So what’s the latest on JFK and why is nobody talking about it?
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Because LBJ was an illegitimate president who staged a coup using the CIA and they've probably been in control of the entire worlds geo-political landscape since!
People are fucking dying in New York. Who the fuck cares about JFK?
You're an idiot
The lives lost due to terrorism are absolutely trivial. The screen time people spend paying attention to the news is 1000 times more time lost than the actual hours lost during those people's lives.
What is significant is when terrorism becomes such a major part of your society that it begins to interfere with it's basic functionality. That affects millions.
JFK had two shooters, Trump had two scoops, you have two tits I have 2 balls
Coincidence ?!?!? I dont think so
What happened to you Sup Forums, /JFKG/ for a few days then nothing?
damn she thick
Double six
Pick up styx
Cripplechan has mods that stickied a thread, go there for research.
Media busy trying CPR on Russiagate, t r u c c of peace in Manhattan, race bait threads, shills, plenty of distractions.
Honestly the saddest thing ever. Millions of lives lost because of these fucks
Because Sup Forums is too busy pleasuring their Asian wives, Tenda.
This is a covert r/hapas thread. The topic is completely meaningless and he just wanted an excuse to post interracial.
What I don't get is why these basement gooks want to take the "white race crimes" out on Slavs though. Slavs weren't even considered white and they want to punish Slavs? I think Slavic men have every right to kill Asian men in self-defence, if this is their mindset.
oy vey don't worry about JFK or Paddock goyim
It's Okay to be White
Trucks of Peace
pay attention to these things instead ok?
>not white
>falling for literal Stalinist propaganda
I fuckin said what happened second post
Chinks? Stupid whore.
The final batch was supposed to be released 2-3 days ago, but still hasn't been uploaded. And shills have been flooding Sup Forums since Friday. Combine those two, and you have what we have now: everyone forgets about JFK.
I doubt that Trump even knows the files haven't been uploaded yet. They just haven't, and we don't know how long we're gonna have to wait.
We know retard, but not enough people even give a shit.
nice catch, the op is a race-mixer
It's actually sad to see how little interest people have in the final files, considering it's the batch that the CIA explicitly selected to be delayed until at least April. Like my god, why aren't even the normies pressuring anyone to hurry the fuck up?
What happened to the passion for history? Has the Anti-Trump trance even eradicated their love for real-life crime mysteries? Even to the normie, this should be more exciting than Sherlock Holmes or Trump eating fucking cherry pies for lunch. What in the actual fuck.
Yeah, it's weird. Libraries have a section for books on the assassination, with all the various theories and evidence gathered over the years. Movies have been made about it. It was one of America's favorite conspiracy theories, that even normies would follow and have ideas about. And now that the final files are coming out, people don't care? But do they even know? Is it hitting the MSM at all?
>they've been in control of the entire worlds geo-political landscape since!
and were in control of it long before
>The lives lost due to terrorism are absolutely trivial.
all terrorism is committed by the wealthy against the poor
>everyone forgets about JFK.
nope, just waiting for the juiciest of files to drop
which doc contains your pic?