Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
How about I got rich by being smart in making many beneficial trades.
many people get rich through hard work, just because you see the finished product does not mean it does not happen.
I work for an hourly wage and I fucking hate communists.
work =/= physical always. srry if you never understood that
well then run a damn company you fools, it's not like it's out of anyone's reach
Nature is not fair, theres smart people & dumb people, genetically
the smart become rich usually
the dumb never do
its that fucking simple
of course the businessman either had money or friends or a loan
he was smart enough to have an idea and implement it in a way that succeeds
im too poor to own the means of production.
You cant start a business without capital. Some people are born with it making it significantly easier than people who are born without it. Can a person without money make money off of loaning people money like a person born with it can?
Why does every fucking commie assume that the economy functions like a 1990s RTS? Have 2 peons at the start have them gather resources then shovel it to the castle or whatever build more peons gather resources faster how fucking bad are you guys at understanding the basic concept of managing a business fucking sage and hide this trash
>im too poor to own the means of production.
I'm not sure if you were aware of this, but there are these things called banks where you can borrow money to buy a means of production, and then pay the bank back with the profit you produce with your means of production
few people have the money to start it, that's why you elaborate your project and present it to the bank for a loan
>inb4 happy merchant memes
im sorry but thats how real life work
Why doesn't that dipshit start his own business if he doesn't like it?
>Can a person without money make money off of loaning people money like a person born with it can?
Are you seriously arguing that lending money is immoral because not everybody on earth is a banker?
He gave you a job didn't he? Now go have your pint of beer and be quiet you pleb scum.
many have, depends how strong your project is, if its well thought out and you're a good entrepreneur, there no reason why you should fail to do so
>You cant start a business without capital.
I live in bumfuck nowhere, Maine. Meet 60 year old woman at the general store asking the cashier if she is getting enough hours.
This woman is offering to pay 25$ an hour for someone to help her clean houses. Literally the cost of a bucket, sponge, roll of paper towels and 20$ worth of soap and shit you could be earning yourself 35$ an hour.
What's your excuse, Gomrade? What do you do for work?
She has never worked a day in her life unless she has to climb some stairs.
Fat white bohemian women disgust me
>"what now"
>"well, Sup Forums?"
>"will defend this
>popular vote
The real joke is that while trying to be racist against white people she's actually advocating white supremacy
Gentile work
Its not hard work that gets you up in society, its smart work.
Stop with the petty class warfare, you commie scum. All classes need to come together if we're going to build a better society.