>250 people die in Somalia
>nobody cares
>8 amerisharts shart themselves to death
>top news everywhere
really makes you think huh ? ...
250 people die in Somalia
No one cares when shitskins or insects die
Some Japanese user said it best:
"If I wake up and there is poo in the toilet, it's not a matter of concern.. If I wake up and there's poo on the kitchen table, I have something to be concerned about."
more like
>muslim mows down people with a truck YET AGAIN
>not all muslims
>white guy goes buck wild and sprays 58 people at a concert
>muh all mass murderers are white
get a clue redit
Anyone got that Nip response?
hahahaahahahah good one
I care about my own people not my enemies. Hopefully all of Somalia dies.
>really makes you think huh?
No, not really
>in Somalia
Pick one
Why the fuck would we care about lightbulbs?
You have to go back.
Shockingly people care more about those they see as within the in-group than those in the out-group.
>spending even a second of your time giving a fucking shit about africans
No one talks about it when it snows in Michigan but if it snows in Florida everyone is going to talk about it.
I'm getting 358 not 250. You apparently don't care enough to be within 100 deaths of being correct.
>250 people die in Somalia
>8 amerisharts shart themselves to death
No terror attacks in turkey because roaches can survive a nuke, so no point.
>you fucking insect
>250 samolians
Ya no.
Nigger. I’ve been to Somalia. Those filthy savages are lucky I didn’t have the authority to nuke those bugs.
You should be concerned about poo being in your toilet in the morning, especially if there is also poo on the table
Because Somalians aren't human.
>250 people die in Somalia
thats because Americans are more important than everyone else
disagree? move your ass to africa
We wont bother even if the whole Turkey will die out
I only care when humans die
>really makes you think huh ? ...
yes indeed it does makes me think some people are fucking retarded.
one country is a beacon of civilization and human achievement, the others is a tribal hell hole...
go figure why some people matter more that other shitty group of people.
All humans aren't = equal because of cultural background and you can hardly make them equal as in "same standard of living", without making it even worst for them.
Hell even the civilized nations have that potential to go to shit pretty quickly.
>be in charge of African colonies for years
>quality of life and civilization flourish
>withdraw and give over control
>land goes back to the same tribal savagery it has been since the beginning
Make up your mind. Do you want Whites in Boots on the ground calling the shots or don't ya?
>western people and media care about western news
Somalians don't qualify as human, let alone people...funny thing is, you should know this already you fucking roach...
I wonder if the jap that made that comment still browses pol?