What does Sup Forums think of South Korea?
What does Sup Forums think of South Korea?
like chinese bootleg japan.
Korea is incredible because it's entertainment culture is making millions of White girls all around the world worship Asian boys.
>making millions of White girls all around the world worship Asian boys.
>>making millions of White girls all around the world worship Asian boys.
This won't happen because 99% of asians don't look anything like a korean popstar.
I keep forgetting they exist.
The Japanese cannot bear that their nation owes its very existence to Koreans, so if all their historical and archeological records point to Korea, at least they can break them down, saying "they only transmitted Chinese writing," "iron age civilization initially came from outside of Korea," "the horses were from Manchuria," etc. If the same standard of cultural attribution were applied to every other conquering people, then Quebec, New England, or Latin American colonial societies would not be stated as French, English, Spanish or Portuguese cultural colonies, but rather as Roman, Greek, Egyptian or Mesopotamian transplants - comments that would be obviously false or insane.
The Japanese anti-historians and their Japanophile lackeys thus twist the Korean Conquest of Ancient Japan and the massive settlement by Koreans into a fiction of the Koreans being mere offloaders of "Chinese culture," frequently describing them as "transmitters." But I ask this: if a civilization such as Korea launched military invasions and conquests of Japan, created local kings, princes, emperors, built palaces, shrines, temples, vast engineering works such as the kofun tombs, kept records, wrote poetry, etc., is this the sign of mere "transmitters" of someone else's culture, or were they Koreans acting as Koreans (later Korean-Japanese) in their own way? Of course they were in the same role as the French, English, Spanish and Portuguese in the Western Hemisphere. The only difference is that due to Japanese imperialism in the 20th Century, western knowledge of Korea's role in Asian history and especially in Ancient Japan has been twisted or unknown.
slightly whiter and less retarded version of russia
SK has the best cuties
Fuck I hate weebs.
>This thread is brought to you by: The Eternal Hapa
It’s like a bootleg version of japan to me
I don't really think about them. They can exist like they are or get nuked. I won't notice a difference
t. ugly hapa Bettendorf
How does it feel knowing that all the crap threads you make on Sup Forums won't change the fact that you will always be a subhuman loser with no future?
Degenerate bunch of barbaric, ungrateful subchinks that are naturally ugly and has a major inferiority complex. They enjoy killing themselves and they are mostly loud, rude manlets.
Most if not all of their culture are influenced or taken from Japan and China.
They deserve nothing more than to be a province of Japan or China.
my god
lol that guy looks like a sissy boy faggot
beautiful sexy gook vampires on halloween
>What do you guys think about X?
You know what to focus on and what goes in all fields.
Most of Asia don't give a flying fuck tbqhwyfam.
The biggest news in my country is about a drunk Belarusian who got arrested for grabbing a waitress' ass.
>Most if not all of their culture are influenced or taken from Japan and China.
Totally historically ignorant. Japan exerted little, if any, cultural influence on Korea. Japan's first unified state came into being because of the Soga (Korean) clan and Korean migrants bringing over much more advanced statecraft, technology and institutions than anything seen in Japan prior to that. Korean arts and poetry were the envy of Japan (see the 1592, where they literally kidnapped Korean craftsmen for them to produce high quality products in Japan, and not coincidentally this was the same period that Japanese ceramics and so on took off) right up until late Tokugawa times. Japan was a backwater in East Asia, and worldwide, before the Meiji.
Hot af.
i think it doesnt matter. they will be nuked soon.
I wouldn't gas them. I'd say intermingling is ok too. They are equals unlike the niggers and wetbacks.
>gooks have their backwards and barbaric culture of rotten cabbages and fecal drinks!!!!
In the end, Gooks are nothing more but slaves to their Chinese and Japanese overlords.
Intolerably annoying gooks.
The shittiest Asian cuisine.
The ugliest, plastic slant-eyed faggots.
Insufferable try-shards who try to be white.
For some reason possess superiority complexes.
I can’t wait for Kim to rain hellfire on Seoul.
Not an argument, moron. THe fact remains that Japanese civilization and culture WOULD NOT EXIST if it weren't for Korean innovations.
Honestly...I don't.
I hear they have fast internet though.
Like it.
Or you can get this
>the fact from my koreaboo anus
Sure thing faggot.
the secret to women is peer pressure. Control the cultural narrative and you controls women.
>I can’t wait for Kim to rain hellfire on Seoul.
This so much
They make good cartoons that seem pretty popular in this website
What's going on here?
Train to Busan was pretty good
the only good song from a group tht usually sings like shite but relies on cuteness to be the most popular group in korea.
plastic fantastic women that are nice to look at but otherwise planet hell filled with leprous worker ants.
What the fuck is this shit?
dman shes cute
complete faggots that need their northern brothers to "liberate" them if you know what i mean.
she's super cute
What the fug?
a worse japan
friendly reminder that only white people can become vampires because you need a soul to lose it in the first place
I want to fuck this chick badly, also this is stupid. Like what is this even about, why do women like this at all?
tf the MV has only been out for one day
Same with the women but that doesnt stop Sup Forums from drooling over muh pure asian waifu
Lived there for a year, their public transportation system is great but the entire country is filthy as shit with trash everywhere. Also Seoul is a multicultural shithole, Muslims fucking EVERYWHERE.
no problem with them at all... but then ive never met one in person i dont think
Disgusting aliens that want to subvert young white minds.
It's the best Asia.
who /jeongyeon/ here?
also likey is great and if you don't like it you're probably a nigger
Korea has a huge sexual deviancy/pornography problem
lived there for 3.5 years. Korea is like that gap between a beautiful pussy (Japan) and a huge dirty asshole (china). It is a half ass imitation of japan (which secretly they envy), they lack originality, are butt hurt for shit that happened ages ago yet a great number of korean girls are prostitutes at home and abroad. they have a huge inferiority complex and hate foreigners yet worship whites to the point of shaving off jawbones, whitening skin, getting double eyelid surgery, bleaching hair, etc. There are some good things though, crime is low, if you're white you're set with pussy, and party scene is ridiculous. they try
tzuyu or dubu but the mv got me into sana
Like made-in-China version of Japan.
For honestly, Korea people so close to doing things very well, then fuck up only because bad attitude. Korean with good attitude is rare, but when can find is can be very good friend, worker, anything.
Now we have rich Korean coming for holiday to Japan. Sometimes make cultural mistake in try to be polite. This is understandable so whatever. Most the Korean tourist here actually very nice and enjoy try new Japanese things, so now many Japanese have experience from that and want to go Korea to try Korean thing.
I just worried good things happen Korean people first time in history in South Korea now -- but then have problem like Damokulesu Sword hanging over them now with North Korea. I think no happy ending for this story and Korean get fucked again, so maybe return to bad attitude for another 100 years.
Sub-par Nippon
>why do women like this at all?
They are attention whoring. All women care about is attention, their whole lives revolve around getting attention.
Reminder that Asians are our Hyperborean cousins.
Everyone else are Lemurian shits.
Whites still shouldn't racemix with Asians, but close cultural relations with them are acceptable, and even ideal as an alliance.
binnie though
I'm just playing games
I know that's plastic love
Subhuman gooks. China is way better than such bad copies of Japan.
She's looking a bit too thin these days imo.
Yeah but a good amount of them actually go to SK and get an ugly Korean husband and they're fine with that, as much as white men who go to Asia are fine with ugly Asian women.
Thx to them, white men aren't really depicted as hot men in media. Hollywood is unironically the last place you find hot white men (Pratt, Hemsworth, Affleck, Gosling, Cavill etc)
At the beginning I was all on Tzuyu, but I feel like she's not being 'promoted' as much as Sana or Jihyo in videos and musics
> le 3.8 inch average
> ai laiku eatto doggu and laivu animaru
other than that the're fine I guess.
So many divide and conquer shills in this thread. S. Korea has mandatory mil service for their males. Where do you think their Roof Korean shooting ability comes from?
Not even bad some mix both direction white and East Asian (Yamato, Han, and like). Work well for Russia.
But not good if mix very much. Quickly dilute over generation if remain mostly just Asian and just white. This OK. Can trade favorable phenotype.
I think nothing wrong with eugenics. Work well for animal breeder.
Have stupid idea for Left people today that cannot discuss race. Ask dog trainer about cannot discuss dog breed or horse trainer cannot talk about horse breed. They laugh at you. So why so big deal for human?
Anyway, some mix OK with white and asian I think. Just not good if cannot continue separate tradition -- and this cause cultural barrier anyway, so if have strong Japanese tradition and strong British tradition (for example), only will have very small mixing anyway because only special person can move culture and feel comfortable forever.
Bring back Unit 731
i think likey was mainly momo sana and jihyo. idk tho, not too much of a fan of twice myself
That does make sense, but solely for that purpose?
Belong to south Koreans.
Singapore has mandatory conscription as well but unlike Korea being a faggot is illegal here
한국말을 1년반 동안 잘 배웠고 했으니까 무료로 6주 동안 고려대학교에서 공부했다. 그때 한국과 사랑에 빠졌는데 한국에 다시 가고싶지만 군인이니까 그런 시간이 별로 없을 것 같다 ㅠㅠ
Best Korea
Am I the only one who thinks the name of their album is cringey af ? Wtf, I can't even type it, it's too cringey, and I'm not a soft dude, so that speaks volume about the shitness of the name
yea the population of china dropped by like 20 million during jap occupation
Czechslovakia of Asia.
Kinda in the middle of northern asian cultures with a history of getting invaded alot.
Stupid work ethic, plastic women with the personality of a snowcone and the emotional range of a teacup.
Lots of western emulation but cant shake the asian autismo
American puppet state with no suverenity.
Subhuman dystopian shithole
going for cutesy names will often come off as cringey. Remember, their primary fans r Koreans who dont know enlgish well so its fine to them when they hear random english words.
Your country would probably be just as fucked up sexually and otherwise if the deep state was using it to experiment on a testbed population different social engineering schemes. Look up daughters of megalia and the 3 goddesses. We have crazy militant feminists here, but theirs are on a different level.
>muh shill
Amerifats never cease to amaze me
It is a war. Cannot get feelings hurt for war. Happen before, will happen again. Important thing is to proceed.
I would’ve never thought /kpg/ autists went on Sup Forums.
of course a woman is running it.