Police Remove Faithful Praying the Rosary from a Catholic Cathedral During Reformation Celebration

Europe, what do you have to say for yourselves? Why would you let such heresy into your churches? The saints are rolling in their graves right now

>The Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula in Brussels, Belgium was holding a service together with Steven Fuit, president of the United Protestant Church in Belgium.
>However, a group of twelve young Catholics disrupted the service by interlocking arms and reciting the rosary aloud in French towards the rear of the cathedral, preventing Fuit from beginning. At first they stood but eventually knelt as they continued praying for over 40 minutes.

The group also passed out a pamphlet in French which was translated to English:

>“Our Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula is a Catholic building built by our fathers to be a House of God, for the celebration of the holy Mass, for the praise of God and the saints. The occupation of our cathedral by Protestants to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation is therefore a profanation. Indeed, the so-called Reformation was really a revolt: under the pretext of combating abuses, Luther rebelled against the divine authority of the Catholic Church, denied numerous Truths of the Faith, abolished the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacraments, rejected the necessity of good works and the practice of Christian virtues. Finally, he attacked the veneration of the Virgin Mary and the saints, the religious life and monastic vows. This terrible revolution was a great tragedy for Christian society and for the salvation of souls. And the Lutheran errors are still heresies today because the Truth is eternal.”


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>The saints are rolling in their graves right now
better go pray to not-god and hope they send it up to heaven for you. is there still a fee?

remember the reformation was jewish in origins

Yeah the cost was not having a lesbian married bishop, why can't you even do that right?

>but bring me that tight 9 year old male anus pls

That meme was so autistic it took a year off my life

the best part is the catholic church is still involved in child sex scandals to this day. happy 500th anniversary of the abolition of apostasy

become an atheist and then you will just roll your eyes at this nonsense.

>let muslims pray in your churches
>let gay priests get married
>lesbian bishops
>gay bishops
>women bishops

How do you look yourself in the mirror every morning?


>235 signatures
must be rough being a catholic

That's quite nice actually


And what the fuck do you expect?

Luther regretted the reformation.

Work to improve the catholic church. Dont allow divide and conquor to continue.

>why do you hate the sacraments protestants???

"This Luther favors the Bohemians and the Turks, deplores the punishment of heretics, spurns the writings of the holy doctors, the decrees of the ecumenical councils, and the ordinances of the Roman pontiffs, and gives credence to the opinions of none save himself alone, which no heretic before ever presumed to do. We cannot suffer the scabby sheep longer to infect the flock."

there are no vaginas in heaven

500th anniversary of their face when you cant sell indulgences anymore

What's so bad about the Eucharist???

>Protties in Catholic churches for any reason aside from staying in the corner or converting
You can pray to god with us but dont bring your celebrations with you

You mean any Christian that's saved? Oh right, Catholics rewrote the word of God with the word of man...

dry run for converting the churches into mosques. see how easy it is

>catholics praying inside catholic church
remove by force
>muslims blocking off public street to bow to fallen star in the kabaa
fucking nothing

Protestants are the biggest idiots on the planet and deserve to hang for the poison that they have inflicted on this earth.

>>The Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula in Brussels, Belgium was holding a service together with Steven Fuit, president of the United Protestant Church in Belgium.
>>However, a group of twelve young Catholics disrupted the service by interlocking arms and reciting the rosary aloud in French towards the rear of the cathedral, preventing Fuit from beginning. At first they stood but eventually knelt as they continued praying for over 40 minutes.
>The group also passed out a pamphlet in French which was translated to English:
>>“Our Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula is a Catholic building built by our fathers to be a House of God, for the celebration of the holy Mass, for the praise of God and the saints. The occupation of our cathedral by Protestants to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation is therefore a profanation. Indeed, the so-called Reformation was really a revolt: under the pretext of combating abuses, Luther rebelled against the divine authority of the Catholic Church, denied numerous Truths of the Faith, abolished the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacraments, rejected the necessity of good works and the practice of Christian virtues. Finally, he attacked the veneration of the Virgin Mary and the saints, the religious life and monastic vows. This terrible revolution was a great tragedy for Christian society and for the salvation of souls. And the Lutheran errors are still heresies today because the Truth is eternal.”

What the FUCK is wrong with Eurocucks? They will fight to the death against other Christians because of slightly different interpretations of Christianity but are ok with letting Islam take over.

>What the FUCK is wrong with Eurocucks? They will fight to the death against other Christians because of slightly different interpretations of Christianity but are ok with letting Islam take over.

>They're arguing over how to worship a dead Jew on a stick while Muslims rape their daughters.

Catholicism has more in common with Islam than Christianity. It’s no wonder they prefer the company of other heretics.

top kek


Says the gommie athiest that every religion on Earth despises.

So glad I'm Orthodox now. I can only respect SSPX/Sedevacantist Catholics. If you're in communion with Rome and you're giving your money to Pope Francis you're a sucker. Catholics always have difficulties standing up to abusive authority.

It is likely given the sheer number of homosexuals in the priesthood. It's something like 20 to 40 percent.


Celibate priesthood is why this happens. The Orthodox have the right idea

Catholic are anti-white and deserve to be killed.

>become atheist
>kill self


Luthor meme thread then?

>in belgium
Wait, what? That can't be right.