I am giving out Halloween candy to young goys and I notice that both of my candy options, M&Ms and Snickers, both contain (((soy))). It's in everything now. Post examples of excessive soy use.
SoyBoys Get In Here
Other urls found in this thread:
>corn syrup makes you fat
>soy makes you gay
>these ingredients dominate the market because they can be produced locally
how do we make this country hospitable again bros
>these ingredients dominate the market because they can be produced locally
No these ingredients dominate the market due to subsidies and the ulterior motives of jewish led corporations that dominate the food and beverage supply chain
yeah nah that's fucking stupid mate
unless you can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Btw proving that a company's upper levels have an overrepresentation of jews doesn't prove there's a global conspiracy to turn you and your son into a gay lardass
Tfw your entire life, you thought it was "alterior" motive
Hey dumb nigger, how about you watch the fucking video? Cory’s a white nationalist btw and is acquainted with The Golden One. He’s also pro kicking ethnics out of white countries. But yeah, soibois, amiririte lads!? xD
>Btw proving that a company's upper levels have an overrepresentation of jews doesn't prove there's a global conspiracy to turn you and your son into a gay lardass
Nice try schlomo. You will need to give more effort than that
Soy and corn subsidies are kinda true tho, although soy is mostly used to feed livestock. That’s what most of the retards on Sup Forums won’t tell you as they keep drinking the dairy Jew which is far worse than soy in terms of feminizing. Also beer is pretty bad too in this regard
>watch a random youtube video someone posted without explanation
How little is your time worth? Sad
Cucklombia sucking that soyboi white milk
why not? do you think jews are human?
Bodybuilders drink milk and it is extremely nutritious. It also has protein. Milk has brought whites to greatness unlike (((soy)))
If you don't want any xenoestrogens at all you're basically forced to drink distilled water. Soy and corn subsidies, while completely anti-capitalist, are necessary if you want products to contain locally produced soy and corn. Mexico grows both crops cheaper.
Companies only hire people who are highly educated for leadership positions and jews are overrepresented in higher education because of nepotism. So until you show me a document or recording where Shekelberg and Goldmanstein are discussing how to turn the white race into obese eunuchs I will not believe your conspiracy exists.
>Companies only hire people who are highly educated
kek lel oh i am laffin
wew lad that was a good one
colloquially a 'goodun'
and now I take my leaf- sage./
So you didn’t even bother to check the sources or the research he mentioned. Then don’t bother spewing incorrect bullshit, but then again
Not surprised you revel in ignorance, it’s the amerishart tradition
you have no right to speak, you are the niggers of LatAm and literally no-one likes you on either side of your borders, Cantinflas. Also, most obese country in the world and Indios galore: Sad!
>So until you show me a document or recording where Shekelberg and Goldmanstein are discussing how to turn the white race into obese eunuchs I will not believe your conspiracy exists.
Nice try schlomo
>So you didn’t even bother to check the sources or the research he mentioned.
I've already done the research lad. I do not need to watch a random (((debunking))) video on youtube posted by what appears to be a non-white person.
>Mexico grows both crops cheaper.
Only because automation has not been fully realized, also that can be solved with simple protectionism. High fructose corn syrup is a direct cause of subsidies and is killing Americans, it is worse than anything you can add to food.
ITT: disinfo
super male vitality is back in stock
Milk is killing white people and no, you don’t need the dairy Jew for that. There are vegan bodybuilders like pic related who btw has never eaten meat.
That's pasteurized milk, raw milk is the way to go. Also there are no sources in that article.
>Milk is killing white people and no, you don’t need the dairy Jew for that.
Milk propelled whites to greatness and allowed us to prosper in difficult regions.
>There are vegan bodybuilders like pic related who btw has never eaten meat.
Truly shit bait. Sad
>I do not need to watch a random (((debunking))) video on youtube posted by what appears to be a non-white person.
>a non-white person.
So the person in the video (pic related) is not white? lol, I guess being 56% really alters your perception of what “white” is.
>be amerimutt
>thinks 100% Nordic phenotype is not white
>thinks veganism/plant-based is a Jewish conspiracy despite it having roots in eastern/westernphilosophy since the dawn of man
>still buying kosher milk form shlomo
Stay goyed mr. 56% and decreasing, I’m sure the mexispics and kikes will appreciate it.
Just eat water and drink air.
Its all you need. Don't consume anything else, it will either make you gay or fat.
feminine males are the peak of aesthetics, absolute patrician tier
there is nothing more attractive to a woman than a qt fem guy
This. Our subsidy system is fucked
>a non-white person.
Hey genius I am referring to you.
Is that why he looks so weird
Just look Cory McCarthy's soy face for gods sake, he might as well be female
actuallly the fact that some bitch is making fucking YT vids making whites look bad, proves he is a soyboy-pur
you wouldn't understand, shitskin, because ACTUAL men don't need some retard youtuber to tell them about life
>Milk propelled whites to greatness and allowed us to prosper in difficult regions.
We are not in the age of exploration Mr. Tyrone Rodriguez, we’re well into the age of prosperity. The need for animal products is long gone. Are you really going to use a naturalistic/appeal to tradition fallacy? Also IIRC when the pilgrims came to the new world it was learning how to grow the local crops which helped, but I’m really rusty on American history so I stand corrected if evidence can be shown to the contrary.
Nope, not at all. Nice buzzwords tho.
Don't forget fluoride in the water
>but much cavitys
I'm not fucking sloshing that shit around in my mouth, who tf drinks water like that. And also the majority of it goes into toilets and bath tubs. What's their endgame?
I'm thinking about buying a water filter but idk how to trust the brand with actually filtereing the water instead of just making them put even more fluoride in it. Is their anyway to test for the amount of fluoride in water? I want to trust a filter brand but fuck me if I was an elite I was be selling filters left in right that contained even more fluoride
You need to distill water to get 100% out and reverse osmosis will get about 90%. You can get a home water distiller for about $150
1. Decide that the soybean is the root of all evil
2. Seek out and identify people who "look soy" to you
3. Conclude that the soybean is the root of all evil
All in spite of the fact that veganism is relatively rare among the male population and the median bugman is a profligate meat eater who likes to "nom" on carne asada burritos from the local Mexican food truck.
Confirmation bias is a powerful thing.
i'm not a fucking biologist i just know that xeno means 'outsider' and estrogen is estrogen
I don't make estrogen so all the estrogen in my blood is from the outside
now drink your distilled water before you start lactating you faggot simpleton
>buy (((food))) made by the same company
>same ingredients
riddle me this
>dumb amerifat thinks snickers would be a health food if the 0.4 grams of soy lecithin were removed
>Also there are no sources in that article.
You need to learn how to use websites and learn how to click on the little letters that are in blue, dear newfriend. NutritionFacts sources peer-reviewed studies and journals
>a shitskin said something, so it’s wrong by default
Might as well stop using the numbers 1-9 and start using Roman numerals or snownigger runes
Cory McCarthy is making whites look bad? He’s advocating for white nationalism while you’re shitposting on Sup Forums getting very little if anything done.
>you wouldn't understand, shitskin, because ACTUAL men don't need some retard youtuber to tell them about life
Actual men would read the sources he mentioned, you all seem to be fixated on the person saying the information rather than the research himself. The absolute state of “white” people.
> Look I'm a handsome model.
> I've never eaten mean, I promise.
> Please buy this food supplement
subsidies ARE protectionism, just not in a way that incentivizes Mexico to tax the shit out of what we export to them. It's the lesser evil. The free market solution is that Americans should grow something else but that would mean there was no reason for the government to hand out gibs to the corporations, and gibs do wonders for your bottom line.
He looks weird because he most probably roids, like all bodybuilders. Doesn’t look all that different from Jeff Seid
post body
>post examples of excessive soy use
hey faggot try reading the post.
It has the same percentage of proteins as of fats and as of carbs. There is better balanced food out there.
>the median bugman is a profligate meat eater who likes to "nom" on carne asada burritos from the local Mexican food truck
Why does Sup Forums ignore this fact?
Men do make estrogen bruh
> massreply
point proven, stop posting you angry shit-heel
I've literally never broken a bone despite a ton of close scrapes and major injuries and I've been drinking like a calf since I was a baby
Fake news
>miniscule amount of soy used in a candy bar as an emulsifier
you bring shame to that flag. The question is about soy in aggregate because it is being used in an increasing amount of what people are consuming, including some drinks.
Some intelligence, on Sup Forums? Thought I’d never see the day
he is a bhuddist and being raised in the south he was bullied for being vegetarian. He has talked about this, but then again this is Sup Forums the dedicated shitposting board where whitebois watch tranny porn instead of having at least 5 white children
Go rape a beurette Soufianne, it’s all you Algerian cunts can do anyway
All I know that kids that consume diary products are up to 10 cm higher on average and that's a proven fact.
>doing a specific action on a Cambodian Khmer Rouge recruitment forum completely negates any argument
You argue like a Jew and with that flag it’s even more depressing.
Then stop buying amerigoy products and go back to the basics. Hell if you want to completely evade soy that’s fine. Legumes are chock-full of nutrients and are soy free, as well as being a great protein source.
This can be compensated by using growth hormone, and anyway we wouldn’t need that if eugenics was socially acceptable. Eugenics>drinking the dairy Jew
>what people are consuming
That is the problem. People won't be any healthier if their snickers bar and coca cola used sunflower lecithin instead of soy.
Stop blaming soy when the problem is your eating habits.
>one anecdote disproves medical science
Care to explain how galactose which is found in milk is NOT fucking up people’s bones? (That’s what the research I posted shows btw in case you didn’t read it)
People are consuming Coca Cola and snickers on the margin dickhead. You apparently do not understand aggregates
Whatever, I would rather give my children milk than trying some experimental hormone therapy.
Clearly I don't. What is your point? Eat as much candy as you want, just stay away from the big bad soy?
It's because of that article some """journalist""" wrote about the "new trendy alt-right insult" "soy boy". Now you got a ton of retarded shills and the usual trolls shitting up the board again.
No, it's that aggregate. You see, there's a little bit of soy lecithin in the bun of your Western Bacon Cheeseburger. Then that large order of fries? Soybean oil! It's in your candy, your milkshakes, everything you eat. THAT is why you're soft bodied, useless and emasculated.
oh shit really? maybe i should have paid more attention in biology then
We've solved it, Sup Forums. We've figured out why Joshua has man tits and can't talk to girls.
>People are consuming Coca Cola and snickers on the margin dickhead
Maybe I read that wrong, but did you imply that drinking coke is a rare thing? Statistically untrue
>some experimental hormone therapy
Mapuche detected
Growth hormone therapy is a medical standard. Also, stop destroying the charro for your dumb beef you niggers
thats nothing, most of the chocolate has radioactive powdered milk from fukushima Japan
>how do we make this country hospitable again bros
remove farm subsidies
You mean cumulative, you fucking retard?
>milkshakes, burgers, french fries
Holy fuck, I was joking at first. You are actually an amerifat.
I don't eat any of those foods, because I'm not a fat retard like you.
While it is true that an excess of soy causes this, it’s in the range of 50+ servings. Also what’s the fuck are you doing eating outside? You should be meal prepping and cooking at home, that way you know 100% what you’re putting in your body. Stop going to McGoyim
It's a rhetorical device you dingus. I don't mean "you" literally.
>how do we make this country hospitable again bros
>remove farm subsidies
This is the other redpill Sup Forums refuses to swallow. They are too addicted to HFCS and the cornigger votes from Iowa.
> I don't mean "you" literally.
True, so start redpilling your friends about not going out and supporting the (((fast food industry))). That is, assuming you have friends and aren’t shitposting here 24/7
The problem there is that I've already pretty well self-segregated to a smallish group of people who are mostly fitness inclined. I struggle to think of anyone who needs that red pill. Group norms differ wildly based on location and social class.
Then you can redpill normie strangers just like weev does with his “song of race war” rhetoric but applied to the fast food industry. Americans need to get way from fast food, it is killing them slowly and at a mass scale
I'm just gonna eat red meat and broccoli for the rest of my life.
Good choice, but broc+beef will never taste the same w/o the soysauce.