We're making Reddit angry!
It's Okay To Be White thread #99
There needs to be a car ban. No one should have that destructive power. It kills me that we tolerate this cager culture when people are dying everyday to car violence.
Goddamned reddit
WOW, you're not even allowed to say being white is alright? Loving this brave new world.
Take that United black students poster and invert the color and change black into white and put it up next to that one and see what happens.
Everyone needs to do this. Going to a party first and after i take my gf back im posting some around the area
The more exposure these posters get, the better. kek.
this is a sticker btw
Ok, I'm doing it - look for them on jewbook in small town America- fuck these kunts
Tell me more about the Shyness Clinic
this is great. good job Sup Forums
still time for other people to do this too
You don't need stickers to do this, just print some out and post them everywhere. Be careful if you post them.
yes... yess.... keep em coming
>"It's okay to be white"
Lmao keep it up
>it's okay for white people to exist
jesus christ these people really do hate you just for being white
This is too fucking easy. I was at least expecting some resistance
do these little shits realize they'd immediately die in the event of actual anarchy?
Just now realizing this?
I'm really surprised too, they've been brainwashed too hard
The media will need to work really hard to tie this extremely simple message to white supremacy, I wouldn't know where to begin if I was in charge of the narrative
Holy shit its actually working
Fucking mint. This is better than Op Inversion.
remember this day, anons
So just being ok with white people makes you a nazi now. This plan is actually working, nicely done.
Bump for justice
>this marxist poster
im physically disgusted you americans allowed this to exist
>covers up 'FREE FOOD @ UBSR' tag
you tryin to starve em boys user?
I'm just shocked that such a neutral statement "It's okay to be white" is making them rage like this
Holy shit these retards are actually taking the bait!
>be normie white man
>see this tweet
>look at flyer
>only says "its ok to be white"
>immediately start qeustioning my entire reality
>google alt-Right because i saw that corrupt cunt hillary clinton talk about them in the news during the election
>proceed to American Renaissance, daily stormer and TheRightStuff
>get red pill suppository up my ass
>become 1488
shitlibs our doing our work for us. They are our goyim and we have become their jews.
Haha, perfect reaction. They are turning any white person into literal nazis for us.
Call them nazis some more and see what happens.
Would've not imagined that they are dumb enough to actually attack this, but then again, it's a "progressive" movement, and the insanity has to grow and grow and grow.
Very impressed! Great job user!
just read this comment
>Wait, really? I saw a few threads from 4/pol/ about it, I didn't think they'd get out of their gamer chairs to do it
everyone says redditers come here but i really get it now. These people are among us and must go.
Existing makes them rage.
most people don't believe the "whites are hated" storyline because it's tightly linked to antesemitic conspiracy theories
this poster being called nazi is a great way to redpill the masses
>They are our goyim and we have become their jews.
It helps that most them have absolutely no foresight. They are so into living in the moment they take the b8 without a second though. It's like instinct to them.
Sooooooo they're saying that it's not ok to be white? That doesn't sound racist at all.
When is reddit not angry about something.
you either die a villain or live long enough to see yourself become a villain
Hey another Chicago user!
Doing God's work, Chicago used to be great
No, they'll deny reality up until they're being killed and even after the killing blow is delivered.
I stopped having any hope that they'd wise up and stop being retards after seeing this video of one of the attacks in London.
Two lads were ducking for cover during the mooslims chimp out and one of them says something along the lines of "fucking muslims" while the other gets upset and says "it's not the muslims you idiot.". They will not admit they're incorrect even if evidence is presented to them that they're delusional.
We have had no say into this up until now, it's the hand we've been dealt. We're really trying to fix this shit here but I don't know if it's going to be possible.
there's anarchist propaganda in the computer lab of my university and nobody seems to even notice because it looks like a "smile for the cameras" sign.
I don't fucking go on reddit. It's complete normie tier shit no one actually gives a shit about. We're the only thing interesting around for them since we're the vilains they need.
agreed, Polbro
wait. what the fuck?
It's insane, they're literally teaching kids to cause genocide
When is Sup Forums?
I like this idea
we already know what will happen
>marx in sunglasses
the most virulent of all leftist memes
That’s a Jew
she looks like a qt. would redpill her with my dick desu.
Wtf I love this idea now.
These are the same people telling gay white people it's ok to be born the way they are
They cant even pass the turing test at this point
i hate them so much.
Sometimes I wish I didn't live in a town that's 99.9% white just so I could engage in fun activities like this.
Not even good bait
>trying to trigger whites
>post a jewess getting gangbanged
Good job to all the lads involved. This was a good one
The cost of freebom (of speech)
>fun activities
It's not that fun having to literally watch your back 100% of the time. I'm a large, fit, angry looking motherfucker and I still keep both eyes peeled. I've instinctively gotten to the point that anywhere I go my keys are in between my knuckles for all to see and one hand in my pocket clenching my knife.
You bastards are actually pulling it off. Makes me glad I sifted through all the slide threads to bump these threads for the last week.
You ever meet one of the people in person before?
You literally want to kill them.
I don't blame us for wanting to have right wing death squads.
ink stamp bros give it a little bump bump and go
This is fucking amazing, almost better than clear racial preference for kneeling during sportsball, waking white normalfags up to anti-white hatred in record numbers.
To be white, is to be a Nazi.
Yeah really. We have coon town ghettos but they don't cause any fuss.
Make sure to hashtag pics of these in twitter with #iotw
Top Notch user
How you feel is meaningless. It's a right. This is something I tell all liberals and I play by my own rules.
these libs should have listened to Paul Anka
>jesus christ these people really do hate you just for being white
Now you get it.
>it's okay to be white
I want off mr. bones wild ride
Someone call 911! That poor old man just got burned!
oh my fuck, now i'm imagining a "It's OK to be green" on a John Deere tractor
haha c u retard get reported and banned
Yup, time to trade in your fag flag for something with balls.
I have to travel to the next county over to even have a small chance to see a non-white person. It's about an hour's drive to the nearest area where I could see some non-whites regularly.
Destroyed in one response.
the day of the rope cant come quick enough
thanks for the laffs
What's the font on this? It looks nice and clean.
You don't listen very well.