My thread got slid/pruned
Where's the blood??
Was there no civilian to truck contact?
Have you seen what happens when you hit a deer?
My thread got slid/pruned
Where's the blood??
Was there no civilian to truck contact?
Have you seen what happens when you hit a deer?
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Theres rarely external blood when you hit a deer. It dies from internal bleeding from punctured lungs. Also stop being retarded.
Yes you faggot, I've personally hit one at 80 miles per hour you little bitch.
Guess what? Almost no blood, retard. Just some fur stuffed in the grill and the hood. Real life isn't GTA you piece of shit. FUCK you.
>Theres rarely external blood when you hit a deer.
And when you hit 5-6 deer consecutively? By the way, is there blood on the pavement when you hit a deer?
Yes goy... it was fake!
Can verify, hit deer last fall. Can report that there was not a drop of blood but the fucker released his bladder all over the windshield.
I got hit one time a bike head on and no broken bones and no blood......about 20 mph ....the car impacts and throws the body pretty much out of the way unless it runs over bodies directly causing the severing of parts....
but didnt see blood on the truck
not saying fake.....just saying looked clean with damage only....
ive hit deer and they get back up and trot off....3 times now.....
just shows that its strange and you are right OP
deserves a little more footage of video....
just saying.....he deserves to see something maybe live analysis of the video...
gotta be footage somewhere
Nevermond this is real
Bodies everywhere in the lane he plowed through
Dude, Southerner here, I've hit a deer.
It's not a video game where they explode.
Grow up.
Look, faggot. Blood trails.
poor doggo
killing our dogs? now it's personal
Yeah, but doggo ain't deero. Therefore, blood. According to those two faggots.
Crisis actors. They want to take your internal combustion engine trucks and replace them with hybrids and electrics.
Run over a living thing, there's blood. The only way we don't see blood in videos from NY released thus far is no one was run over. Possible. That much if true.
I'm so sick of you autistic fucks "asking the hard questions" when you're stupid as fuck and know nothing about real life.
Is your only reference point a fucking video game when any contact with a person results in a blood texture on the hood?
Did it hit you in the head?
Calm down there, dumbass. If multiple people were run over by a truck, there should be blood if not on the hood of the truck, you fucking lemming, then at least on the pavement. Mind you, IF people were run over by a truck. By the way, you smell like a fucking shill.
>Have you seen what happens when you hit a deer?
It dents the shit out of your car and unless you're really moving at a good rate of speed or hit it clean it'll often run far enough that you won't even find it.
I've hit a few and seen plenty hit. Managed to take a few home for eating but over half I've seen I never found.
>is there blood on the pavement when you hit a deer?
I've seen an 18 wheeler hit them on the highway and they don't. It isn't GTA5 you fucking autist. If you see a blood stain on the road by a roadkill it's from the next few dozen cars running it over and squashing it.
>I've seen an 18 wheeler hit them on the highway and they don't.
How about when you run over a squirrel with your faggy ass Altima, shill?