>6. So, a recap : GP was a 27 year old who was brought in as a part-time volunteer by the Trump campaign, on 14/15 March 2016. >11. 14 March 2016 - Italy: GP meets a 'Professor' who takes no interest in him, until GP brags about being part of Trump's campaign team. >13. 24 March - the 'Professor' meets GP in London, bringing a woman who claims to be a Putin relation, with access to VIP Putin people. >15.GP emails Trump campaign, bragging he can broker a meeting b/w Putin & Trump. Note - no suggestion the Russians told him this. >17. 10 - 11 April - GP emails the Russian female contact trying to set up a 'foreign policy trip' , which she agrees to eagerly. >18. 26 April - GP meets Russian woman who tells him they can arrange a Putin-Trump meeting & have 'dirt' on HRC -/... >19. /..the missing Clinton emails. GP excitedly reports back to Trump HQ. >20. Now all this time, GPs efforts fail miserably. While an unnamed supervisor seems to have listened sympathetically, when the senior campaign team find out they refuse to meet the Russians - and never meet them. >22. The Russians have another go. On June 9, the Trump Jr sting. A Russian woman promises dirt on HRC, but never delivers. Sound familiar? >23. At THAT meeting? Paul Manafort. And any bets the woman at the two meetings above was the same person - Natalia Veselnitskaya. >24. And here's an interesting fact. GP had another contact he never disclosed, : Sergei Millian. See >25. And from an anti-Trump tweeter, who connects the two on 15 Aug 2017, but doesn't quite get the significance: >26. YES. Millian of Steele Dossier fame, see >29. Either #1- GP went rogue, bragging about Russian contacts & freelancing with no authority from the Trump team (mostly from London). >30. Or #2 - he was a plant with undisclosed Putin contacts, inserted into the Trump campaign to create a false Trump-Russia connection.
If you read GP bio on wikipedia he did a lot of shilling in and for Isael. I think he is a crypto-jew.
Aside from that the story is pretty straight forward. He was a low ranking guy the Trump campaign used to say Trump would not be meeting with the Russians.
Seems pretty straight forward.
Michael Sanders
bayrock. explain bayrock. these are plants with putin contacts. which nobody else has. i mean. why would clinton finance attacks on her own campaign? release the tax returns. i hear he already doesnt want to run for 2020. youre in shambles
Levi Rodriguez
Yea - his "ambiguous role' is the only little bitty talking point the left can muster right now (other than the fucking NYC terrorist attack). This destroys that with that article coming out today about how he was potentially used to ensnare Fusion GPS, we could see some shit. Admittedly, it's a True Pundit article.
Can anyone confirm if the Russian was veselnitskaya? Did they meet in the UK or elsewhere? If UK, who gave her her Visa? She was previously unallowed
Bentley Thompson
GP isn't the one with the Putin contacts. He was put in touch with someone who supposedly had them. Current speculation is that he was supposed to meet with Natalia Veselnitskaya. She made her 2nd attempt later in June after Trump & Co rejected GP.
Ryan Carter
Wasnt the Russian girl also a leftie on FB? Or am I misremembering things?
Ryder Miller
i think mueller threatened him with serious shit if he didn't cooperate, now he's just telling them what they want to hear.