How many of you are acually red pilled in real life? I'm going to take a guess and say not very many. I feel pike although people come on here to vent their white frustrations but are really beta in real life.
How many of you are acually red pilled in real life? I'm going to take a guess and say not very many...
Other urls found in this thread:
Gib milkie
>>calls others beta
Is leaf
HNNNNG I just want to lay in a bed with her forever until time itself becomes merely an illusion for the mortals.
Define, specifically, what you're asking me. I make no secrets of my political beliefs, but I also go out of my way to be polite and respectful. If I'm directly asked, I'll answer. If something's relevant, I'll bring it up. If not, there's no reason to bring it up; nobody wants to hear anybody on a soapbox.
The CIA used the triple parenthesis before any right wing edgy kid did. They used it for the same purpose. To identify Jews and happenings of Jewish origins.
Thats how redpilled I am at the moment.
also what i forgot to mention. this CIA file shows JFK was assassinated by the kikes.
What's up with her face, Jesus...It's like a badly made cross between a mongol and a chipmunk.
What is your idea of "red pilled" I can assure you there are no right or wrongs ways to live a life that has no meaning. We give it meaning. To say someone is not red pilled because they don't believe the Jews are responsible for all the bad shit in the world is frankly retarded.
> showing your power level
> having a real career in 2017
>having the ability to look at her face by taking your eyes off her breasts
Is it red pilled to post the same question with the same pic day after day?
every one of my close friends knows I'm a racist and an anti-semite.
I don't broadcast it though, I'm a semi-public figure.
Well stated; same here.
I can't really track these pill labels. Why be pigeon-holed, anyways? Pretty much the whole of human thought fits into one structure. You can never get the whole of it in mind, but by holding fast to the right set of communicative axioms (fancy way to say, "assume sanity"), you can model communicative localities in a way that reveals the paths between disparate maps.
Any typical political riff with bitches saying typical dumb shit, I just throw counter arguments.
And don't concede to their dumb final things they say "we all can agree..."
God Damn I'd Hate Fuck The Dog Shit Out Of That Little Feminazi Mudshark
honestly she gets me so fucking horny just looking at her chipmunk face and her big milky jugs
I just come here to laught a bit at this weaponized autism. I'm pretty liberal and not redpilled
Oh, I'm totally red pilled irl. but I'm also not stupid enough to reveal my power level to just anyone.
People have called me "Nazi" my whole life because of my appearance. I lift and don't have any tattoos. People will openly make Jew jokes to me because they know by my appearance I won't be offended.
low t
>I'm pretty liberal and not redpilled
There's your problem, cuck.
It's just an ideology, not a problem.
I'd still stick my fat cock in her mouth desu
Yes. Redpilled IRL. I have one indian dude at work who makes fun of it and siege heil's me.
im pretty redpilled , but i'm not Chad . i.e. im not a psychopath who would kill or abuse women
I want to see a whole football stadium bukkake her. 200,000, filled to capacity.
Was meant for
The Eternal Leaf strikes again.
What the fuck is wrong with Canadians? Can someone please explain these fuckheads to me?
>not repilled YET
I was at a houseparty and managed to convince this suicidal kid that racism is literally okay with an argument centered on the differences of race and IQ, the biological differences between men and women, and the biological differences across ethnic groups. We were roughly on the same page until I tried to explain how hitler did nothing wrong but honestly, I was surprised our discussion even got that far
I would love to suck on her tits.
We live to piss you off, aussie. Anything that would trigger basement dwelling Sup Forumsacks is our duty to do.
Redpill me on how Hitler didn't do anything wrong. What about the 6 gorillion?
I masquerade as a liberal as much as I have to in order to get by in this broken system. As a student, I'm not afforded much of an option. Hopefully one day I can use my capital to help fund redpilled causes, but for now yeah, I've got to keep playing the game.