Neil deGrasse Tyson ACCUSED OF RAPE


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Nothing to defend. He should hang. Glad to see the lefties getting BTFO finding out all their heroes are literal rapists.


it's funny because during the #metoo campaign.... Literally every single leading swedish male feminist was accused of rape, and has since gone underground.
I would not be surprised if it's a widely western phenomenon,

Grope deAss Tyson?

have a (you)

Sauce? I can't find anything about this. You wouldn't happen to be lying, would you?


Took me 2 seconds

I bet when he rapes you he grins and quips stupid fucking anecdotes about science that you already knew but he just reworded to sound clever and edgy.

There are more rape accusations than there are atoms in our universe - Feel Da Ass Tyson

>Neil deGrasse Tyson
It's bullshit. She's making it up. Black Science Guy probably can't even get it up.

He raped.

>To smart too not rape
Kangs intellectuals.

>Black Science Guy
You heard of revenge of the nerds. The revenge is rape.

Lol Reddit can get fucked

Kekus maximus


Niggers can't help themselves.

The force of gravity is towards the local barycenter!

>accused of rape
If you are a male with any amount of success, be prepared to face these allegations from nearly any women you have ever been with.

Yeah he probably did it, but he will get away with it. They will not go all Bill Cosby on him.

I honestly feel bad for him, because the woman he is accused of raping, is not a looker.
Furthermore she appear to be deranged..

I think most guys, have slept with an obese or an ugly woman, and they are kind of ashamed of it.. Now his shame is out in the public, and accusing him of raping her.
He will have to sit in court, and explain in detail how he penetrated and kissed, this stupid cunt.

If you have to rape someone, go for a 9 or a 10.. (gif is my rapefu)

Male feminists have low T and don't act like men do normally so they weasel around and end up doing the rape.

People be thinkin rape accusations don't apply to the nations token science negro but it do.

I guess he fucked the fundies beliefs too hard this time XDeeeeee

we knew all these preachy SJW elitists have skeletons (heh, bottom of the page) in their closets, so i just ignore them n call them hypocrites. now it's confirmed.
also, some of these girls and "young boys" could just be bullshitting and attention whoring


Alright... So let's get some chick on twitter to accuse Obama of rape and watch the fireworks?


Nothing to defend. Here....follow the instructions in related pic...

That's actually a pretty neat idea....

*defenses this*

Nail deAss Tyson


Apparently she's been doing it since 2014 and nobody gave a shit till now.

>Tyson may not get the same free pass this time as he has when these accusations surfaced previously

in other words



In the movie Revenge of the Nerds, the ending involves a disguised nerd pretending to be a football player to have sex with his sorority qt gf. Which even by most standards on this site, is rape.


Never change Sup Forums, never change

>Grab deAss Tyrone

>Believe it or not, I did not "touch your ass." Due to indistinguishable subatomic activities nothing really touches anything else. I simply put my hand against your buttocks which caused it to feel as if I was making physical contact with you, however the truth is that my hand simply repelled you buttocks fat, giving the sensation of "touch."

fucking niggers are dumb kek

>He should hang
Yeah but what should the punishment be for the rape?

Man attempted to black Sagan legacy. Always figured him for a crypto jew pedo

Neil smashed that ass so hard he busted harder than a fusion bomb nigga

>mega lefty star professor accused of rape
Someone please confirm to me that this is still Trump wins 2016 timeline?
Also the following
>Obama wins 2008, 2012
>McCain runs in 2008, 2012
>GW Bush wins in 2000, 2004
>Al-Qalea executes terrorist attacks in USA in 2001, Sept 11


She was going to be the first black, female astronaut until NDT smugly raped her. White supremacy did this.

Yep. Well... I mean you left out the second American Revolution and the war against Canada in the mid ninties but otherwise yea

I'm beginning to doubt some of these recent accusations.



After everyone is accused of sexual misconduct nowadays, did it become a competition among famous men?


They love to act like rapists are all alpha male jocks, but the thing is, Chad doesn't have to rape when he gets pussy thrown at him.

It's all just the usual female false rape accusations for attention, but they've ran out of right wingers to accuse due to lack of association and have moved on to accusing the beta guys who they seduce into their ideology.
I'm sure some staffer or (former) kid from the bill nye the science guy show will come out pretty soon to accuse him just to win some #metoo points

Defend perpetual fake science liar and probably a faggott. He is not and never was one of us inhis fake soace fantasy.
The worst thing being accused of rape, if it is true, hang by his lips.

>>Al-Qalea executes terrorist attacks in USA in 2001, Sept 11
Wait, what?

Wouldn't surprise me if one of the Marxists involved in his Netflix abomination made accusations. Play with fire get burned.

Crazy bitch wants to steal some fame by accusing a famous man of rape? Old story.

She's ugly. I think she's lying.

Hilarious if true though.
What do you think about the blog?

Why? I hope that nigger is tossed into the slammer.

>spacey touched me over 30 years ago
>I totally forgot about the incident but now bring it up because it will help advance my career while destroying his

>Neil deGrasse Tyson ACCUSED OF RAPE
well they lowered the standards for rape pretty hard now shit is going down and its hilarius

Not quite there yet user, but it's getting close.

have you seen or read about his accuser? This bitch is one nutty far left anti-vax I believe in the power of crystals types with an axe to grind on him

We need a list of nicknames, stat

Never once saw him The Calculus.
He is a mouthpiece like Brian Cox and frowned upon in hard STEM.

Any legalanons here to see if this is a viable defense?

>spherecuck charlatan isn't a good person
Imagine my shock.

Can confirm. My pchem and Biochem profs would rip his retarded clips a new asshole on a daily basis. If he was worth a shit he'd be in R&D

i couldnt become the first black female astronaut so instead i became the first black female to accuse neil tyson degrasse of rape

Degrasse's entire life is the product of one thing; Affirmative Action

I'm sure he's gonna do a really good job at explaining himself to the court

>bitch you best give me that black hole, I ain't playin


>There are more of my spermatozoids in women cunts than starts in the universe
> science rapist guy.

This is my ideology

Old news, and unless you can prove it one way or another, this is pointless bait.


How to prove it:

Judge, just look at him.


Cosby was found innocent. Accused of rape after and only after his unreleased standup that was cancelled by Netflix. Character assassination. For Cosby at least... Now Neil? I wouldn't doubt it actually. But probably will also silently be found innocent after everyone shuns him for false accusation. He's very redpilled.

Best post

>Furthermore she appear to be deranged..
This. She is some spirit healer that dropped out of actual science degrees. She sounds like a loon. Normally I am not surprised and believe the women, but this one is loony tunes.

Haha, good times. 703rd battle moose regiment reporting. We lost a lot of Tim Horton's coffee and timbits in the assault on Michigan, but it was worth it to make you take California back.

Niggers rape
Neil Degrasse is a nigger
Draw your own conclusions.


It's not his fault. The Devil made him do it!

Unlike Cosby, Neil would be capable of making the proper calculations for roofie dosage.
Cosby kept fucking it up and they'd regain consciousness halfway through.

According to leftists he's guilty simply for being accused. Nothing can be done. Throw him in prison.

Ha. Tru.

This explains why he has become another mouthpiece for the left. They pushed him into it.



I would have to look at the case specifically to know. However, rape cases are a bit fuzzy. Women DO lie, so simply an accusation is not damning.

I read that in his voice.

Bruh he's fucking innocent...

So many women are seeing this shit as an opportunity to frame a man because there's so many scandals at once. If a bunch of rape scandals are going on at once, then it's more likely to be believed because "she finally found the courage to come forward". I'm sure some of the rape scandals are legit tho.

But we hate Neil degras tyson