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big if true

It’s funny because he’s an asset of Russian intelligence




its funny because you need to kys shareblue alphabet nigger.

There needs to be a car ban. No one should have that destructive power. It kills me that we tolerate this cager culture when people are dying everyday to car violence.

No. Actually he's in a Nazi secret society. Fuck off Chaim.

(((Deep State))) again crushed by Assange.

> tfw too busy fighting other intelligence agencies over who gets to control the world

Shall we go Full Sovereign Beings..? Maybe 3/4?
> republic means from the ground up?

Trump will handle it.

ISIS = Langley, VA, USA

bomb Langley - defeat ISIS leaders


assange has been dead for a while ever since the cia kidnapped him during the internet outage.

> tfw New york was called just the other day
> timeline changes
> pic related

Stop you dumb ass Jew. You're a fucking loser using the same old bullshit talking points. Kill yourself.

assange was literally never called a "russian puppet" UNTIL he dropped docs on hilldawg.

nice filename btw shill

kek they deleted it.

Seriously. I tremble every time I drive a car because I realize that it’s too much power to put in the hands of a single person.

t. cia

that was a good bant

fucking russian agents

Who cares what you think, jungle Mexican?

lol wtf are you doing you idiot

i like assange, but I do believe that he belongs to some sort of faction within the CIA - don’t really know how it all fits together really though

This man is overflowing with whit.

nah. Prolly Plus Ultra / Nazi Secret Society.

Why the brackets? Why does everything have to be about Jews?

by that we assume you mean delay it until his term is over, just like the wall, north korea, etc.

hes been dead ever since the internet outage.

Every part of that image is inscrutable. It just must be true.

AUMF is only against islamic terrorists, surprisingly

none of that happened tho?

Thank you assange

I hear he is a direct descendent of Tsar Vasili IV

>guy being tortured tells you what you wanted to hear
must be true


No one believes you shill. Even your mum thinks you're an idiot. Move your shit out of the basement and get a job.


following up

> Anonymous (ID: OG+Jgo5T) 10/30/17(Mon)11:13:35 No.147174821▶

> Multiple large explosions similar to the Timothy McVeigh bombings coordinated across 5 states: DC, New York, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Virginia


we're gonna find out where he really is one way or another.

either we figure it out or trump defunds the cia and you wont have money left to cover it up.



Is the CIA providing rental cars to ISIS?

So it my gfs dog and the chair I’m sitting on. Better get interpol on it.

The biggest irony is you know the FBI is going to come out be like "yeah we knew about this guy and were monitoring him but didn't do anything". Meanwhile they'll want more and more surveillance.

I have to agree with that. Funny how the FBI/CIA/NSA is spying on every true American but not doing jack shit about the sand nigger problem. I say purge them out of America. Make them go back to their shit hole nations.

And they can take the fucking left wing shit stains with them since the left loves to suck so much terrorist dick. Those faggots even dress like them.

>It’s funny because he’s an asset of Russian intelligence
Arent you getting sleepy? get some rest, he already has the cheat codes

>must be true
>must be true






If we had an all white homeland we would not be reading this story either.




sorry you so mad, kissy kiss

Nazi fuck scum off?






I heard he banged Pam Anderson.

Almost as believable.


Haha exact same speech every terror attacks here




hes actually a turncoat of the reptilian overlord excelcyite caste; he was put here by his reptilian masters to undermind world governments that would go against the reptilian folk but instead defected to the human side and in doing so is ruthlessly hunted by his former comrades in arms

How can you all be so powerful yet so lame?

It baffles me.



One day some time in the future when this is over we should have a reunion thread for all the shills where we can compare shilling.

I respected Assange until he supported the catalonian independence. Now I see him as a puppet. I'm sure he was paid by catalonian independentists or russia to weaken Spain and the EU.

Kek, Assange getting locked in a building indefinitely with nothing but an internet connection has made him the world's most famous and connected NEET bottlepisser. So of course he became a Sup Forums shitposter.

...or he just believes in the right for self-determination

He's shitposting harder and harder. What's his endgame?

Assanges shitposting is god tier

Such right doesn't exist. It was only created for colonies by the UN.

overdoing it

It would be really funny if he was.

Russian commies are clearly not capable of anything THIS good. Besides he's too white. Clearly a Nazi. Now suck our cocks

Israel is ISIS. Based Assange


Absolute, completely destructive, vengeance.

Daily reminder the real Julian Assange is dead.

Oy Vey! Shut it down

Israel=ISIS kike

this seems like a weak, out-of-touch post. for all the info he's privy to, he seems to be holding a lot back. i know he released the emails that had obama/clinton putting the guns in their hands, but it seems like he's reacting in a way that shows he knows his shit isn't getting traction. he said this same shit a year ago on RT. Weapons in the hands of Isis. Our gov. Which is Israel. Why can't he just say it? Why can no one in power name them??

Israel Shamir, a Wikileaks employee, hand delivered a leaked dossier of Belarussian dissidents to their KGB.

Assange specifically requested Russian security forces guards (eg FSB or GRU)at the embassy.

Assange also knew about and possibly arranged Snowden's meeting with the Russians. Protip: if you walk into a Russian embassy saying that you are an American intelligence community member and have national security secrets, they typically don't just go "okay, have a trip to Moscow."

He's called (((them))) out many times.

Far cry from disinformation agents like Alex Jones and Loomer who tried to blame the Vegas attack on ISIS without telling you who (((ISIS))) is ran by



Give is a rest retard.

is this your way of ignoring his actual argument?

Assange knows what's the real deal.

Into the oven you go

CIA influences ISIS but do not control ISIS. It's almost impossible to fully control ISIS.

Russian intelligence probably cares more about American lives than the CIA does

You're right. CIA doesn't control ISIS. Israel does

>belongs to some sort of faction

ever hear of the equation group?
>mfw mendax

>it was the Jews all along -.-

wtf I love Assange now

>Julian Assange thinks the CIA is a law enforcement agency

fuck that homo
