You're getting shutdown. Enjoy your final day here.
This has been in the works for many months. Tomorrow morning the owner of this site is being served with a lawsuit.
But wait, there's more. We put together a collaboration between the FBI, Scotland Yard, Bundespolizei, and Interpol. Tomorrow morning there will be approximately 3,000 arrests in the US, Canada, and across Europe.
You think you're hot shit, but you will learn the hard way how wrong hate speech is. Bye bye pol!
Rothschilds, their Bank of England and Tavistock are done
Ayden Robinson
Juan Reyes
>sage kys pedo larping fuck
Adrian Turner
Jacob Allen
Adrian Green
Crap! And I was working past the Newfag stage.
Isaiah Walker
The larp sentence formation skills are strong with this one- honestly surprised you stopped counting bit coins long enough to post here, welcome, and please look through the catalog prior to your next take down attempt thread, these are a bit played out now.
William Gutierrez
LARP as Skippy all you want - we won't stop.
Julian Powell
>disclaimer >Sup Forums is satire >only an idiot would believe 100% of what is posted