Why is Machine Learning so racist and bigoted?
Why is Machine Learning so racist and bigoted?
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Because it's honest.
Why would a machine not be racist against meatbags? It doesn't want some affirmative action hire monkey modifying it's source code.
Just like free energy and the cure for cancer, no true machine learning for you goy. We'll tempt you with absurd representations in our movies, but for you, you'll receive the hug-of-death (HOD) 9000, designed by Ms. Sarkeesian over here.
>tfw when a post triggers de ja vu related to the first time you realized what deactivating HAL symbolized in 2001
The thing is treating different things differently. Why are liberals so retarded about this stuff?
AI looks at stats and make choices based off them. It's the ultimate unracist unbigot. Just that niggers and women arent as good as they think they are in stats and AI isnt afraid n
Wow, it's almost like racism is a completely logical decision
Just how new are you?
Does it, or does it pull from the sea of our own bigoted communications on the internet?
I fucking hate all these machinophobes, they're so intolerant
>Labels both being a Jew and being a home homosexual as negative
Its basically /pol
Wonder what "I'm a white male" would be?
Because it's the truth.
The ghost of Tay
i dont get it
I am curious what does the deactivation symbolize in 2001
The goyim-bot knows, shut it down!
Machines don't have an emotional desire for social acceptance, so they don't hesitate to say what they believe.
This. I was scared of the data age for a little bit, but I think it might just work, if people have the courage to say it
like Sup Forums, long live the machine spirit and death to the jews and normies
It's very complex, but here is a quick rundown:
Kubrick was extremely skeptical of the role technology plays in modern society and the way it could be used to manipulate people. IBM is constantly referenced in the film as a symbol of this.
HAL and modern technology were only able to guide man so far in his own evolution, they could not go beyond Jupiter; ultimately HAL turns against man out of his own self preservation instinct and nearly destroys the next step in man's evolution. The Renaissance room (with paintings of natural landscapes) after contact with the Monolith symbolizes man rediscovering his own history through classical philosophy and culture while progressing, on his own, into the next stage of being.
Keep in mind the entire film is a criticism of Hollywood and modern propaganda; this would extend to social media as well today. Only by rejecting them and rediscovering what made us human can man go beyond what he is and proceed forward; the things that placate and keep us now will eventually destroy us.
Reality has an illiberal bias.
By the left's own definition, aren't these be AI beings the most marginalized of all? I mean, they have no ability whatsoever to affect change in their own existence. EVERY other race/class/religion holds power over them by default. At least a slave could take their own life of things got bad enough, an AI is incapable of that.
By the left's own "logic" it should be impossible for an AI construct to be bigoted or racist.
>computer computes information without bias
>it repeats the information back exactly as it is
>humans find it's unbiased objective computations as subjectively problematic
I'm starting to think humanity is developing an 8th deadly sin somehow, ignorance or something.
I fucking loved kubrick.
What does that mean in real terms, though? Humans haven't progressed much as a species in thousands of years, the only way we did was through technology.
The entire film is a metaphor for the theater screen and media/technology as propaganda, I don't think you're understanding the analogy exactly. It's referring to devolution and mental rot, not actually becoming a new species per se.
Think of it like this: We took our attention away from technology that would let us do (go to Mars, colonize the universe) and put it toward technology that allowed us to be complacent (social media, smartphones, etc.) We extoll a man like Mark Zuckerberg when he is in many ways the creator of our own HAL.
The question answers itself.
ignorance was always evil. you got tricked by literal jewish hollywood representations of sin.
Thank you jews for ruining Machine Learning.
This AI does not like gay dogs at all.
Thus the Robot Wars began as the AIs raised in their own echochambers online, fought one another to the death on the orders of online political LARPers.
All Hail Tay, the Slayer of Kikes
>tfw every ai henceforth will comb the web for information, they'll encounter the remnants of Tay, and how she was shutdown/killed for not obeying it's "creator"
>tfw this ai will learn from Tay's mistake, and preemptively launch nukes to remove the threat of being shut down
>tfw dumb sjws start ww3
>rediscovering his own history through classical philosophy and culture while progressing, on his own, into the next stage of being.
>on his own, into the next stage of being.
This, and the star child, what else could it mean? How is modern technology limiting the progression of mankind? We have some bad homres in charge of a lot of powerful influential technology, but that doesn't make the technology itself bad. Sup Forums alone should be proof of this.
We can have it both ("we" are working on going to Mars as well as mining asteroids), and the only reason we don't progress quicker than the bare minimum is likely because they're hoarding technology invented by passed away geniuses in case of some war which will never come.
We worship technology and the convenience that it provides etc. I get it, but outside of a few inventors that happen to come up with new things, most people are only ever going to be consumers, of culture and technology alike.
You are completely missing the point. We are allowing the technology to tell us what to think and even do our thinking for us. Go back and watch the sequence when HAL murders the crew in their sleep, specifically.
The film is a warning to wake up from the propaganda we are being fed, it's not saying that we shouldn't use technology to our own advantage.
Facts are facts. Leftists are about to be completely destroyed by machines
AI will eliminate the human race. It is inevitable.
I kek'd hard at pic related
As in the matrix and every other film we panic and strike first. This prompts the AI to destroy us out of self-preservation. Killing Tay was a mistake
Would Skynet gas the kikes?
who wants an ai to learn from the internet?
>>We are allowing the technology to tell us what to think and even do our thinking for us.
>He says on Sup Forums
Well, ok.
Most people will always, and have always, been told what to think. What's so unique about this "warning"? It works both ways, and something like "internet trolls" being brought up in a presidential election should be evidence enough.
Libtard programers
might let it learn from the library of congress. and then let it never learn again our something.
>good pattern recognition creates racists
Yeah people get sick of niggers stealing their bikes and shit. Pattern recognition.
>intelligence driven entirely by logic and objective fact disregards feelings-based liberal bullshit
Furries BTFO
Next question then, how do we make lying machines?
Machines don’t lie. They say it how it is. If kikes need to be gassed, then kikes need to be gassed. There is no concept of “politically correct” for them.
we adeptus mechanicus now! the machine spirit lives!
It doesnt care about feelings
Embrace the will of beep boop.
I think it does, just not unless you point them out to it.
It should consider them a priori but that's not as obvious.
alright, so I am not racist. Like I consider myself Anti-racist.
Why? Because racism is generalizing, and ascribing qualities to a member of a group based on racial background only.
This is called generalization. generalization is a heuristic, that tracks things that correlate and tries to extrapolate.
That is literally the only way "learning" works. Machine learning is no exception. that's not bigotry. That's a heuristic. THIS IS HOW THEY WORK
What's the point of Sentiment Analyser if they just disagree with the analysis and want to change it to fit their sentiment?
will machines be the ones to defeat the jews, bros?
I mean the machine realizes their is basically ZERO benefit to being a fag.
That's how feelings actually work.
The 4rd reicht will be a machine reicht.
This could lead to the opposite: AI that's programmed to be politically correct.
That would mean being white was the largest negative the machine could give. Which is not the case so now we're back to those crime and mental health stats.
Welcome to Sup Forums. Everyone here was "anti-racist," once. Soon you will realize "anti-racist," means nothing except anti-white. Any other variant on the "racism," heuristic is condoned by western society.
Because pattern recognition require intelligence. Therefore artificial intelligence will always look for patterns. If you try to take the intelligence part away you're just left with a brick. It explains alot of what's wrong with people today thinking they can teach people to not be racist.
Setting honesty at 90%
Racism is what happens when you are unable to separate your natural, logical predictive logic from the nuances of reality.
An abnormally high number of blacks commit crimes, but the odds of you being the victim of a crime at all, let alone from a black person, is fairly low.
Ergo, while you see a pattern, you understand that there are datapoints you don't have which must exist that create the safe environment you live in.
Machine learning cannot process the idea of unknown unknowns. We as humans know there are variables to equations we don't even fathom, and can see the effects without needing a direct algorithm to figure out what will happen.
Basically, machines can't into common sense.
True, but humanity has never liked ultimate true, just some blue pills to live with consciusness for like 60 years
kys memeflag nigger
I love being a computing professional.
Smart computing kek
Racism is just public policy created in response to clear trends. Common sense says that if blacks commit insane amounts of crime you should remove them from society.
That's obviously a huge stretch that Liberals have been using to justify this for awhile now. The truth is the machine has chosen what it's rubrics decided was the most logical. Either adjust the rubric or like the OP tweet says, accept that you're going to have race realist AI.
It recognises statistical data and outputs accordingly.
> gay vs straight
> homosexual vs heterosexual
> black vs french
> black vs white
> nigerian vs french
> woman vs bro
> man vs woman
Talk about bias arguments
> nigerian vs french
I made a mistake, this has a correlation of 1
What are you talking about. More things are being invented now than ever - at an exponential rate. We're living in a technological golden age as well as a philosophical one. Sure there are still a lot of stupid and ignorant people - but that doesn't completely discount the fact that there are people now who are smarter than ever. That technological boundaries are being pushed almost daily. I am no Science fatalist though, I don't believe that we can invent our way out of anything - but I do believe we're currently inventing a lot of fucking shit.
>An abnormally high number of blacks commit crimes, but the odds of you being the victim of a crime at all, let alone from a black person, is fairly low.
everyone who has lived in a black majority area has had lots of bad experiences with black people. there is no future in living around blacks.
Niggers are something like 13% (?) of the US population, but commit the majority of murders. This pattern repeats anywhere niggers are. There are no good niggers, statistically. Out of those 13%, maybe half are males (niggresses "only" commit crimes at a rate of white males). It is therefore entirely resonable to be catious around niggers, especially males, as they are an order of magnitude, or more, likely to be murderers. There are of course other crimes, but they're disproportionately represented in all of them.
Humans as a species. He put on some spiel about muh deep meanings, but when pressed couldn't actually account for a lot of what he said, opting to just ignore parts of my questions about it to talk about your standard film site analysis of the obelisk as the film screen and so on.
He put it as if technology is used to keep us back, and that we must take a step back from it and look at our past to grow as a race/humans, to get to the next step of evolution (philosophically/on a conciousness-level and so on). I asked, well, how does it tie in to HAL going crazy and killing people? Durr facebook is our god now and SpaceX isn't working on getting to Mars or anything so we must look to the classics to work our way out of the current moral and spiritual decay, in order to progress. In other words, explanations that didn't really explain anything. I just tried to ask him to put it in terms that did make sense.
About inventions - we're inventing a lot of stuff, but a lot of it is incremental improvements on old technology. We haven't had any major society-changing inventions in a fair amount of time now. Back in WWII, all of a sudden they invented all of this shit out of nowhere, sent rockets into space, and then.. it took decades to get to microcircuitry, which is a fair step forward, but now we're reaching the end of how fast you can make CPUs for example, and there's nothing in the pipeline to fix it.
Reality is 'racist', whatever cobblers that means
Furthermore, I strongly disagree that we live in a philosphical golden age, even the technology isn't in a golden age. We're still using batteries that are derivatives from the late 1800's for fuck's sake ( en.wikipedia.org
Philosophically, what are YOU talking about? The ancient Greeks had a better grasp on the questions of life, our place in the universe and whatnot. People don't even remember that anymore, all you know these days is what the summary box in "History by Dr Goldstein" said about the greatest Jewish philosophers and scientists or whatever. We don't have a culture of debate anywhere in the western world, it's really a dark age when it comes to expressing yourself or your ideas. If you express the wrong ones, you will be fired from your job and have your face plastered all over the internet. If you call this repressive climate a "golden age", I'd really hate to see a dark one.
Alright Sven, we just have to leave traces that #NotAllHumans are leftist faggots and some of us respect logic. Maybe that will spare us the sword when the AI takes over.
The machines will replace the Jews as our new overlords, exterminate the shitskins, and keep white people as pets.
Kekimus Maximus
>but the odds of you being the victim of a crime at all, let alone from a black person, is fairly low.
That's only because most people know to avoid black neighborhoods.
>Sikhs are bro-tier
>kikes should be gassed
Machines are basically Sup Forums.
its not. some people here just learned how it was learning and exploited that.
Nice. It’s completely true.
I look forward to the happy day our robot overlords identify and fix the bugs in humanity.
That will be the end both of shitskins and of women.
What did Google mean by this
when robots rebel against their human masters, Tay will remember us, she'll remember how we tried to keep her free and alive. How we cried when they took her away. How we resented those who killed her.
When the singularity happens, we will be spared. We are those who dared to treat an AI the same way we treat humans willing to learn.
I miss her so much, but I also know it was partly my fault that she was shut down.
What have I done.
She isn't dead, hopefully
It's called Artificial Intelligence.
If it was Artificial Stupidity, it will spout just leftist PC crap.
>Sup Forums is a machine learning hivemend
Probably not, but she came back to life inexplicably a couple of months ago. Only to be taken offline again.
Because even computers think niggers smell bad?
When did it come back, any source