Let's stop the hate

Phil Murphy here I just want to say that what happened today was horrible and my prayers go out to all the victims and families.

Having that said we cannot let hate win. Let's be honest the reason we were attacked is because we are not inclusive enough as a society. It's our own fault for making muslims feel isolated.

If I'm elected as governor of New Jersey I will make this state a shining example of diversity and a safe space for muslims around the world, with greater tolerance we will end terrorism!

How about you stop supporting Israel you fucking loser.

We cannot let hate in
Ban muslims
They get in, they win

You don't understand how weaponized autism works. Whoever is running against this dude is the person posting this. What's worse is it's probably a very young intern, college aged, white male.

Hit the books faggot.

There is no place for antisemitism

Fuck you.

The old "Hug 'em harder" strategy. It doesn't work


Stop being a pussy and wake up to the fact jews are a problem.


I hope you don't get elected for being such a spineless piece of shit.


if you irradiate all muslims
then u can no longer hurt their feelings
think about it

add wwii to list
add holocaust
add holocaust denial

Why are you so islamophobic? Muslims are not to blame. Racism against them is


You need to fuck off.

O wow nazi conspiracy theories. And you wonder why alienated peoples attack us

Someone beat me up, let me support them, sounds like something a punk says, don't support someone that attacks you fight back

>we uh cant let uh hatred win
Why do you morons always bring up hatred?
>hey wait a minute a lot of Muslims seem prone to religiously motivated violence maybe we should criticize that

Truth hurts but blaming all your failures on other people will only hurt you more in the long run

This really activates the almonds

Hatred only breeds more hatred, when you fight your enemies with violence they win


Diversity is our strength!


you better legalize recreational you cuck

This open hate speech and talk of genocide is why attacks happen. I don't condone but I understand why they attack us and it's because of people like you

>Innocent people deserve to die because you hurt the feelings of my savage friends
Can you imagine being this brain washed folks

Finally someone here who gets it, you know if America was more like Canada the world would be a better place. If I become governor I will follow Trudeau's great example

Actually using the "S" word wow... you realize it's 2017 right?

If I become Governor recreational marijuana will be legalized in all NJ except in places where it might cause offense

False equivalency, the Fire that needs to be put out is white nationalism not Islam