Is The Daily Wire the best news outlet right now? Good reporting from a conservative point of view, Ben Shapiro and Andrew Klavan host great podcasts, and Michael Knowles is pretty good too. Also, Matt Walsh writes for The Daily Wire now, and his pieces are great.
Is The Daily Wire the best news outlet right now? Good reporting from a conservative point of view...
Okay, well now that we've gotten "DA JOOS" post out of the way, what do you think of The Daily Wire?
I don't read Jew media in any capacity.
That's literally every outlet.
It's pretty based in facts. Excellent for redpilling normies.
I'm a fan until he starts shilling for god and faith based shit. Shapiro only cares about facts until they become inconvenient to his religion.
Andrew Klavan mentioned Dan Schneider and his foot fetish on the podcast today.
>The Daily Wire
I'm not Jewish, but I don't mind Ben talking about his faith. I respect it, and he's usually right about morality.
Oy vey fellow goyim. I too thought the $9.99 tag was a shtickle too much, but after buying I really can't kvetsh over such wonderful program.
this thread needs more khazar milkies
Reuters remains remarkably unbiased. They've really upped their game in neutrality as other traditionally centrist news sources like CNN and USA Today have shifted greatly to the left. Also very good focus on international news.
I payed for the annual subscription, but it was before they sent you the nice tumbler. I just got some stupid DVD I've never opened.
Daily Stormer best all around news site. Other good ones are AltRight, American Renaissance, VDARE. RT is pretty okay too. Tucker is pretty great if you're still a cablecuck, or watch the mirrors on YouTube.
The Daily Wire, while occasionally having okay content, is a kike distraction outlet meant to act as a safety net to catch goyim who are too skeptical for the MSM. It operates in a similar capacity to Rebel Media, and Shapiro is a gatekeeper Israeli neocon shill.
Shapiro has two problems: he follows the most logical path without realizing the deep resentment Whites have for their new lot in America. He simply sees everyone as possible vessels for a great "invisible hand." In so many words, he's an autistic libertarian. He simply can't understand some things outside of that lens.
Secondly, he always, always takes the GOPe bent. Illegal immigration is fine, it's cheap labor! ACA was a disaster, but Trump was a bigger disaster for ... repealing Obama's Executive Order giving the program money without Congressional approval.
So if he's a little autistic and is squarely in the "this is fine" end of the GOP, why bother listening to him? He's right, but it feels like "broken clock, right twice a day."
Daily wire, despite it's obvious pro jewish sentiments, is pretty good.
The klavan and the knowles shows are really gud, but the ben 'muh israel' shapiro show is only alright. Ben is better off writing his articles on the website, since he tends to tone down the pro jew language in it.
Also, where are those khazar millers?
Either way she's getting a 2nd pearl necklace. If you know what I mean.
Can put one on the yarmulke if I luck out on a 0.
I'm probably going to pay desu. Already stated my issue with him. I agree with him on about 90-95% of things.
Enjoy your tumbler. I guess I'll wait for him to open the store, which he swears will be before Christmas.
I like the daily wire especially Ben Shapiro's podcasts. Idk about the rest but I assume it's good
Give Klavan a shot.