ( c)?

The results.

The results of his decade long endeavor, he has spend 13billion what has he really accomplished? OPEN SOCIETY? Or are we more reclusive then ever? Search your feelings and you will see has SOROS HAS DONE FOR OUR CAUSE THEN TRUMP

And things are about to get wild in the next years. We are working on giving more ridicules groups funding so they can redpill the masses them self’s like BLM redpilled the silent majority about how fucking dumb niggers are, they have gotten terrible quiet since the election? You know why? Because they have fulfilled their reason. Energized the right base beautifully.

During your time here on this magical place you should have learned that not all is as it seems,what have the BBC posters accomplished? Thousands of you have redpills and ego destroying evidence against the inferiority of the negros at hand just to dump it on them once some BBC anti white stuff is posted.

What has the africentricism created?
What has the Mary-sue normie advertising?
Or even how males are portrait NEVERY where, dumb weak submissive, I promise you because if this you will rather die then to be associated with this image so you will be the strongest generation in a long time.

History works on reactionary basis and not on a Linear Aequals B basis

Open your eyes and join us.

soros is just the fall guy for israel, hes a distraction.

You cannot kill that which was never alive.

Is a lefty shill nigger trying to kill our best player

fuck yourself CIA nigger

Fuck off FBI



Dont say that you'll make everybody here want to save Soros! These guys hate Israel!

If you know enough about his actions to make that judgment of him, you can do it yourself, OP. I am sure your knowledge will come with a side of special access to opportunities.
The rest of us will continue kicking him around in spirit.

Hey, maybe he's a perfectly decent guy who never, ever triggered a homicidal inclination in anyone he ever met!
Yeah... That would be nice.

>hurr let's kill someone
enjoy your v& you fucking dimwit

He has 4 sons being groomed to take over.

If you were serious about it, you wouldn't be putting it up here and talking so openly about it.

Shit ok I will user

He has a home in the Hamptons, was dox'd a while back. How hard could it be really? The real question is, who's got the balls to do it?

Fuck you asshole. If you.don't kill Soros and the Mossad and CIA fucks you're part of the problem you Fuck. I'm gonna kill and stab Soros in his old eyes then cut his head off. Then I will kill all CIA agents who are traitors to the Constitution. If you don't become a warrior and join me and others in killing and wiping out all cia scum and Mossad scum and Soros and their Jesuit networks then you will die too.

CIA niggers back off

Fuck you asshole . all CIA fuckers are going to be killed and their hq bombed tomorrow at 1pm eastern time. If they don't surrender to Trump and shut down their MKULTRA Project Mockingbird, ISIS Mossad operations . Fuck them all They will all die for joining a traitor agency and they will all be wiped out.

Including satanic servant Soros.

I've heard of this before. I wonder if there is any actual truth to it? We could try as an experiment to focus on his heart exploding and a given date and time. And if we all focus on that day and time for the same thing... Well who knows? Might work..



mossad if you're reading this i will kill him for $100k as long as you hook me up with the proper equipment


Can't, gotta get Alex Soros at the same time. The entire lineage needs to be eradicated in 1 fell swoop.

Sup FBI, gettin any takers this evening?

only god can judge us, you are not god OP you have no say if he should live or not

Hi russian troll

not sure if FBI or just retarded

Soros is a puppet, he's almost disposable.

show us your real flag you fucking pussy

>let us
Why don't you do it yourself faggot and leave us out of it?

>death prayer
the fact that God haven't struck him dead yet suggests Soros is doing God's work. I dunno man. Maybe it is us who should repent.

Checked. 100% confirmed

He has son with a good 100 years left of his demon life. You've got more than just Georgie to worry about.

Sup Forums is too pussy to do anything besides angrily mash on their keyboards.

>Soros is actually /ourguy/
Bullshit mate. Look at all the lefty revolutions he's funded

let's not kill people
> even soros?
yes, even soros. Sup Forums is a board of peace. fuck off.







Why does your sinister post attribute its sinisterness to the CIA? Are you suggesting that the CIA has agents about to go over the edge and start murdering celebs?

T-thanks for the idea, Officer

Have a good evening , sir .
Imma check out the catalogue

We could hire a hitman on the deep web although it probably won’t work

People are tripping balls ..
When both left and right are in prison or dead basically the ones willing to fight eachother instead of the funders and propagandists CIA niggers new laws passed and dust quickly settled it will be Trump shaking soros hand for a job well done by helping remove the terrorists on both sides ..
Show must go on goyim there is only 2 type of people in government 1 capitalists and 2 disaster capitalists. .

You're a fucking faggot


Soros works for the British and America on behalf of Israel basically

reminder all it would result in is getting this website shut down for good

>started piss4equality
>started boiling water challenge
>started bald4bieber
>tricked people into making mustard gas in their houses

Yeah, putting up paper will definitely shut it down.

Sup Forums is a board of peace but in case I happen to not see or hear anything I want you all know that I didn't see or hear anything.

Is it worth the price though?
If it starts a domino effect ...
I would imagine there exists a few people in military that can see what is happening ..the question is will they remain order bots or will they choose to do whats right ...
Guess it's a hope ideology but I have witnessed soldiers being grilled in Washington because they bashed a freindly taliban because /our /soldier didn't agree with pedophile Afghanistan tribal leaders. .. guberment told the soldier it isn't our job to install moral laws in that country. .
How much longer does the demoralisation continue before people get really triggered.

Go away, FBI. We are a board of peace.

Go on. I wish you luck. Just buy yourself a decent gun and kill this motherfucker. Also you should kill his son.


His death would hardly mean anything with his kids still alive, one of whom is already doing what his father is doing, so soros jewing wouldn't skip a beat with him dead. As well, he already transferred 18 billion to his agenda groups, things already running on auto pilot as it were, too late. Still, yes, he should be dead.

Guaranteed responses. Have a nice (you) officer.

I have no ideas Mr. CIA man. None. Clueless.

>fellow white people
neck yourself faggot

His billions of dollars aren't swaying anyone on the right, but he is stoking a civil war. If that happens, he is fair game.