If Hitler came back to life, what would he think of the world in 2017?

If Hitler came back to life, what would he think of the world in 2017?

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muh lebensraum

A degenerate piece of land filled with degenerates

I know the moustache is iconic, but he'd be 10/10 clean shaven

"this... this is pretty much exactly what I expected"
"now let me try with nightmare vision goggles"

I think look whos back nailed it

our fallen prince would be ganged up on by liberals

He'd kill himself again. He knew it would come to this when they lost.


He wouldn't be thinking about it for too long.

Obligatory Anti-Racist Hitler


I think he would say something like:
"Der kostbarste Besitz der Welt aber ist das eigene Volk und für dieses Volk und um dieses Volk wollen wir ringen und wollen wir kämpfen und niemals erlahmen und niemals ermüden und niemals verzagen und niemals verzweifeln."

He would be a massive soy boi with his vegan faggotry - probably would want to fuck Merkel for destroying Germany (something even he couldn't accomplish)

Hitler spoke to huge crowds before giant TV screens were a thing. The iconic mustache let you recognize Hitler from way far back in the crowd.

>Hitler is dead.


He would state, "I told you so".


he'd probably just shoot himself again

We would die for him in our quest for the perfect world.

like walt disney in family guy and the freezer gag
>is israel still here?
>let me out so i can make them even bigger

I haven't left you fool

He would see what has happened to (((American))) media and politics and realize he was proven right.