What did Elizabeth Bruenig mean by this, Sup Forums? Is she right? Is it capitalism's fault that Detroit turned to shit?
Detroit is shitty because of CAPITALISM
When the colour of the skin of the inhabitants look like shit, the city turns into shit.
I think she meant to say niggers.
No, it was the UAW making too high demands and Democrats greed through taxation.
Detroit is shitty because, niggers. See image.
Haiti is also shitty because of CAPITALISM, mate:
Haiti is shit because it's full of niggers who killed the productive french.
It’s best to avoid mlk boulevard. There’s a ton of capitalism there.
that was mostly white flight
Stupid cunt. Take a trip to Silicon Valley. That's also capitalism. I was born and raised in Detroit. It was a one trick pony and that pony (auto companies/UAW) ran Lansing. It was crony capitalism in the beginning and then niggers and their communist leader Colman Young that finished it off.
Well, Capitalism brought niggers to Detroit, so...
I think the first nigger mayor started Detroit's downfall.
Free trade fucked Detroit. When you export all the jobs to the chinks and the spics there's none left to go around
If you actually want to look at capitalism look at Puerto Rico, the spanish and people there where producing tons of products, coconuts, bananas, plantains, cotton, sugar, coffee, chocolate, corn, rice, potatoes and all manner of root vegetables and wood that was used for weapons and ships. Then the big companies came after the spanish american war and took over the land (((they))) destroyed the economy all while calling honest catholic men and women savages and cannibals, they did that all the way to the 1970's when the whole manufacture thing started, not only that but PR was going to be independent by 1948 but (((they))) didn't want to loose everything to the man that would have become it's first president, Albizu Campos since he was a catholic conservative that modeled his party, speeches and political view in that of fascism and national socialism.
Now tho, PR has faggot pro independence leaders that want refugees in, lgbtq whatever the fuck new gender they make up all while praising and sucking on the castros and maduros filthy commie dick.
you do know during those times all poor people worked 12 hour shifts and had barely enough money to support themselves? people worked hard ass factory jobs and died at the age of 40.. you do know that right?
when capitalism is finished exploiting an particular area. it will move on to a different location. see white supreamcy captialism only cares about profit and thats it. they don't care about the life of the people
you want to blame balcks but they are the most oppressed group in america today. they are murderd by the police for wearing hoodies. they are shot for holding a toy gun. black people even put their hands up and they still get shot.
capitalism needs to go away
Any commie scum here have that image attributing every death in Africa over the past 600 years to capitalism?
>crony capitalism
So, just capitalism?
This photos hurt so bad.
Imperialism is capitalism, but it hasn't been going on for THAT long in Africa.
Only after you find a better alternative.
So capitalism has treated workers better over time? That's good to hear.
Sounds like exactly the same situation as of today, except people die older and most blacks refuse to work, but steal
Did you know this, right?
Yeah, because socialists made the capitalists do it.
Wow, this woman is woke as fuck. I can't believe shes openly admitting that Jews and Niggers destroy functional cities under a relatively open market. Thats real bravery.
No, too much influence by one industry in government. So bad government, commie. The nigger communist Colman Young told white people to get out and don't come back south of eight Mile. They did.
Nah, its 40 years of unbroken rule by democrats that did that.
It almost sounds like some sensible regulations were added to protect the people better over time. Let's forget that though, let's add so much everything grinds to a halt so that we can build anew! Let's base the new system on what I learned about sharing in preschool!
>real capitalism has never been tried
I would think the swarms of niggers probably caused it.
No socialists did not
*leftist policies
I think by capitalism she meant niggers and democrat rule for 40 years
I live here in dindu land and I can tell you right now that the state of Detroit is 100% the fault of niggers. Commies oppose capitalism on the grounds of their belief in the ills of the land being the fault of the rich, and not just the people living there. I oppose it on the grounds of capitalism failing to fairly compensate workers and providing no framework to work with the state to stamp out degeneracy. Whites can make any economic system work but niggers are utterly useless. They are a drain on everyone and everything and they all need to be put in ovens and toasted.
>you want to blame balcks but they are the most oppressed group in america today
They are the most pampered and pandered to group in the US today and they return absolutely nothing to society except degeneracy, filth, and jungle babble about doing coke off fat, unwashed hookers that they try to pass off as music.
In the words of Che Guevara, "The negro is indolent and lazy, and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent".
>people didn't unionize even under the threat of death
>general strikes doesn't real
Learn history, dumbass.
That first part is right.
Deindustrialization lead to the rapid decline in job positions in the North; which eventually created the decades of urban decay... Most notably beginning after WWII with the end of the American war machine.
White folks left, crime skyrocketed in these areas.
Every northern heavily industrial city that boomed during WWII and afterwards till the 60's fell in rapid decline.
No, but socialism was tried in the 70s in Detroit and other multicultural nigger cities. The results speak for themselves.
Leftists are so good at ignoring the eternal nigger that they can blame capitalism for detriot. lel
>implying they abolished private property
>implying Detroit Commune existed
wew lad
She's right. Meritocracy will always hurt blacks.
Look I know this it's Sup Forums and this are white americans the more blame shifting assholes in known history, (besides you know who, but it's unfair to not lump them togheter).
Detroit was a white city, with white people that got screwed, and then got full of only blacks.
Accept it or have ten more cities like that.
Sheeit, that's very different from the euphemisms we were taught in middleschool.
We already have a shitload of cities like these. But the cities are only half dead: rotten from the black core. These cities live on in white suburbs. There are still 'Detroit jobs', they are just in areas where white people can get to them without getting robbed.
Until they are forced to eat zoo animals in Detroit, this is just another stupid cunt being a stupid cunt.
>82% of Detroit residents are of african-american decent
>Detroit is the poverty and debt capital of amerikkka
nothing to see here, blame (((whites))) they are at cause here.
World Jewry destroyed Detroit because Henry Ford called (((them))) out in the '20's.
It's essentially advanced white flight: Not even jobs stay in the city. This is happening in Baltimore as well. In that case, the entire city is dying and the jobs inch towards DC/Philadelphia (nearby larger cities).
>Elizabeth Bruenig
She's a fucking communist. Why are you putting her on this board, faggot?
They move there because housing it's cheap.
Cities got screwed when they stoped the trains, when inner america travel was replaced by plane travel, when the jobs got shipped to east asia and a very long etc, all consequences of the particular way the economy was handled, blacks were doing literally nothing until things got out of control and they seized the cities.
Detoit isn’t honestly even that bad, it’s just full of niggers. There are some really nice parts of Detroit, it used to be a big arts city, there’s theaters and paintings and shit everywhere.
She’s wrong.
Detroit is shit because of blacks.
Conservatives love to say the unions and democrat tax policies ruined Detroit, but that’s only a small part of it.
Detroit didn’t spiral into its current state until the mass exodous of whites after they realized Detroit was no longer safe because of black rioters.
Art is a codeword for hipsters, who are not actual growth. My city is full of these rats, who survive off the fat of DC commuters doing real work.
Why don't you faggots ever link the tweet?
blacks are put in lterally ghettos and are killed fro the color of their skin
try actually listening to hip hop
this track is deeper than anyting a white man could ever make
I would say inflaation would be the cause.
Even if Detroit was shit because of capitalism, it's still LIGHT YEARS better than Venezuela. The stupid broad is being a tard.
She's right though. The factories pulled out and everyone(whites) who could afford to move left with them.
This is b8
Weak. Keep practicing user. You'll make a fine shitposter some day.
Those aren't really the whole picture. Sure, our public transport is bad. But it all came from white flight from cities. The blacks moving there were actually productive at first. Their subculture that developed, combined with egging on from Marxist professors, created the Black America we see today. Manufacturing loss is a big issue but it's only a part of the problem.
>Raise minimum wage to unsustainable level
>Cave into union demands and add tons of benefits for factory workers
>Implement crushing taxes
>All this cuts deeply into corporate profits
>Suddenly factory owners realize they can make stuff cheaper overseas and close up shop
>Fucking capitalism
They’re basically the same except Venezuela doesn’t have 200 million whites getting their income redistributed to the average Venezuelan, who has the same IQ as the average black American.
Detroit would be just like Venezuela in less than a month if the gibs were cut off.
Apparently CAPITALISM, is Globalism
Detroit is shitty because of NIGGERS
Hotpocket edit
People with no jobs turn to communism, I can't tell you how many examples I got.
detroit is doing great so i dont know what the fuck she is talking about. 1970 detroit?
If anything Detroit is an example of Socialism.
>Be Detroit
>Be run by democrats and socialists since 1962
>Sit idly by while unions destroy auto manufacturing business
>Be overrun with feral niggers as whites leave for actual work elsewhere
>Blame capitalism
Sounds like leftism and niggers are to blame.
Capitalism is working fine in Detroit.
The Chinese are buying entire city blocks (40 houses/lots) for $25,000.
They are buying square miles at a time, north of the Airport. They will bulldoze the land flat, sit on it for ten years, and develop luxury condo's and hotels. Detroit will be the new Las Vegas, as soon as all the niggers are cleared out. If you have money, invest in Detroit. It is the new Bitcoin. Detroit is connected to Windsor, Canada by bridge and tunnel.
There are still jobs. US is at an essentially full employment state. Problem is real wages are falling and people are confused why when 1 million people are imported every year.
Bunch of dictators and natural disasters too
Detroit was destroyed before that, your economy recovered after 2001, but before that you had plenty of crisis, they just never bothered to help Detroit after each one.
Las Vegas is a shithole of Satan worship.
>being a low-grade copy of a shithole
>doing good
I mean, it was going pretty great when everyone was white.
Detroit was ruined by importing niggers.
Even in Detroit, there are and were enough jobs, and most who get laid off could move if they planned. Detroit isn't poor like West Virginia is poor, where if the coal factory gets closed down the whole town goes on welfare. A city losing revenue should respond by cutting spending. Their shitty situation comes from failure to budget, simple as that.
*coal mine
>Welfare state
The unions should have had massive stikes in the 70's when they had a chance. Union officials being sell-outs and playing grab ass with management sealed their fate, and the companies and the union still haven't recovered.
inb4 Unions hurr de durr
Fuck you,you're not on my side, save your lip for the bossman's dick.
Detroit sucks cause its full of niggers and elected niggers to office.
You can't budget the money that isn't there.
Industralization moved away, they barely collected taxes when the industry was there and no one to collect from after that.
>What did Elizabeth Bruenig mean by this,
She means that niggers ruin everything.
Notice that """Capitalism""" didn't ruin Detroit until the niggers moved in, rioted, and chased away all the humans.
I’ve never heard niggers referred to as capitalism before
>What did Elizabeth Bruenig mean by this, Sup Forums? Is she right? Is it capitalism's fault that Detroit turned to shit?
I hope her point was the unrestrained extremes of either model are terrible.
Capitalism + corrupt nigger leaders = Detroit.
I would not live in Vegas, Detroit, or Windsor.
I would gladly invest my money, and profit from them though. I live on a rural farm, and detest cesspool cities.
The only reason I even communicate with a leaf like you is because you just "might" tap maple trees, as I do.
Detroitfag here. City became uninhabitable once auto manufacturing jobs moved overseas. White flight to suburbs eroded revenue base. Legacy UAW pensions bankrupt city. Now downtown, midtown, and corktown are becoming gentrified with recent grads in tech and finance aka. Quicken.
tl;dr globalization, bankruptcy, gentrification. Buy some property in southwest, new investment zone.
No shit you can't budget money that's gone. The Democrat party has a knack for spending money that doesn't exist then cry foul when people start asking wtf is going on.
Unions and socialistic policies killed Detroit. Was used as an experiment and it failed terribly.
Umm....not capitalism. Detroit's been run by Democrats for over 60 years. It's failed Democrat policies that have turned Detroit into the shit hole that it is.
lefties just begging to get btfo at this point
Spending money that isn't there it's the name of the game, but you have to make something with that money.
Wellfare culture it's not ok, niggerism it's not ok, but you can avoid reality, large capitals destroyed Detroit because it was cheaper to import cars than make them.
Because nobody wanted to pay their debts and there was no prison for debts, because tax evasion was way to easy, all those problems are still there, but blacks are slowly dying.
>Something was really inefficient so it got replaced
We have been exporting the working class for some time. The only way to save our manufacturing base is automation, which will likely come along with UBI for the disaffected. Look for nationalist policies to push for this direction in the near future.
You can blame capitalism, but ultimately the meritocracy that is the world will kick your ass for it sooner or later.
>build a city on one industry
>industry fails
>people leave
>less people to tax city needs money
>raise taxes a bunch
>more industry goes away.
>Detroit roits, devils night riots, lack of jobs
>police who are to scared to do there job
>corrupt officials
>more people leave
>even less tax money for services
Detroit lost 200,000 people in one year to the houing crisis. That said this bitch is dumb and its to simplistic to say "REEEEEEEE capitalism"
cuz Detroit WAS great at one point BECAUSE of capitalism, the same way the suburbs of Detroit are STILL great because of capitalism. An every other boss ass, tred setting city in the USA that created and built the infrastructure that alows you to say dumb shit online... capitalism. Not china not the USSR not Vietnam north korea or Venezuela.
But the USA an free market European countries. Capitalism is who you have to thank.
>It’s best to avoid mlk boulevard
This is good advice in any city.
>Wellfare state wants to tell my ancap country about meritocracy.
What he said x2
Is there any study showing quality of life versus white population in the US?
I was wondering if it would be a good fit.
She means UNIONS and LIBERALISM (detroit has had nothing but liberal mayors for decades) that destroyed the last of our car manufacturing industry, Must be capitalism. Eyeroll.