What's his name again?
Feel de Ass Tyson
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All that nigger does is repeat others and say already know things in a retarded way to look smart
I love watching them eat themselves
Steal da Grease Bison
>A woman reporting a famous person of rape.
>A woman reporting a black person of rape.
Or is it?
this dude is a straight up faggot man.
>drugged and raped her
Unless the drug is specified I'm assuming she is talking about a drunken tryst
Keel da p’lice fly-son
GODDAM POL!! I don't care if you love the guy because your atheist... you're literally saying he DINDU NUFFIN!!! LMFAO!
he's just some nigger getting high searching for "cool sajenz shieet" on jewtube
This strong, empowered, independent black woman was going to be the first black, female astronaut before this white supremacist violently raped her. Fuck white people and fuck drumpf.
Who will be left standing?
le epic science mandem
i see it's standard Sup Forums practice not to post the source. what a shit board
Taylor Swift \o/
Christ, I hate women.
>What's his name again?
Neil "There are more stolen bikes in my backyard than their are stars in the universe" De Grasse Tyson
Sorry too lazy to archive.
I predict 3 more girls come out and accuse him by sat. Screengrab this
Le epic statute of limitations
Applies in a trial of law, but not in a trial by media. That's the true nightmare of a public figure.
nigeer does nigger things color me surprised
>thinking anyone on Sup Forums is a fan of le black science man
No shit. How very niggerly of the nigger.
When the meaning of "rape" is diluted as hard as libs are doing right now, are they actually causing rape to be seen as less severe than it is? Have they actually normalized rape by trying to define it with situations that would previously never be thought of as rape?
>spelled Neil wrong
ONE JOB, user
his documentary series was unfuckingwatchable.
Neil "Da Paper" Tyson
we should get this trending on le leddit since they love nigger science man so much
ooga booga whar da white wimmen at??!?!?
thats what women will do forever, untill they will be harshly punished for false accusation.
Le based blk!
Circling heranus
I hate self-aggrandizing niggers more.
One more beloved meme minority man the leftists can't spam anymore.
I hope they're loving the climate they've cultivated.
Neil "Put it in yo mouf and asse' De Grasse
Neil "Exploring Black Holes" De Grasse
best post ever
NdGT: Mars is 3 millions miles away .... from my d*ck.
Neil "Nutting At The Speed Of Light" Tyson
Thiiiissss. He's a fucking spokesperson. A science enthusiast, AT BEST. He's never done any real science in his fucking life and is literally only popular because he's a nigger.
donald drumpf
Tom Hanks
all men want to fuck all women they have repeated contact with that theyre not blood related to, call me when he's forcing her to have sex with him otherwise it's just another day
Peel the foreskin back son
"I have a lot of respect and admiration for Tciya Amet as student, affirmative action recipient, welfare queen, and sheboon. I’m beyond horrified to hear her story. I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been over 30 years ago. But if I did behave then as she describes, I owe her the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings she describes having carried with her all these years.
This story has encouraged me to address other things about my life. I know that there are stories out there about me and that some have been fueled by the fact that I am famous science black man. As those closest to me know, in my life I have been a black man in a white profession. To fit in to white supremacist America I have behaved like a white man throughout my life, and this compelled me to rape women. Now I choose now to live as a black man, which means of course I dindu nuffin. I want to deal with this honestly and openly that starts with embracing and celebrating my own dindu behavior."
>this is what the average American will look like in 2050 and it's beautiful
I almost forgot
>Who will be left standing?
Because "just believe wamen" and "only the guilty deny their guilt"... no one.
nobody is drugging and raping that
This must be a code for something.
he must have drugged himself
Why are so many american celebrities being accused of rape? Anybody care to elaborate why this is happening? What's (((their))) plan?
i smell bullshit on this one
nail dat ass tyson
Neil "Black Pole for your Black Hole" Degrasse Tyson
they want to prove 'rape culture' real, they just haven't realized the glaringly obvious fact that all the 'rape culture' is in left wing venues like news and entertainment.
Can someone fix this please? I thought it was pretty funny but now it's ruined. I'd fix it myself but phone posting now.
Naw dog, Neil's got a spiritual connection to the sciency stuff. I swear, his new cosmos series is better than Sagan's, made me fucking tear up. Who cares if he roofied a chick and felt up her tits. I seriously cant wait for a second series of his cosmos. Hes working with seth macfarlane, who has a secret hard on for space stuff, who's red pilled af.
I usually comment on weinstein or dan "wide as a coke can" schneider threads, but Im giving Neil the serious benefit of the doubt here.
isn't him the Flea Market guy?
Actually this is a rape.
Black lives dont matter.
Neil "imma cop a feel" Tyson
I'll be standing on the right
Neil "Grab my rocket and I'll show you the stars" Travon Kangz
Mouf kekekekek
Never heard of the book?
another one bites the dust
He helped us advance our understanding of dark matter. He probably aided in discovering it actually.
Neil De Grasse "You're having my son" Tyson
Neil "Put it in her ass" De Grasse Tyson
Neil "If there's De Grasse on the field..." Tyson
Neil "This is how you get an A" De Grasse Tyson
Neil "Dick of the imagination" De Grasse Tyson
Neil "Big Bang" De Grasse Tyson
Neil "Dark matter splatter" De Grasse Tyson
Neil "Let's visit Uranus" De Grasse Tyson
I don't get it either. Just a few years back they were defending and giving awards to roman Polanski, who admitted to drugging and sodomizing a 13 yr old girl.
And now super powerful guys like Weinstein are getting wrecked. I can understand some b-lister but a guy with his political connections? Seems suspicious.
Niel "F=ma on her titties" Tyson.
Fake news
>Nigger DatAssis Tightson banged some futuristic aboamerigorilla
Nigger Scientist is always ahead of the curve.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Astrophysicist, Director of the Hayden Planetarium, in NY.
Recently pronounced "God" by Jon Stewart on the Daily Show due to his ability to explain why the tides go in and out. (The moon's gravitational pull, in case you were wondering).
no one here likes him you stupid nigger
its one click you subhuman
fuck off new pol
>What's his name again?
Bill Gets Pass Dyson
it's not hard to figure out what's changed, faggots.
do the math.