
I might go and park my van in the middle of a busy intersection until the cops tow me.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/purple revolution/

I'm going to do nothing, because nothing will happen.

they have a petition.

A petition to what?

Yeah, stay the fuck outta town, stay comfy in my house, parked on the couch with a nice mug of hot chocolate in my hands, with the TV tuned to a news channel so I can watch Antifa get their ass kicked by the police and the National Guard when President Trump declares a national state of emergency.

Okay but what are you going to do for ME

Declare Martial Law. Annihilate the Bolshevik Rebels. Punish them with impunity.

Lol, so dumb

they want MILLIONS of people to riot and get trump thrown out of office and they won't stop till that happens.

sit at home and shitpost on Sup Forums